all of them failed

Story: WaSP gives browsers "fail" gradeTotal Replies: 17
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Mar 05, 2008
8:00 PM EDT
ah, the Register, snarkiest publication there is! It says all browsers failed, so it seems a bit mean to pick on IE. Not that it doesn't deserve it, but it's like kicking a feeble victim who can't get away.

Mar 05, 2008
10:20 PM EDT
Well, you *are* talking about El Reg, which is more of a tech tabloid than a tech magazine. Then again, that's why I enjoy reading it :-)

Mar 05, 2008
11:20 PM EDT
Quoting:It says all browsers failed, so it seems a bit mean to pick on IE. Not that it doesn't deserve it, but it's like kicking a feeble victim who can't get away.
Not really. After lots of bluster, continuing claims of superiority, and "all that jazz," the would-be Greatest Browser on Earth comes across more like the armless, legless Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

"I'll bite your legs off!"

Mar 05, 2008
11:22 PM EDT
Here's a mean spirited (but as far as I am concerned, well deserved) statement;

Somebody's got to make Linux Journal look good, at least 'The Reg' doesn't display advertisements that demean Women.

Sorry, but that felt really good..

edit: I know it is not very professional of me to say such things but I would rather seem un-professional for a lifetime than sexist for a second.

Mar 05, 2008
11:50 PM EDT
Firefox beta 3 on Windows, I tried it at work today, get 59%. The page rendered looks like the benchmark image but the colours are missing, and there are a couple of artifacts.

Mar 06, 2008
3:31 AM EDT
Firefox 2 gets 50%, IE7 gets about 20%. So there are several levels of "fail" :) Konqueror failed too, but at least it was in the failing elite ;)

What's more important is that either the browsers are really, really poor, or the standards are unimplementable (as in "require extraordinary effort").

Mar 06, 2008
6:29 AM EDT
Quoting:What's more important is that either the browsers are really, really poor, or the standards are unimplementable (as in "require extraordinary effort").

Neither. ACID3 targets CSS3 which is not even standardized yet. Likewise, ACID2 tests CSS2.1 and the original ACID test was for CSS1 compliance.

That said, today I tested a beta of IE8 and it failed ACID2 quite horribly.

Mar 06, 2008
9:29 AM EDT
I refer your goodselves to the following...


Mar 06, 2008
10:42 AM EDT
LOL How true... I was just looking at my site the other evening to see how badly it fails xhtml1 strict...not TOO far off, but enough off that it would be a pain to do...guess I'll stick with xhtml1 transitional for the moment...

Mar 06, 2008
1:32 PM EDT
Installing IE8 Beta on Mandriva GNU Linux

Mar 06, 2008
2:50 PM EDT
Firefox beta 3 on Linux (Mandriva 2008.0/2008.1 or there abouts), gets 58%.

Firefox doesn't pass the Acid 2 test but Firefox 3 Beta 3 does. So what we have is the current pre release versions of IE and FF both pass the Acid 2 test, while not passing the Acid 3 Test.

Mar 06, 2008
4:32 PM EDT
Quoting:current pre release versions of IE and FF both pass the Acid 2 test

Nope. FF3 passes ACID2. IE8 beta does not. I tested it today and it was about as bad as FF2's rendering of ACID2.

Mar 06, 2008
5:09 PM EDT
Quoting:IE8 beta does not.

Nope I tested it this morning my time, after downloading it this morning, and it does pass.

Mar 06, 2008
5:11 PM EDT
I ran it on MS Windows XP SP2 running in a Virtual Box VM on my Mandriva Linux Laptop.

Mar 06, 2008
10:05 PM EDT
I tested it on XP Pro, non-virtualized.(Yech. I had to go wash my hands after that). I'll see if I can do another test today.

Mar 06, 2008
10:59 PM EDT
Sander I can post a screendump.

Mar 22, 2008
4:09 PM EDT
My testsresults:

Opera 9.26: 47 FF 53 Konq 3.5.8: Crashes (!)

For fun: Links: Error because it doesn't support JS, but at least doesn't crash (duh, but just had to try) Lynx: Same result as Links but slower IE 6.0.2900.2180 SP2 in VMWare: 1

Beta: Opera 9.50-beta2-p1875: 77 (Impressive! However, first crashed before reaching this result the second try)

All on Linux. Wasn't able to test FF3 as of yet; since I can't get it runnin' as of yet; ebuild fails on Gentoo last time I tried (have to try Klik2-version of it).

Care to share your actual scores? We could do a very short 'blog' about it listing the results of the 'LXer jury'.

Mar 23, 2008
3:14 AM EDT
I tested iceweasel 3.0~b3 compiled from sources from Debian experimental and it gives 60, but the rendering is botched for some pages... And I mean "bitched", bot just "a few pixels off" ;) Maybe it's the experimental version of cairo I had to compile as well...

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