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Story: The Audacity of Carla Schroder Total Replies: 33
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Jan 26, 2011
5:31 PM EDT
Congratulations Carla. You are the hardest working person in the bid'ness and I hope this sails (sales) off the shelves. I produced an entire radio commercial with Audacity so I know the capabilities of this software.

I am looking forward to reading it. We give A LOT of computers to kids that get music theory/band scholarships.

Carla, thank you for your hard work.

Oh...and congratulations on getting electricity run out to your place.

When are they scheduled to introduce plumbing?


Jan 26, 2011
5:39 PM EDT
The headline on the story made me laugh, mostly because I had forgotten that the book is about to be published.

I'm an Audacity user and I will definitely be buying this book.

Jan 26, 2011
5:51 PM EDT
The part that interested me was: "shares facts about herself you won’t find anywhere else,"

TC's been holding out on us. :(

Jan 26, 2011
6:17 PM EDT
Speak for yourself, jdixon.

Jan 26, 2011
6:19 PM EDT
Quoting:I swear if I get asked "Why can't you just use MS Word?" one more time I will get violent.

My answer is "Why can't you use LaTeX?" The funny thing is that the question always comes from people who've never used anything other than MS Word. They have no clue how much easier it is to format a large document in LaTeX.

Jan 26, 2011
7:33 PM EDT
I liked this:

"I've always been good with my hands, the classic tinkerer taking things apart to figure out how they work. And of course putting them back together, sometimes in better ways. (And sometimes not!) I used to be able to diagnose and repair cars, back in the olden days before they were computerized, I'm a decent carpenter..."

Turns out I am the exact opposite. Bloody hopeless with practical things especially cars (my wife is screaming YES in the background) and I finished 136/137 in woodwork at school.

But I love tinkering with Linux. Go figure!

Jan 26, 2011
9:36 PM EDT
There are many ways to tinker!

Quoting: Oh...and congratulations on getting electricity run out to your place.

When are they scheduled to introduce plumbing?

We don't bother with such effete affectations.

Jan 26, 2011
10:17 PM EDT
Congratulations on your latest book. I'll bug my local public library to buy at least two copies. :-) (They're kinda hopeless about purchasing Linux and open source-related books ever since I retired a few years ago.)

Jan 26, 2011
11:11 PM EDT
Tasty words Carla! I'll be getting the f's and t's out repeating that for the next week. Thanks..;-)

I am in love with circuitous sentences..its sad really.


Jan 26, 2011
11:38 PM EDT
Look a' here That ain't workin' that's the way you do it You play the guitar on your MTV That ain't workin' that's the way you do it Money for nothin' and your chicks for free Money for nothin' and chicks for free


Jan 27, 2011
10:37 AM EDT
> Money for nothin' and chicks for free...

You keep that up and you'll be banned in Canada, Dino. :)

For the curious.

Jan 27, 2011
11:19 AM EDT

I ain't Canadian. Besides, for a hard-workin' farmgirl like TC, getting chicks for free makes eggs a lot cheaper.

Jan 27, 2011
11:44 AM EDT
> I ain't Canadian.

Neither is the band Dire Straits.

Jan 27, 2011
1:12 PM EDT

Jan 27, 2011
1:27 PM EDT
@TC -

Error duly noted. What a cluckup.

Jan 27, 2011
1:42 PM EDT
"You keep that up and you'll be banned in Canada, Dino. :)"

Here's a Canadian take on this (I am Canadian :-) ) -- the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (that did the banning based on one (!) complaint) is an industry-based organization, not a government one. Radio stations here weren't best-pleased about the ruling. A couple weeks ago radio stations defied the order and played the original version . One Edmonton radio station played the original for an hour non-stop. As far as I can tell the sky hasn't fallen. :-)

Jan 27, 2011
1:48 PM EDT
> A couple weeks ago radio stations defied the order and played the original version .

Good for them.

Jan 27, 2011
1:54 PM EDT
@beirwin -

>As far as I can tell the sky hasn't fallen.

That's being held off for optimal ratings.

Jan 27, 2011
1:59 PM EDT
"That's being held off for optimal ratings."

Oh, you old cynic, Dino! -- you're as bad as I am. :-)

Jan 27, 2011
3:53 PM EDT

As good, you mean.

Wait -- better!

Jan 27, 2011
3:59 PM EDT
So how did this thread derail so much it's now actually about Justin Bieber?

Guess once he will be old too, like Bryan Adams, Celine Dion and Neil Young. Until then, I beg CBSC to ban anything Bieber from the net. I mean, come on, the guy doesn't even speak Canadian! What a farce...

