Tux500: Why This Matters

Posted by bobm77 on May 12, 2007 5:32 AM EDT
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I've been at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, covering action for Tux500 for the last several days. I've seen the crowd that is walking around the garage area, the crowd that is milling around on Pit Lane, the fan that is sitting in the stands. I'm here observing the reaction to Tux and to Linux.

I've been at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, covering action for Tux500 for the last several days. I've seen the crowd that is walking around the garage area, the crowd that is milling around on Pit Lane, the fan that is sitting in the stands.

I'm here observing the reaction to Tux and to Linux.

You know what I've seen? I've seen little girls falling in love with a pudgy little penguin, and having their pictures taken in front of his car.

I've seen corporate execs (and trust me, there will be a lot of them here over the next 3 weeks) talking about the Linux operation system, and telling me they're considering using it, or expanding use of it in their operations.

I've seen sports fans jotting down the URL of Tux500.com, or the name Linux, making a note to themselves to check out the sponsor of a car in their favorite pastime. One of them, who had never even heard of Linux handed me a $20 bill, and said he'd be rooting for us.

This is an underdog team... the kind of team that sports fans love to root for. A small, local team celebrating the 10th anniversary of it's first Indianapolis 500. A team with a unique, and very special sponsor... a community of people promoting something that they built... that they love.

For these reasons, and more, this matters.

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I never thought of it like that. kozmcrae 0 1,417 May 12, 2007 7:43 AM

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