Building A Central Loghost On CentOS And RHEL 5 With rsyslog

Posted by falko on Jan 12, 2011 6:29 PM EDT
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Gathering log messages is important. In a lot of situations you'll want to store all entries of logfiles on another server. If a server crashes or gets hacked you want to be able to browse through logfiles from this machine and you want to be sure these log files are not altered in any way. This can be accomplished using a central logserver that receives messages from all other hosts. This howto describes rsyslog putting log messages in one file per day per remote host. Rsyslog is the current standard in RHEL6 and available as a package in the current package streams in RHEL 5.5 (and CentOS 5.5). Setting up rsyslog is pretty simple. It all comes down to a single config file but (there is always a but) every setting needs some planning.

Gathering log messages is important. In a lot of situations you'll want to store all entries of logfiles on another server. If a server crashes or gets hacked you want to be able to browse through logfiles from this machine and you want to be sure these log files are not altered in any way. This can be accomplished using a central logserver that receives messages from all other hosts. This howto describes rsyslog putting log messages in one file per day per remote host. Rsyslog is the current standard in RHEL6 and available as a package in the current package streams in RHEL 5.5 (and CentOS 5.5). Setting up rsyslog is pretty simple. It all comes down to a single config file but (there is always a but) every setting needs some planning.

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