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How to write a Gnome Application

By popular demand, a guide to writing a Gnome app: Find some reasonable app from another platform (Windows, Mac, KDE, whatever, but preferably, Mac). Bonus points if there are already 3 other gtk-based alternatives who don't want to integrate with Gnome...

[A hilarious guide to writing a Gnome application, very funny. - Scott]

How to Buy the Wrong Color Laser Printer

Despite the title, I think my experiences could be useful guide for others. Should you need to replace a printer quickly, my choices of criteria could be instructive. I should note too, much of the information I had was based upon faulty inputs and mis-diagnosed problems. Nonetheless, my criteria yielded a decent unit, just more than what was needed. In part that was due to my daughter needing a quick replacement. Moreover, the printer had to function on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Given those constraints and misinformation, I could have done much worse.

LXer Weekly Roundup for 08-Jun-2008

LXer Feature: 08-Jun-2008

In this week's Roundup we have Essential Thunderbird add-ons, Microsoft Free - One year later, Google Gadgets for Linux, 42 More of the Best Free Linux Games and Could the eeePC end up being Microsoft's trojan horse? We have two LXer Features, a review of the EeePC entitled "Wow! It's PINK!" and the continuation of Herschel Cohen's HTML series "Web Input - Securing Data, Second Level of Defense", also Ken Starks finds out that his Linux box is infected. To wrap things up, in our FUD section we have the 2008 Community Choice Awards brought to you by Microsoft, at least it sure seems that way, and Novell joins Microsoft in Anti-Linux FUD. Enjoy!

Screencast Introduces New Mozilla Firefox 3 Features

Mike Beltzner has created a screencast introducing some of the new features in the forthcoming Mozilla Firefox 3. The overview, which is in Adobe Flash SWF format and lasts three minutes and forty-six seconds, covers the new Location bar autocomplete functionality (dubbed the "awesomebar" by its fans), one-click bookmarking using the new star button, bookmark tags, the site identity button (personified by Larry the passport officer), malware protection, improvements to the file download user interface and the built-in Add-ons browser.

A brief history of Linux and the cosmos

Fifty years ago scientists were restricted to the use of ink and graph paper to assess and compile their data. The first computer revolution of the seventies and eighties vastly enriched the possibilities. But the second revolution in computer technology that has taken place over the last decade has transformed the work of most scientific establishments.

Wind River spins MID Linux

Wind River is readying a vertical-market Linux distribution specifically for MIDs (mobile Internet devices). Wind River Linux Platform for Mobile Internet Devices is the company's second "Platform" product to target Intel's Atom processor, and its second developed in collaboration with Intel, it says.

Sneak Peeks at openSUSE 11.0: Package Management, with Duncan Mac-Vicar

In this article we will be covering all of the changes in and around the package management stack in the upcoming openSUSE 11.0. There have been a plethora of both visual and behind-the-scenes changes. We’ll also be talking to Duncan Mac-Vicar, YaST team lead, ZYpp and KDE developer, to find out a little more later.

Movial unveils Linux toolkit for fast phone GUIs

Finland's Movial unveiled a Linux-based toolkit which enables software developers to use web-based technologies to program mobile user interfaces, aiming to cut development times. Movial is a small Helsinki-based software firm, which has mostly been working as a subcontractor for telecom operators.

Bringing Web Inspector to Linux

For web developers, when it comes to debugging the web applications, tools like Firebug for Firefox, Safari Web Inspector and the recently introduced Opera Dragonfly can be handy and very useful. These kinds of tools offers the possibility to trace the DOM, verify the corresponding (computed) CSS, check network usage and resource loading performance, debug JavaScript, etc.

Can the Average Lawyer Install an Ubuntu Linux Server?

In April, Canonical had a major, Long Term Service (LTS) release of its Ubuntu Linux distribution, both for the desktop and the server, code-named Hardy Heron. There was quite a bit of hype on the Net about the new features and how good it was. I had also previously blogged about how I believed servers to be the entry point for Linux into the small and solo law firm, as it provides the ability to have a powerful, stable server for not a lot of money (especially since you can always retask as the server an older desktop machine in your office).

