Benchmarking ZFS On FreeBSD vs. EXT4 & Btrfs On Linux

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jul 27, 2010 5:25 PM EDT
Phoronix; By Michael Larabel
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ZFS is often looked upon as an advanced, superior file-system and one of the strong points of the Solaris/OpenSolaris platform while most feel that only recently has Linux been able to catch-up on the file-system front with EXT4 and the still-experimental Btrfs. ZFS is copy-on-write, self-healing with 256-bit checksums, supports compression, online pool growth, scales much better than the UFS file-system commonly used on BSD operating systems, supports snapshots, supports deduplication, and the list goes on for the features of this file-system developed by Sun Microsystems. In this article we are seeing how well the performance of the ZFS file-system under PC-BSD/FreeBSD 8.1 stacks up to UFS (including UFS+J and UFS+S) and on the Linux side with EXT4 and Btrfs.

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Sort of makes ZFS on linux a moot point, eh? herzeleid 13 2,308 Jul 30, 2010 5:02 PM

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