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" affordable, simple pricing..." We're so close to losing the Internet - right now! Hello!
raising cattle We're so close to losing the Internet - right now! Hello!
This is not news Sarbanes-Oxley may up the ante for GPL violations
quote Column: Why open source databases are ripe for acquisition in 2006
Simple: if it says that it can be given away, it can. Free software? You can't just give it away
It is a Linux worm because... How is this a GNU/Linux Worm?
I had a somewhat similar idea. How to Build a Linux Service Business
Sounds like it's put-up or shut-up time. A question of anti-trust
a key quote Linux taken for a ride in the Old West
cooperation Microsoft keeps eye on open-source prize
great Terrorist Alert: Microsoft reveals piracy battle plan for the UK
self-regulating... We're so close to losing the Internet - right now! Hello!
How is this a GNU/Linux worm Linux worm turns on Mambo and PHP
Hmmm - PHP Version 1.x? Linux worm turns on Mambo and PHP
This is good news. Terrorist Alert: Microsoft reveals piracy battle plan for the UK
That came with my OS. All of them. Linux Ubuntu - the installation mystery unravels
They forgot Fedora Core 5 test 3 A good day for beta Linux lovers
Ark sounds gentooreat.. Which Distribution Do You Use for Your Desktop? Arch Linux
When do we start? How to Build a Linux Service Business
The unspoken qualifier in that press release was... Terrorist Alert: Microsoft reveals piracy battle plan for the UK

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