The usual FUD from Linux insider

Story: The Higgs Boson: Another Feather in Linux's CapTotal Replies: 17
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Jul 09, 2012
6:26 PM EDT
Especially where according to their favourite FUDmiester Hairyfeet, Linux is great for Huge Systems and tiny systems but no good at all for normal desktop sized Systems, ignoring the fact that the desktop Systems used were also Linux (although Linux is no longer mentioned in the name).

Jul 09, 2012
7:06 PM EDT
Yeah what a moron. So Herr Hairyfeet thinks Apple is good at smartphones and tablets while Linux is good at supercomputers. What about Android you idiot? Even a five year old could discover using wikipedia that Android is a linux variant.

Jul 10, 2012
4:37 AM EDT
Well, Hairyfeet is a product of the last Microsoft decade. He is a small computer builder, who got lucky with Windows XP. From what I've read of his business, it's shifting the boxes to his "customers" (victims?) and then hoping they never turn up again with software problems. Windows XP with its abnormally long support period (thank you Vista, thank you Linux netbooks) has created a bubble in which Hairyfeet could implement his "business model".

Hairyfeet simply hates Desktop Linux, because it has a more rapid cycle. HF needs a stale OS with aeons of support as his way of doing business is just shifting boxes. He doesn't have a support structure in place. His machines are probably cheap, but you just get assembled components and then you are left to your own devices (no pun intended). Linux doesn't fit this amateur model. With a rapid cycle, you have to expect some breakage here and there. HF doesn't want to deal with this as he hasn't factored software upgrades into his pricing. Windows XP has allowed him to effectively outsource that kind of support to MS.

I live smugly in the knowledge that HF fears Windows 8 as much as he fears Desktop Linux. His golden era of Windows XP is fading rapidly. Since MS has returned to normal development cycles again, HF's box shifting business will take a hit. It won't be long before Windows gives him as much "grief" as Linux. Availability of Windows 7 licenses won't be a decade. Either he implements a support structure and prices accordingly or he will face customers eating into his profits, because they will ask support for breakage during an upgrade cycle (be it Windows or Linux).

Jul 11, 2012
12:06 PM EDT
Perhaps the starter of this thread has something in general against LinuxInsider ?? See last month's LXer thread 'More cr@p from Linux Insider' found at

Or perhaps more specifically against the actual author of both LinuxInsider pieces ??

(Note the identical author of and of


Jul 11, 2012
1:48 PM EDT
Maybe, or maybe she doesn't like FUD and crap articles. Much of what Katherine Noyes "writes" are just quotes from online forums. I don't see any value in those articles either.

Jul 11, 2012
1:50 PM EDT
I love reading the words "Slashdot blogger Hairyfeet" ...

Jul 11, 2012
1:54 PM EDT
...and "Slashdot blogger Hairyfeet" is quoted in just about all of Ms. Noyes' articles, so you are treated to that special pleasure almost every week.

Jul 11, 2012
4:38 PM EDT
(Typo corrected, this comment reduced to a Zen meditation.)

Jul 11, 2012
5:00 PM EDT
Late to the party on this one: Yeah, quoting someone on reddit saying that Scientific Linux and Ubuntu helped physicists at CERN is a hallmark of great, professional journalism, especially when further research (that reporters would normally do) reveals that Ubuntu had really nothing to do with it. Since I already blogged about it, I'll stop whipping that dead horse, but still -- does anyone take Linux Insider seriously with shoddy reporting like this?

Jul 11, 2012
5:18 PM EDT
Reporters. Do. Research?

You've obviously not seen what passes for TV news in the U.S.

(Colbert and Stewart could be considered exceptions, but they host comedy shows.)

Jul 11, 2012
6:03 PM EDT
DrGeoffrey -- If anyone here knows this, it's me. I've worked in newspapers since 1977 and I've seen the deterioration of reporting skills in people who think they're "journalists." We used to do research back in the day, but not so much anymore. And you're right: Stewart and Colbert do a better job of purveying the news than news outlets, irony of ironies.

Jul 11, 2012
6:37 PM EDT
My apologies if I offended you.

Actually, I was channeling my 14 year old who drew my attention to those two.

"If you're not watching me with a load in your pants, I'm not doing my job."

Jul 11, 2012
9:03 PM EDT
gus: I corrected my mega-typo.

Jul 11, 2012
10:05 PM EDT
Yeah Katherine Noise.

Jul 12, 2012
4:32 AM EDT
The thing is she doesn't even create her own noise. She just repeats the noise generated by others.

Jul 12, 2012
7:26 AM EDT
So she's a Noyes amplifier?

I'll show myself out.

Jul 12, 2012
12:36 PM EDT
DrGeoffrey -- Not offended at all, but still crushed at what the profession I once loved has become (and trying like h#ll to make the transfer into the tech realm before the newspaper closes :-) ) Your teen, like mine, shows a high degree of wisdom.


Jul 12, 2012
2:32 PM EDT
I only wish it was an audio or videocast. She could say, "Slashdot blogger Hairyfeet says ..." That would be awesome!!!

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