Jan 27, 2011
11:57 PM EDT
This is a funny story. After posting here for as long as I have, on Daemon Forums I got an instant slap for derailing my first thread ... probably happened within my first half-dozen posts ...

You've all ruined me for serious geekdom.

Jan 28, 2011
1:36 AM EDT
Quoting:banned in Canada

OH for XXXX sake, have people lost their sense of humour completely

Jan 28, 2011
9:50 AM EDT
> ...have people lost their sense of humour completely

Only those with authority, TA.

Jan 28, 2011
1:21 PM EDT
@ta --

No nation that embraces curling and beer can be completely without a sense of humor.

Jan 28, 2011
6:00 PM EDT
Anyone who has read Carla's writing for years as I have knows she has plenty of audacity :) The interview was a good read. Why am I not surprised?

I'll keep an eye out for the book. I do use Audacity but I barely skim the surface of what it can do. I still like old fashioned print books to learn from and use as reference better than the newfangled electronic ones.

Jan 28, 2011
6:03 PM EDT
Quoting:No nation that embraces curling and beer can be completely without a sense of humor.

Nobody but Canadians, Scandinavians, and a small but persistent part of the populations of Alaska and Minnesota understands what curling is or how it works. I tried to watch Olympic coverage of it once but I fell asleep before I could figure it out. I tried again but learned that the soporific effects of curling are truly powerful.

Jan 28, 2011
8:36 PM EDT
@dinotrac and caitlyn

"No nation that embraces curling and beer can be completely without a sense of humor."

"I tried to watch Olympic coverage of it once but I fell asleep before I could figure it out."

As a Canadian I just couldn't couldn't resist some comments here. Dinotrac is right ... we *love* curling (and are good at it), most of the beer is tastes great & has a kick, and collectively we have a great sense of humour, especially the self-deprecating variety.

Caitlyn, you must not have listening to the right broadcast! You gotta have broadcasters who really know the game, explain things clearly to newbies, and of course have a sense of humour! The best broadcast is on TSN (tsn,ca) with Linda Moore, Vic Rauter, and Russ Howard. Trust me, curling is very exciting, especially if the game is tied in the last end. It's nail-biting time then. :-)

Here are a couple links that you might find helpful: -- from the City of Windsor, Ontario. Short and to the point. -- more details from Wikipedia .

More information than you ever wanted I imagine. :-)



Jan 28, 2011
8:43 PM EDT
@beirwin, any country that would have a beer named XXXX obviously understands sef deprecating humour (it's Queenslands state beer).

Surely you all heard the joke "how do Australians spell beer?"

Jan 28, 2011
11:54 PM EDT
@beirwin/Barbara/Babs or all of the above:

I have an abiding fondness for Canada, going back to my days in college at Michigan State. Was always amazed by the difference between the two ends of the Ambassador Bridge.

Went out with a very very -- ummm --- well, I guess you might say she was attractive blonde lady studying to be a large animal vet and we would go up to Toronto to pick up her little girl from the ex who lived in Ottowa. Still remember coming back with a trunk full of beer, and Cindy's 3 year old telling the border guards we'd only been in country a day. SIgh.

Or -- years later, crossing over with my wife. We had Texas plates on the car and they couldn't believe we didn't have a gun. Stopped us and searched the car. Sigh.

Jan 29, 2011
12:34 AM EDT

I've heard on CBC radio lately that there's a lot of cool stuff going on in Detroit -- turning vacant and abandoned lots into urban gardens - that kind of thing.

beirwin or barbara -- not Babs. :-)

Jan 29, 2011
8:17 AM EDT
>not Babs

I knew that somehow. ;0)

Jan 29, 2011
8:42 AM EDT
Hey, I played curling one time! OK, our country of 16M inhabitants only has one official curling hall without place for any audience, but still I had some fun! And a sore arm the whole week.

Rules are a bit weird though, especially the scoring system should better be given in BNF-format, like (X-0 or 0-X) where there's a maximum for X (believe it's 6?). Brooming is a hard job BTW, and I always forget if it makes the stone go faster or slower.

The sport is quite hard to master I think, but definitely far easier and more relaxed on the muscles than fencing (especially when wearing spectacles), another sport which almost nobody in NL cares about, which I tried a few weeks later.

When trying to fall asleep, may I suggest watching snooker (on Eurosport or BBC most of the times). I like it so I don't fall asleep while watching (if I want to sleep I watch poker because it bores the **** out of me), but if you're not in to snooker, it should be boring enough to provide you with hours of sleep. And just like curling, matches seems to last forever. OK, nothing compared to Isner vs Mahut (the tennis game which lasted three days!), but still...

Jan 29, 2011
10:53 AM EDT
Canadians have a sense of humor. This was the funniest thing I ever saw on TV:

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