Microsoft releases JavaScript alternative

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Oct 2, 2012 1:34 PM EDT
The Register; By Simon Sharwood
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Microsoft has released a new JavaScript development environment, dubbed TypeScript, and says it is designed to help developers write more complex apps with the popular scripting language. Long-time Reg readers may recall that Microsoft has form giving the world new technologies, but not always for altruistic reasons. During its epic antitrust battle with the US Department of Justice, Microsoft's in-house use of the terms “embrace and extend” or “embrace and smother” came to light to describe the practice of releasing non-standard products, among them software development tools, then using Microsoft's market share to none-too-gently steer the industry towards buying those products to the detriment of competitors.

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Well, they got the "Embrase Extend" part Bob_Robertson 14 2,531 Oct 8, 2012 4:04 PM

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