Improving The Linux Desktop: 20 Needed Fixes

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Nov 2, 2010 8:10 PM EDT
Datamation; By Matt Hartley
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I love using Linux. I enjoy the control over the computing experience it affords me and how I can choose exactly how my desktop is to be run. I'm not some guy writing Linux articles on a Windows box or a Mac. I "live Linux" exclusively, every-single-day. And I have done this for years. That said, I’ve put myself into the position of those who are new to desktop Linux or simply overwhelmed by something within the platform. With this article, I hope to address new ideas alongside some challenges that I believe, if dealt with realistically, would make using Linux more accessible for everyone.

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There's some pretty good ideas/suggestions in there. tracyanne 16 1,008 Nov 5, 2010 10:20 AM

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