Yeepers, not one percent anymore?

Story: Windows 7 will dominate by year's end, Gartner saysTotal Replies: 9
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Aug 09, 2011
8:55 PM EDT
I have tried to make sense about the figures given by them. I found out that 1+1=3 and that 8-3=4 Maybe my doctor was right after all, about that Dementia I picked up.

Aug 09, 2011
8:56 PM EDT
Did Enderle go to work for Gartner?

Aug 09, 2011
9:09 PM EDT
Go search the Linux Today archives on 'Gartner' and marvel at their track record. They're as worthless as they've always been, just an opinion for hire, and much of the time they're obviously paid to find negative PR angles about Linux.

Aug 09, 2011
10:01 PM EDT
If windows is running on 45% of PCs, and apple on 5%, does that mean that linux has the other 50%

Sorry for asking, but I really got ' reasoning' problems today !

Aug 09, 2011
10:02 PM EDT
Linux is just a geek fad, you know. I trust Gartner.

Aug 09, 2011
10:37 PM EDT
I trust Gartner to spout worthless drivel.

Aug 09, 2011
10:46 PM EDT
>>>>>Linux is just a geek fad.

Are you accusing me of being a geek ? ..This is getting serious ! ...

Aug 09, 2011
11:01 PM EDT
Nah. You're not a geek.

If you were a geek, you wouldn't be wasting your time here...



Aug 10, 2011
9:40 AM EDT
Hey, 9/10 Gartner analysts believe Gartner market reports are unbiased by funding source and are accurate in predicting future trends. So, there must be something to these reports.

Aug 10, 2011
2:57 PM EDT
I ALSO get the distinct sense that Gartnersoft Win$ucks' numbers are, shall we say, a bit misleading. Probably just questionable statistics from factory-shipped big-box PC companies. Nothing at all about "new" self-assembled PCs, upgraded PCs, dual-boot PCs, or the huge & always UNDERestimated "hidden" Linux-installed PC market. Nada, nilch. Watch some better studies come along and show -- for smaller and very active businesses -- that these businesses are just NOT drinking the Gartner-M$ Kool-Aid!


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