and LibreOffice Release Candidates Duke It Out

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jan 18, 2011 8:25 PM EDT
Linux Journal; By Susan Linton
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Oracle-owned and independent LibreOffice are both nearing their freely available 3.3.0 versions and show their wares with recent release candidates. Commercial 3.3 was released by Oracle last month at a licensing fee starting at $49.95 for the Standard Edition, but has yet to release the freely downloadable version for home and small business use. That version has reached RC9, which is said to probably be the last development release before final. On the other side of town, LibreOffice has been releasing development versions as well with the latest being RC3 on January 13, which is rumored to be its last before final as well. LibreOffice has gained popular support probably primarily due to breaking from Oracle control and ownership while offering largely equal functionality.

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And it's goodnight from him Ridcully 39 2,671 Jan 24, 2011 6:19 PM

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