Fedora 18 + MATE - Not bad for the first attempt

Posted by slacker_mike on Feb 24, 2013 10:31 PM EDT
http://www.dedoimedo.com; By Igor Ljubuncic
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For me, Fedora 18 Spherical Cow was a big disappointment, mostly because Fedora 17 was a big positive surprise. It's like that woman who keeps smiling at you through the dinner and flirts with you, and then when you take her into your motel room, she suddenly starts crying. I mean what's up with that.

Anyhow, I know upfront that MATE will not change anything in terms of how friendly and simple Fedora 18 is. Anaconda stays Anaconda and whatnot. KDE is also a fairly sweet desktop environment, so the fact it did not quite work for me with Spherical Cows does not mean that MATE will suddenly warm my heart. But, if you can ignore the initial woes, and I surely can, then let's see what happens when you plaster the Gnome 2 reborn desktop on the latest Fedora release. Fedora + MATE, take one.

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