The 10 Best Linus Torvalds Quotes

Linus Torvalds - a classic example of the love-it-or-hate-it type of person. Brilliant programmer, of course, and the father of one of the most extraordinary software projects in the world, but sometimes, he can be utterly arrogant any annoying, yet the other moment completely sensible and utterly spot-on in his statements. CBR listed the ten best Linus Torvalds quotes.

What drives a mass Linux migration?

Nothing warms the cockles of a Linux lover's heart more than to hear that X or Y big company/city is migrating its desktops to the free operating system. And nothing can evoke more bitter insults than the reversal of any such decision.

Canonical showcases Ubuntu Netbook Remix at Computex

This week, Canonical announced a reworked version of Ubuntu at the Computex trade show in Taiwan. The new Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR) is specifically built for new so-called "netbooks" -- mini laptops with small screens geared towards Web browsing and built on Intel's new, low-power micro-architecture called Atom. The new version will allow users to access email, browse the Internet, and use instant messaging, and provide online access to music, photos, and videos, all in one small, affordable package.

KDE at LinuxTag 2008 in Berlin

KDE was very busy at LinuxTag this year. We were present with two main booths - Amarok and KDE - and a whole bunch of talks within our own track. Additionally, Aaron Seigo gave a well-received keynote on Wednesday, painting a vibrant vision of the desktop in a mobile world, and the direction KDE is heading in. Read on for a more detailed coverage of the event.

EnterpriseDB snags Red Hat sales VP as CEO

Open-source database vendor EnterpriseDB Corp. today said it has appointed a senior sales executive from Linux vendor Red Hat Inc. as its new CEO. Ed Boyajian will become president, CEO and a member of the board for Edison, N.J.-based EnterpriseDB, replacing co-founder Andy Astor, who will become executive vice president of business development.

StorYBook gets in the way of plotting fiction

Some people imagine that they could write a novel if only they had the right tool. StorYBook aims to be that tool, but falls short. The problem is not that StorYBook is poorly organized, or that its timeline and reports don't come in handy. Rather, the problem is that StorYBook has such a rigid structure that it is likely to fit only a minority of writers' plotting needs. For others, living with the rigidity and searching for ways around it is only likely to distract from planning and make it a chore rather than a creative thrill.

Google silences Android critics

Last month, on the official Android discussion group, David "Lefty" Schlesinger posted a message that questioned the open sourciness of Google's fledgling mobile platform. And he was promptly muzzled by Google developer advocate Dan Morrill. "Now I'm moderated," says Lefty, an open source guru with Access, the Japan-based mobile software outfit. "I can't post anything unless Google approves it first." Granted, it wasn't the most diplomatic of messages. It actually quoted from The Reg. And Lefty had been floating such notes for quite awhile. In the end, he was probably muzzled for reasons that extend beyond his views on software development. But his story is still a nice metaphor for Google's relationship with certain parts of the open source community.

Ultimate Edition: Not so ultimate

Ultimate Edition (UE) 1.8 is a remaster of Ubuntu Hardy Heron with custom software repositories and a distinctive theme. Its claim to fame over pure Ubuntu is convenience, due to preloaded updates and software. While the name might suggest that it is a huge upgrade over its progenitor, in reality its developers have not made many improvements besides application install scripts. Due to a distracting theme, a poorly built user interface, and an incredible lack of the convenience it claims to have, Ultimate Edition falls painfully short of ultimate.

Controlling your camera from your computer with gPhoto

Both of the big powerhouses in the digital SLR camera market -- Canon and Nikon -- make software with which you can control your camera from your PC through an attached USB cable. It is a nice tool for situations when manually triggering the shutter might cause shake (such as long exposures), or for automating multiple shots at timed intervals. But, naturally, the camera makers don't supply this software for free operating systems -- and just as naturally, the open source world has an answer. You can perform the same remote operation functions using gPhoto.

A utility for sending complex email messages from the command line

When the need arises to send email from the command line, many folks first think of the mail(1) command. A better choice might be the email program, which gives you the ability to send email to an SMTP server over SSL, offers MIME support including ability to attach one or more files to your emails, uses an address book to store your recipients, and lets you digitally sign and encrypt your messages.

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