Hey, your distro sucks!

Story: Hey, your distro sucks!Total Replies: 18
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Mar 27, 2009
10:24 AM CST
What Larry says!

/sarcasm below

And your desktop manager of choice sucks too. Maybe the car you drive and your choice of pets can go on the list? And Scott, that tie.... Az, I gotta tell ya I have problems with the state you live in. People from other countries....well there you go, its a problem. Bob R. Your politics is not at all correct or needed. The rest of you are on this list also.



Mar 27, 2009
10:44 AM CST
Where's the sarcasm? Reads like regular tech drivel where facts are trumped by the writer's opinion of the moment.

Mar 27, 2009
10:50 AM CST
That's not a tie...lol!!

Mar 27, 2009
10:51 AM CST
I gotta say...

From the blurb posted on lxer... the word


cracks me up!

Mar 27, 2009
11:05 AM CST
yup, that word is a keeper.

Mar 27, 2009
12:45 PM CST
pastored -- If that word ever makes the OED, I will die a happy man.

[And, Scott, that's =NOT= a tie . . . ?! Heh. Thanks for letting "dogmatard" pass]

Mar 27, 2009
3:30 PM CST
I had to say something funny..

Mar 27, 2009
4:27 PM CST
Quoting:I had to say something funny.

Is that in your contract?

Mar 27, 2009
4:29 PM CST
There is a contract on Scott?

Mar 27, 2009
4:33 PM CST
I heart helpful people who go out of their way to inform me of my many glaring defects. It makes me a better person all full of love.

Mar 27, 2009
5:02 PM CST
Yeah TC we know and thats why you are on the list. Tough Geek Love.

Mar 27, 2009
5:12 PM CST
Quoting:I heart helpful people who go out of their way to inform me of my many glaring defects. It makes me a better person all full of love.
Glad we could help.

Mar 27, 2009
6:16 PM CST
Speaking of glaring defects -- namely, my own -- I have a correction: Karsten Wade’s post which I refer to in this blog appeared in the “Larry the Fedora Guy” version of the Road Trip of the Penguins: Epilogue (which was the same blog under a different name — long story there).

Here it is:


Sorry to those who went looking for it but couldn't find it.

Mar 27, 2009
7:03 PM CST
> I heart helpful people who go out of their way to inform me of my many glaring defects.

Isn't that why most people keep a significant other around?

Mar 27, 2009
7:29 PM CST
Quoting:Isn't that why most people keep a significant other around?
Nah, it's when they become insignificant others you finally get the real scoop.

Mar 27, 2009
7:36 PM CST
Colonel; If there is one, someone needs to pay them more money.

But I'm suck a likable guy../cough/I'm quiet, never speak my mind or gets emotional, has very many serious opinions on anything, I don't get into long discussions or get mad and let others see it../cough/

who would wanna hurt little ole' me?


Mar 28, 2009
6:17 AM CST

The world you live in is an illusion. Do you think bullies* pick on people that are likely to put up a fight? Case closed.


* Specifically excluding the Colonel from this classification.

Mar 28, 2009
3:24 PM CST
The Pacifist Hit Man?

Mar 30, 2009
1:03 AM CST
The Pacifist Hit Man uses love taps to kill.

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