pup is home!!

Story: Lost Puppies, Stray Cattle, and High-TechTotal Replies: 19
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Oct 25, 2008
9:35 PM EDT
Hurrah, she found her way home! Poor little bugger was gone from about 8am-10pm, and she was injured. Had to make a trip to the critter ER and get a bunch of stitches. I know what happened, though I have to be careful what I say since I don't have good proof-- a certain person had her and she escaped. Too bad it isn't a capital offense to be a useless waste of space.


Oct 25, 2008
10:22 PM EDT
People who mistreat animals should be turned into fertilizer...only good use for em' if you ask me.

Oct 26, 2008
3:15 AM EDT
Glad to hear your fur baby is back home.

I understand something of what you went through - someone made off with our little chihuahua last year and it was a horrible feeling until we got her back.

Oct 26, 2008
11:48 AM EDT
w00t! Give her a hug and kiss from the Colonel.

Oct 26, 2008
12:06 PM EDT
+10 -- we're glad she's home! Milk Bones for everyone!

Oct 26, 2008
12:43 PM EDT
What if you're lactose-intolerant?

Oct 26, 2008
1:06 PM EDT
gus3, then you get a succulent turkey neck! First your human parents cook up the turkey necks to make delicious soup stock, and then you show how you can be very good and sit politely and accept a big chunk of neck nicely, without snapping. Then you get to go outside and sit in the sun and eat it.

Oct 26, 2008
4:41 PM EDT

Don't worry I will get you some milk substitute from China, no lactose content at all. However, stay away from heated objects and constricted space where you might be extruded into a different entity. No telling in advance what your final form might be.


Oct 26, 2008
10:57 PM EDT
I've never been extruded before. Sounds like an interesting experience.

Oct 27, 2008
9:31 AM EDT
Quoting: ... never been extruded before. Sounds like an interesting experience.

My advice is to fore go the experience. On a human scale, think of it as being sucked into an anemic black hole. No one is certain what comes out on the other side on a black hole, though they are known to leak. However, extrusion means massive, usually permanent molecular realignment. Moreover, it could be extremely painful.

Oct 27, 2008
2:25 PM EDT
Glad to hear she's back TC. I know what it's like to lose a pet.

Oct 27, 2008
5:38 PM EDT
All of our pets 2 dogs (Chihuahua/Fox terrier cross and Maltese/Maltese Shihzu cross) 3 cats (1 Rag doll and two moggies) and two birds (a blue Budgie and an Alexandrian Parrot) have been given to us by people who can no longer look after them, or who don't want them any more.

On a couple of occasions we've taken obviously unwanted animals (a cat that had just had kittens, and which had been very badly treated by a near neighbour, and a similarly mistreated and starving dog, that someone a few streets away habitually left to fend for itself) to an animal refuge in a nearby town.

Oct 27, 2008
5:57 PM EDT
All of our critters are adoptees-- they just showed up. Firecracker the big dog found us on July 4th at the fireworks show. After everyone left he was still there, skinny and scared. Pinball the cat had a feral mom, and Stash the cat showed up at the door one day and announced he was moving in. Rubs the cat had been dumped at a state park.

Layla came from a (typically idiotic Grant County) neighbor who lives on 20 acres but keeps her dogs in a little pen. Layla's mom escaped and returned in a family way. I decided to shortcut the adoption process and take her home when she was still a puppy, instead of waiting until she got abandoned somewhere.

Oct 27, 2008
8:24 PM EDT
> All of our critters are adoptees-- they just showed up.

Likewise for our (currently) 5 cats. They've all shown up as strays.

Oct 27, 2008
9:26 PM EDT
My dog, named giggles by my at the time 3 year old son, followed me home on an airplane.

I was out working in a remote village in Alaska, Kalskag if I remember correctly. When this little black puppy comes wandering out of the woods. My buddy and I share a little lunch with her and so she proceeds into the building and curls up for a nap. When we are done we wander back over to the gravel strip that passes for a runway and she follows us. Finally when the plane lands and the carnival of 4 wheelers shows up to meet the plane, we get on and the silly little thing is giving everything she can to get on with us. No one knows whose dog it is (in a village of 100-250 people everyone knows everything about each other) so the pilot picks her up and hands her back to me.

Thats how my dog adopted me. House broken inside 3 weeks and probably the smartest dog I have ever known.

Oct 27, 2008
11:06 PM EDT
Our dogs have all come to us as a last resort as well. A minpin came into our yard and sat down in 2001, and nobody claimed him. He's been here ever since. We actually went to a minpin rescue center a year later to get our minpin beagle mix. And our little apple head chihuahua, the baby of the family, came in 2005 from a broken home where she could no longer be cared for.

Oct 28, 2008
1:44 AM EDT
Let's hear it for adopted pets.

My parents' German shepherd(?) dog came from the Humane Society, and is very much a people-pleaser. Generally she behaves well, although once in a while "her enthusiasm gets the better of her."

After seeing how she is, I'll never buy a pet from a breeder.

Oct 28, 2008
7:55 AM EDT
Well, I guess while we are on the topic:


This is a cat we met at about 6 weeks old (estimated) ... we first saw him while driving along the highway - he was flying through the air. Two children were trying to kill him by throwing him into traffic. He managed to avoid traffic by staying on the white line for a few seconds, earning him the temporary nickname Centerline Slim. Then, he scurried off the road and up a tree where we plucked him like a fruit.

And I shan't elaborate on what followed. Let's just say I was tad angry, and giggling children made it into something worse than anger.

Oct 28, 2008
10:27 AM EDT
Kitteeeee!! That is one chock-full of personality cat, jacog. What a cutie!


Oct 28, 2008
11:42 AM EDT
Our pets are like Linux. We just stumble over some stray and end up being totally taken over by the critter. Are any of our pets or distros 100% perfect? No. But damn do we love em.

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