Author | Content |
notbob Feb 02, 2015 2:16 PM EDT |
Why? Why we gotta tolerate uneducated Linux users? They already have Windows dumbed down to the point of lowest common denominator. Or, if one has the scratch, one can choose to be even dumber on a Mac. Yer saying we should let Linux become the OS of morons by making Linux even more moron friendly, yes? Sorry, but I don't agree. I mean, c'mon. They already have the big two OS's available, right? So, why should we allow the one OS that requires some effort on the part of yer gray matter turn into yet another platform for pea brains? I'm agin' it! ;) |
albinard Feb 02, 2015 2:23 PM EDT |
Because not everyone is as opinionated, intolerant, and obnoxious as you are. |
vainrveenr Feb 02, 2015 4:24 PM EDT |
Quoting:So, why should we allow the one OS that requires some effort on the part of yer gray matter turn into yet another platform for pea brains? Besides that so-called one OS, there do happen to be the *BSD's, e.g., FreeBSD and OpenBSD -- see the Reddit comparison piece 'Linux vs BSD, the difference? Free or OpenBSD?' found at http://www.reddit.com/r/BSD/comments/1e43hn/linux_vs_bsd_the_difference_free_or_openbsd/ Even within the full gamut of Linux distros, the self-assembled Linux From Scratch requires somewhat more "effort on the part of yer gray matter" than the rest. |
750 Feb 02, 2015 6:42 PM EDT |
There is dumbing down, and there is dumbing down. The problem with the Windows style dumbing down, is that there is little means of getting to the guts and sorting something out, without doing a full reinstall, once something breaks. |
jdixon Feb 02, 2015 9:13 PM EDT |
> Because not everyone is as opinionated, intolerant, and obnoxious as you are. Hey, everyone needs a role model and something to shoot for. :) |
seatex Feb 02, 2015 10:10 PM EDT |
There will always be Slackware. keepin' it old school. ;-) |
mbaehrlxer Feb 03, 2015 1:20 AM EDT |
because everyone should have ability to use a computer based on Free Software without getting a degree in computer science (ok, that's an intentional exaggeration :-)
noone is forcing you to use that simplified version. and if you are a real power user you chouldn't care less, because you'd use the commandline. i have been using an OLPC XO running sugar for years because i simply didn't care about the GUI. most of my work is done in a terminal. greetings, eMBee. |
kikinovak Feb 03, 2015 6:26 AM EDT |
The article doesn't distinguish between *using* a Linux system and *administrating* it. Some of my users don't even know that they work on a Linux system. Yet they do their everyday work on Slackware. (http://www.microlinux.fr/mled.php). |
gary_newell Feb 03, 2015 11:53 AM EDT |
Making life difficult for yourself just for the challenge does seem a little pointless. If point and click makes something easier then I am all for it. |
notbob Feb 03, 2015 3:01 PM EDT |
> If point and click makes something easier then I am all for it. What if it doesn't? I know I sure hate to reach for my mouse. I use my keyboard as my primary input device. Having to remove a hand to reach for and use my mouse does NOT make it easier, nor more time saving. GUIs are for ppl who like others to make their decisions for them. |
the_doctor Feb 03, 2015 10:44 PM EDT |
Catering to the lowest common denominator is often times referred to as mass marketing. Good, bad or indifferent -- it's how the world works. |
jdixon Feb 03, 2015 10:56 PM EDT |
> Good, bad or indifferent -- it's how the world works. There are two opposing philosophies on how to make money. One says make the maximum possible profit on each item. The other says to sell each item as cheaply as possible but sell lots of them. In general, the second seems to outperform the first, but the first can work fine for limited size businesses. |
the_doctor Feb 04, 2015 12:10 AM EDT |
True, jdixon. But don't forget Ferengi Rule of Acquisition number 217: "You can't free a fish from water." ;) |
gary_newell Feb 04, 2015 4:46 AM EDT |
> GUIs are for ppl who like others to make their decisions for them. And for people who struggle to remember their names Take for instance a simple task such as ripping audio from a CD. I can either try and remember the commands and switches I need to use for the ripping and conversion process or I can run a GUI app, select the songs and click GO. In this instance reaching for the mouse is much easier. Of course I could write a single script in the first place that I could use again and again so that I don't have to remember the switches but for what purpose?. In this case the GUI works perfectly fine. |
Steven_Rosenber Feb 04, 2015 11:21 PM EDT |
The beauty of free Unix-like operating systems is that we can use the CLI with a plethora of shells and any number of GUI desktop environments and window managers. It's the best of many worlds for a wide range of users. A beautiful thing, if you ask me. |
gus3 Feb 05, 2015 7:19 PM EDT |
And one X server to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.... |
flufferbeer Feb 07, 2015 3:34 PM EDT |
@gus > And one X server to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.... ...and similarly, CanUbucomical head Mark Sauronworth's ultimate aim could be to bring all devices to him and bind them through the Loonity interface. 2c |
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