DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 301

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on May 4, 2009 1:28 PM EDT
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Last week we took a look at how two distributions based on the same environment and one a derivative of the other, can actually be very different. Xubuntu and Debian both use the same package management system and both have the same suites of software available. So what makes them so different when installed out of the box? Can Xubuntu be just as lightweight as its Debian counterpart? This week we take another look at how Xubuntu 9.04 fairs when installed in a more minimalist manner. In the news this past week, Mandriva developers make massive updates to "Cooker" following the stable 2009.1 release, four main BSD projects all announce new updates of their flagship products, the openSUSE community releases updated media for 11.1 with KDE 4.2.2, users of the Arch Linux distribution put together a free community magazine, the creator of Puppy Linux looks set for a return to the helm of the project, and Oracle's Solaris (no, the name doesn't roll off the tongue easily here either) is rumoured to be working on version 11 set for release in the middle of 2010. Finally, we are pleased to announce that the recipient of the April 2009 DistroWatch.com donation is Python, the popular programming language.

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» Read more about: Groups: Debian, Mandriva, Oracle, KDE, Community, Linux; Story Type: News Story

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Shameless self-promotion caitlyn 3 974 May 4, 2009 6:07 PM

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