MySQL Cookbook 2nd Edition

Posted by tripwire45 on Feb 5, 2007 11:32 PM EDT; By James Pyles
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I had reviewed O'Reilly's Learning MySQL by Tahaghoghi and Williams for Linux Magazine (published in Europe and known in the U.S. and Canada as Linux Pro Magazine) and was pondering the difference between 'Learning' MySQL and having a 'Cookbook' on the same subject by the same publisher. I suppose it's the difference between learning the basic principles of cooking vs. vastly deepening your repertoire of cooking styles and recipes. To quote from the Linux Magazine review of Learning MySQL, 'The book is primarily written for readers who "don't know much about deploying and using an actual database-management system...".' To quote from the Introduction of MySQL Cookbook, 'This book should be useful for anybody who uses MySQL...The book should appeal to people who do not now use MySQL but would like to'.

Seems a little confusing to me. I'd have guessed that Learning MySQL would be for people wanting the basic nuts and bolts knowledge of MySQL and MySQL Cookbook would be for someone familiar with this database technology and wanting to deepen their knowledge. After all, a 'cookbook' is a collection of recipes for someone who already knows how to boil water and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but who may need some help cooking a roast turkey with all the trimmings (don't look at me, I prefer to barbecue).

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