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There's More Hope For Mesa & X This Summer

  • Phoronix; By Michael Larabel (Posted by tuxchick on Mar 20, 2011 1:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
While student registration for this year's Google of Summer of Code (GSoC) has not yet commenced, it's looking quite hopeful for the X.Org / Mesa work this summer. There was an OpenGL 4.1 state tracker that was proposed and some developers are calling this too ambitious. Just days ago there was then a multi-GPU PRIME & hot-switching proposal. This though is not the end of the list...

Google to enforce SSL encryption on developer APIs

September 15: HTTPS or nothing Google will soon require the use of SSL encryption with three of its developer-facing APIs.…

On Low-End GPUs, Nouveau Speeds Past The NVIDIA Driver

While the Linux 2.6.38 kernel has been out for less than one week, if you use NVIDIA graphics, particularly with a low-end GPU, start counting down the days to the release of the Linux 2.6.39 kernel. Particularly on lower-end NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards, the reverse-engineered open-source Nouveau driver now meets or exceeds the speed of NVIDIA's official proprietary driver in a number of OpenGL test cases...

Join KDE for Google Summer of Code 2011

For the 7th year in a row KDE has been accepted as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code. We are delighted to be able to work with great students throughout the summer again. To find out more about the program visit the GSoC website and pay special attention to the FAQ and timeline. read more

Linux-based VPN router offers wide temperature range

Korenix is readying the JetBox 9435-w, a Linux-based industrial embedded Layer 3 VPN routing computer with an Intel Xscale IXP435 667MHz RISC processor, eight 10/100 Ethernet ports, and extended temperature support. The company also has begun touting its JetBox 9400- and 9500-series as suitable platforms for network video recording (NVR) applications....

Apple questions benchmarks claiming Android faster than iPhone 4

Apple has questioned Blaze Software smartphone browser benchmarks claiming that the Google's Android-based Nexus S ran 52 percent faster than the iPhone 4. Meanwhile, Android continued to lead iOS in Millennial Media's February smartphone ad impression stats, but has leveled off to 51 percent, dropping three points....

S3TC For Mesa Is Talked About Some More

Discussions surrounding S3TC Texture Compression support for mainline Mesa (right now it's an external library) is becoming an increasingly common occurrence. Newer games and OpenGL applications depend upon S3TC support and open-source developers are unable to provide "out of the box" support due to patent concerns...

Dilbert, Office Space, and Layoffs

LXer Feature: 17-Mar-2011

Yes, life really is a cartoon, and it is impossible to be too cynical. Nevertheless good things happen and life is good.

Editor's Note: Hackers Defend Liberty

When the law fails, when government fails, when greed and corruption triumph that is when we need hackers the most-- hackers of technology, law, journalism, community service, of every essential job and workaround that needs doing. Hackers of liberty.

I am not making this up-- MSQt

MSQt™ is an application and UI framework. Using MSQt™, you can write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across MS™ Windows®, MS™ Mobile® and MS™ Tablet® operating systems without rewriting the source code.

[I think they need more trademarks and registration marks; it's still marginally readable - Carla]

No one uses Microsoft anymore

No one uses Microsoft anymore. Everything XP or Vista.

Replacing KDE4

  • Linux Today; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Jan 28, 2011 10:56 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: KDE
Yes, I am one of those grumpy KDE 3.x fans who can't deal with KDE4. So I've been trying out different desktop environments and window managers to replace my beloved KDE, and it has been fun and enlightening.

The Audacity of Carla Schroder

In this exclusive Linux Pro Magazine interview, tell-it-like-it-is, Linux Today editor Carla Schroder talks about her latest book, The Book of Audacity , shares facts about herself you won’t find anywhere else, a peek into her current projects, and offers advice for women on making their own paths, encouraging children, and more.

An inside look at being a women in open source

A few weeks ago, I blogged about how widespread sexual harassment at open source conferences is and suggested that open source conference organizers should adopt an official policy taking a stand against all forms of harassment at their conferences. Easy, right?

Sometimes We Grow Up

Jono Bacon's announcement of the project was met with the usual mix of reactions, from approval to charges it is really "The Quit Picking on Ubuntu" project....I think a reasonable baseline is to expect everyone to try, even a little, to get along with their fellow humans.

Do Boobytrapped Websites Capture Readers?

  • Linux Today; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Oct 2, 2010 5:54 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (Albert Einstein). Boobytrapped websites don't capture readers, they chase them away. So why do advertisers get increasingly obnoxious? Does obnoxiousness work?

Play Movies on TV From Your Laptop for Cheap

An easy and cheap way to connect any laptop with a VGA-out port to a TV or home theater receiver. Use your TV as a big computer screen or watch movies. This won't be a big deal to ace multimedia gurus, but it's a medium-big deal to me. It's been on my to-do list for a long time to make a multimedia PC to serve up music and movies to my home theater system. There are all kinds of great media servers in Linux-land, like MythTV, GeeXbox, XMBC, LinuxMCE, and many others. Until I build one of those, I wanted a simple way to play movies from a laptop...

Linux and Too Many Choices

A perennial whinge is "Linux and FOSS have too many choices! It's confusing and scary!" So what's the answer, a single global dictator?

Some Random Linux Usability Thoughts, or, Linux is not Windows

Some Linux design decisions seem like hangovers from Windows-land. But, unlike Windows, Linux does not need to be protected from itself, so why hang on to old habits?

Editor's Note: Oracle on the Warpath

An important lesson here is corporate involvement is always fraught with peril. Today's friend of FOSS is tomorrow's enemy: through acquisition (Sun/Oracle), change of leadership (SCO), or desperation. There are an awful lot of FOSS fans who think FOSS needs big-time corporate involvement to succeed, and big-time support from rich Santas like Mark Shuttleworth. This is a cop-out...

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