This election's got nothing on 1800

Story: Standards of Political Civility and Darwin's FinchesTotal Replies: 6
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Nov 02, 2010
2:14 PM EDT
This election is "worse" only if one forgets the election of 1800.

I don't think any president has been accused of having 6 children with his slaves since then.

Nov 02, 2010
2:29 PM EDT
History is not the strong point of most technical folks, Bob. And you know what they say about those who don't learn from history.

Nov 02, 2010
2:44 PM EDT
oh the straight line ... jd why do you do that to me?

There are so many good and historically accurate responses to that which I cant use due to TOS. I have a good half dozen jumping to mind right now, maybe I'll just hold on to them and wait to see if there are a few who desperately cry out for a history lesson.

Nov 02, 2010
3:00 PM EDT
In their own words from 1800:

Editors: zap this comment if you must. I won't be offended.

Nov 02, 2010
3:08 PM EDT
Surely one (almost) can't blame you, dear thread-participators, as the article is 90% about politics and nothing else.

Though lots of smear-campaigns are definitely software related too. I remember ISO committee stuffing, conflict of interest of pro-software-patent politicians, resignation of Peter Quinn, and what more (as you see, I mostly remember Microsoft things, which shows my interest).

To me, the most interesting thing is this election receives much less attention in the media than the previous one, at least here in Europe. I think many people (globally) are tired of hearing about US-elections. Count me in as well, please.

Nov 02, 2010
3:33 PM EDT
Hans, I heard two reports this morning that polling stations are VERY busy today. One station said they had more people vote in the first 90 minutes, than they had during the entire general election 2 years ago.

Of course, the day's not done yet.

Nov 02, 2010
4:16 PM EDT
All I will say is get out and vote. Don't tell me who your voting for, just vote. :-)

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