What if the Microsoft trial was rigged?
As a commentator, I have written enough about the connections amongst the BSA, Microsoft, Preston Gates and political figures that Congress should at least convene a hearing. No one has a smoking gun at this point, but then we have some exhibits you could present to support a strong case. I have recently examined documents and listened to taped messages that astounded me. One investigator has collected far more information than I could imagine. But as I explained to him, people will consider all the evidence he may put up on the Internet as the ramblings of a conspiracy theorist. At the moment, we have no deep throat to tell us where to find the ammunition needed. Did you know that the entire Enron mail archives exist on the Internet? In those emails you will find some damning evidence of relationships currently denied by defendants who have already pleaded guilty to high crimes and misdemeanors. While the Enron email database exists on the Internet, a peculiar fact might take you back. Someone stripped all the attachments to the emails. I find that odd. Still, we have significant evidence that cooperation occured amongst the several parites. Who knew who and what did they do together? Here's an email from the Enron database:
Who is Susan Ralston? She became Mr. Karl Rove's personal assistant. But , of course, this isn't a smoking gun and proves nothing. Any overwhelming evidence?Overwhelming evidence exists that Free and Open Source software could save our citizens hundreds of billions of dollars. In spite of that, our government continues to impede its use. Instead of putting our high tech workers back to work, we import cheap labor and export high tech jobs. As an economist, I am baffled by the lack of stimulation in our own eonomy by government spending on software and hardware. Where is the hardware made? In China. Where is the software created? In India. Hundreds of thousands of experienced technology workers don't have jobs. The industry suffers from chronic unemployment. Our technology work force has been unemployed so long that they don't count in the employment figures. The media that put Richard Nixon out of a job in the mid-1970's and helped end the Vietnam War has remained quiet through these times. Yet with a government that appears locked up because so many of its members have ties to special interests, the media remains our only hope of budging this government. Just as Microsoft appears to have gone outside the legal system to win its case, so too, should our citizenry continue to ask questions and go outside the establishment. But, I don't believe the voters know enough about the issues to demand a voice. So, it becomes difficult to gain traction where we need it. Apathy and InertiaAs an example of political apathy and inertia, I think about my own precinct. As a kid, I remember meetings in what looked like a town hall. People stood up and spoke about the issues of the day. I found it an amazing example for school children my age. Over the last six years, I have attended precinct meetings where the attendees included me and the other guy breaking down the tables in the bay of a firehouse. We elect each other chairman and election judge. In contrast, when our town proposed cutting down a half dozen trees in a park, people filled the courthouse demanding a counsel meeting. Volunteers passed out pamphlets and rallied the neighbors to attend. All this over a half dozen pecan trees near an antebellum park next to a creek at city hall. Radical Activism A couple of days ago, one of our readers pointed me to a couple of posts made by one of our former readers. Here's one you might like from OSNews:
The post lives on OSnews.com where they posted a link to our story baffooning Marc Andreesen for saying that OpenSolaris is a better Linux that Linux. And if you recall, I wrote several stories favoring Sun posted here on Lxer where I took some flack for my position. In addition, I authored a book entitled "Exploring the JDS Linux Desktop" for O'Reilly Media. I also setup the community web site, JDSHelp.org at my own expense. The post was written by Steve Bergman and I have no idea why he would have made the statements he did. In an email to me he once wrote here at LXer: I know this is now ancient history, but I went back and read over your article about Michael Dell's investment in Red Hat a few times a couple of days ago, and this has bothered me a bit. In a post at LinuxToday Steve wrote:
Somehow, I never thought of myself as a radical activist, but someone who had a compulsion for getting at the truth. For example, at Osnews.com, where they linked to "Linux is a better Linux than Sun Solaris10", I saw some comments such as: "He does not go into any comparison about dTrace. Arguably the most sought after reason for upgrading to Solaris 10 over previous version". True, I did not say anything about dtrace in that article even though one of our editors has asked me to reveal what we know about Solaris10: Something that very few people discuss. We could even slant it in a way that would shine an unfavorable light on Sun. In December of 2004, I learned about a hacker in the UK that offers a root kit that creates problems for Solaris10. We saw no reason to disclose it. Brian Cantrell wrote to me about it saying:
I happen to have a high regard for Brian's and his colleagues' work. But, how many people know about SInAR, a nasty root kit that can help a cracker do serious damage to Solaris10 with the help of Dtrace? Have you ever seen a mention of it in a security advisory? We should do nothingEdmund Burke once said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Many advocates throughout history have come under the ridicule of trolls. Advocates come in all shapes and sizes and cover many sides of various issues.What we do at LXer fits more of the model of muckraking, Muckracking historically dealt with investigating and exposing societal issues such as political corruption, corporate crime, child labor, conditions in slums and prisons, unsanitary conditions in food processing, fraudulent claims, etc. Ralph Nader provides an example of a contemporary muckraker in his book, Unsafe at Any Speed (1965). This book questioned corporate power and their ability to transfer risk to consumers which increased a company's profits. In his letter to the court in US v Microsoft, he questioned that same issue. The Jungle (1906) by Upton Sinclair's prompted federal legislation regulating food and drug practices. Like Nader, he failed as a political candidate. He helped found the American Civil Liberties Association. He also won a Pulitzer Prize. Consider him a muckraker. I do not consider the pursuit of truth as fanaticism and an ongoing vendetta as Steve Bergman states. He could say it to me rather than apologizing for me in a post on OSNews. But then, I didn't authorize him to apologize for me and I don't believe he represents the FLOSS community as he calls it. I also find it interesting that he's been a FLOSS advocate longer than the Open Source Initiative has been in existence. Seeking the Truth About MicrosoftThe law says that a belief is all that is necessary to bring a cause of action against another party. In my dealing with others, I have heard people say they believe the trial against Microsoft, a monopolist, had some rigging to it. Do you believe that yourself?If so, you must recuse yourself from any activities to find or orchestrate an effort to discover the truth. Why? Because you are a fanatic with an ongoing vendetta against Microsoft. And, you have to repeat after me: Evidence be damned! Here's what I believe: the outcome of the trial may have been rigged. Enough questions exist about the trial and the subsequent settlement to find out if Ralph Reed, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay and others got to anyone in the administration that swayed the outcome. So if the trial was rigged, what are people prepared to do about it? Huh? |
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