2nd Generation FUD

Story: Open source: mob mentality or innovation engine?Total Replies: 5
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Jan 07, 2008
8:39 PM EDT
I think what we are beginning to see with this and I am sure other articles that are so extremely way off base in is the emergence of 2nd Generation FUD. It has to be asked. How many times does an interpretation have to be reinterpreted before it becomes a misinterpretation?

It is sad if not emberassing for someone that is viewed as intelligent to have boughten into the FUD enough to apply it to science. This shows a complete lack of independent thinking which makes sense in this case as he tries to make a point for the MINE! mentality. Furthermore somehow the world is going to further science by black holing scientific research?

When they believed the FUD they were already 14 degrees off course. By not researching their facts for themselves they have added exponentially to the amount by which they are off course. By opening their mouth about it the amount that they are off course is the square root of lost.

The other question that has to be asked. Would it end with the scientific community? What would be next Education? hmmmm

Just a thought.

Jan 07, 2008
11:36 PM EDT
Hear-Hear! land0!

You know, when you think about it, reading is certainly a tool of the mob mentality and obviously far too "open"..


Jan 08, 2008
5:43 AM EDT
> You know, when you think about it, reading is certainly a tool of the mob mentality and obviously far too "open"..

What's worse is that schools are actually teaching this "reading", which blatantly circumvents my proprietary 4 step rot13 encryption technique, thus violating the DCMA. I'm half tempted to file a lawsuit. Unfortunately, they're doing such a bad job of teaching "reading" that I suspect my suit would be declared invalid, as most people can't seem to utilize it.

Jan 08, 2008
6:16 AM EDT
The Colonel is opening a Mental Illness Theme Park. All the LXers can send an application, you will be accepted!

Jan 08, 2008
7:05 AM EDT
@Scott_Rucker roflol

@jdixon I laughed so hard until I read what @ColonelPanik wrote. Somehow your point on the current state of peoples inability to read suddenly struck home in a very real and frightening way. :D


Jan 08, 2008
10:04 AM EDT
Quoting:All the LXers can send an application
I'll send Evolution.

If that doesn't get me in, nothing will.

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