Luban Programming Language Beta 1.2 Released

Posted by peterx on Apr 22, 2005 3:38 AM CST; By Peter X Huang
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Luban is a newly released component oriented scripting language. Luban is a clean syntax scripting language with its own component model tailored for scripting purpose. Luban’s component is Java Bean link attribute based object that is simpler than commonly used object oriented model.

Luban New Release Beta 1.2

Based on feed back from increasing number of Luban users, we release Luban Beta 1.2 that major changes are for enhancement sof Luban command line interpreter interface. We thank Luban users for giving feed back. The major changes include the following:

1. Always print out result for script from command line argument -s 2. Better acknowledgement message after interactive script evaluation 3. Start Luban interpreter in interactive mode if no Luban source file and script specified at command line 4. Added “edit” command to use user specified external editor like vi or emacs to edit ad hoc script

Luban is a newly released component oriented scripting language. Luban is a clean syntax scripting language with its own component model tailored for scripting purpose. Luban’s component is Java Bean link attribute based object that is simpler than commonly used object oriented model. Its major features include

- Easy to start, simple and clean syntax, script and run - Java bean like property based component model - Component can be a process or a composition ( like spreadsheet) - All data types and components are saved in a namespace hierarchy - Built-in thread dispatching and synchronization - Component interface inheritance - Dynamic type checking - Reflection - Serialize and send any object over network or into a file. - Remote Component Call - Exception free error handling. - API to import new data types from C++

Platforms: - Linux - WIN32( NT, 2000, XP, with Cygwin) - Or any platform supporting POSIX standard Compilers: - gcc 3.0 and up - or any ANSI compliant C++ compiler with thread safe STL and POSIX

If you like scripting language and you wish your language can go all the way further, or you do Java/C++ and wish to script a little sometimes Luban is for you. Check out more details at: []

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