HP bids adieu to WebOS, Windows RT, and says hello to Android

Posted by sjvn on Feb 15, 2013 5:47 AM EDT
ZDNet; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
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HP may have finally decided on its primary tablet and smartphone operating system, and it's not WebOS or Windows, it's Android. While HP still hasn't made it official, sources are reporting that HP has decided that at least part of its tablet and smartphone future lies not with Windows or WebOS but with Google's Android. Who'd thought it!? Well, I for one did. Look at the facts. Apple CEO Tim Cook recently said that in the last quarter Apple sold 23-million iPads, while HP—the world’s largest PC maker—sold 15-million PCs. And, who's catching up with the iPad in a great hurry? According to IDC that would be Android tablets. Since there's no way in heaven and earth, HP will ever be selling iPads, HP CEO Meg Whitman is hitching HP's wagon to Android's ascending star.

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HP also gonna 'pay up' to M$ then ? henke54 2 2,075 Feb 25, 2013 11:42 AM

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