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5.1 of Community Enterprise OS released

CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System), the free Linux distribution based on the commercial Red Hat Enterprise distribution, has been released in version 5.1 for i386 and x86_64 architectures.

One Laptop Per Child Doesn't Change the World

Hands Across America, Live AID, the Concert for Bangladesh, and so on. The American (and world) public has witnessed one feel-good event (and the ensuing scandals) after another. Each one manages to assuage our guilt about the world's problems, at least a little. Now these folks think that any sort of participation in these events, or even their good thoughts about world poverty and starvation, actually help. Now they can sleep at night. It doesn't matter that nothing has really changed.

How to make Kontact work with Google Apps

Recently, Gmail added IMAP support, giving the powerhouse email host the ability to interact better with third-party clients. And Google, being the friendly neighborhood do-gooder that it is, provided instructions on how to use IMAP with a variety of third-party clients. However, it forgot one popular client: KMail, the email portion of the KDE Kontact personal information management suite. Google also neglected to mention that several of its other services, such as Google Calendar and Google Reader, can work well with Kontact. Here's how you can integrate them.

Nokia's new OS streamlines, syncs tablet platform with desktop Linux

Nokia recently announced its Linux-based N810 tablet, and although the device is not yet widely available, the accompanying software is. The new operating system, designated Internet Tablet OS2008, is available as a free download for owners of the previous N800 model. In that rarest of all outcomes, the new release actually improves the older tablet -- it is faster, improves battery life, and should make it easier for developers to port applications over from desktop Linux.

Hacking RPMs with rpmrebuild

A couple of months ago, I discovered a tool called rpmrebuild while searching for a way to reverse engineer the files installed on an older Fedora system back into its original RPM package. Rpmrebuild is able to reconstruct an RPM by looking up the information about it on the RPM database that is part of every RPM-based distribution like Fedora.

Red Hat Ready for Top End of Enterprise Servers

On Dec. 4, Red Hat announced the first public beta of Red Hat Enterprise Messaging, Real-time, Grid. The company claims that MRG will offer new capabilities for financial services and government agencies that need exceptional performance through reliable enterprise messaging, real-time capabilities and advanced grid and high-throughput computing technologies for deployment on RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and other operating systems.

The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment: A return to basics

The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) resembles a classic Unix project -- it's partly constructed out of pre-existing programs, its emphasis is on speed, and its configuration requires taking time in a text editor. Even the relatively low quality of fonts on the desktop makes it feel like a vintage program. The result is a desktop environment that is short on innovation, but performs well on low-end machines, and blazingly fast on recent ones.

2008 Linux Tour in Nicaragua

While many today see Linux as a "just download it" or "just buy it" product, it hasn't always been that way. Installfests were actually the norm. Well, that's what is happening in Nicaragua. I received the following announcement in email—not from a geek mailing list but from the list of a social rights more

CNR beta brings software to the desktop

Linspire has announced the beta of, its online tool for easily installing Linux-based software onto the desktop.

EnGarde Release adds Hardware Monitoring and Security Tools cited in 'Linux Firewalls'

Guardian Digital is proud to announce the newest release for EnGarde Secure Linux Community. One of the open source community's oldest secure server distributions (2001), EnGarde is a fully-functional platform for DNS and email functionality, integrated intrusion detection and SELinux policies, advanced kernel and network security features, virtualization capabilities, robust engineering, graphical auditing and reporting and more.

At least 125m Firefox users estimated

Mozilla's chief operating officer, John Lilly, revealed in a recent blog posting that the company estimated the number of Firefox users as at least 125 million, double from a year ago. This figure appears to be very conservative, however, and it does not seem to account for Linux users. But the good news is that it is growing rapidly.

Damn Small Linux 4.1 released

Looking for a lightweight Linux alternative? Damn Small Linux 4.1 is now available and clocks in at under 49MB in size. Get a copy and run it from CD, hard disk or even boot from a USB stick.

CLI Magic: Quick and easy backup with lftp

No matter what Linux distribution you are using, chances are you'll find more than one graphical FTP client in its repositories, but if you are looking for a powerful command-line FTP tool, your best bet is lftp. Of course, you can always use the good old ftp command, but lftp takes the task of managing files and directories using the FTP protocol to a new level. To see what I mean, let's use lftp to write a script that creates a local backup copy of a Web site.

HotHardware Interview on Asus Eee PC

The new Asus Eee PC has been released to many positive reviews and great consumer interest. A streamlined and customized Xandros and KDE interface combines with other free software applications, a slim form factor and an attractive price point. was one of the very first sites to review the Asus Eee and report back on this new device. Read on for an interview with Editor-in-Chief Dave Altavilla and his thoughts on the Asus Eee PC and its value proposition.

Minty 4.0 Fresh

  •; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Dec 4, 2007 12:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
While there are some Linux users who still insist on running free software exclusively, a growing number are more than happy to mix and match open-source and proprietary software. For these latter users, Ubuntu 7.10-based Mint 4.0 is a distribution made in heaven.

Open source model impacts EnterpriseDB staff

The open source model has taken its toll on a number of EnterpiseDB staff. The company recently laid off some sales workers and under performers, as it realigns its business. According to CEO Andy Astor, EnterpriseDB has enjoyed a strong recent run. “We are in the middle of our best quarter ever,” Astor said. “We are in extremely good shape right now.”

Firefox 3 Beta Boosts Security

Firefox 3 should be welcome both for its many small usability improvements and for its under-the-covers Web rendering engine and security enhancements. When you first install and launch the beta of Firefox 3, the initial impression (especially for those who remember some of the earlier promises of a revamped user interface and increased Web 2.0 integration) can be a little disappointing, since it doesn't look much different from the current version of Firefox.

Func team puts network management back in sysadmins' control

A handful of Red Hat engineers are excited about a new tool they've developed called Func, short for Fedora Unified Network Controller. They're pretty sure that once the rest of the community catches on to just how useful Func is, they'll be singing its praises too. Red Hat Community Development Manager Greg DeKoenigsberg says, "This is the kind of idea where everyone kind of nods and says, 'I meant to write that.'"

Microsoft talks open standards in Cape

If you're looking to understand Microsoft's position on open standards and open source then the Cape Information Technology Initiative's Foss Forum is where you will want to be on Wednesday.

Tutorial: Test Driving Zenoss

Zenoss is a new open source, company-backed network management system. It manages applications as well as servers and network devices--we'll explain what that means shortly. We decided it was time to give it an honest run for its money. Wait, it is free, but still we wanted to give it a real review. This article will be a light how-to focused on our experiences and first impressions with Zenoss. Next, we'll attempt to convert a real production environment's monitoring system from Nagios to Zenoss.

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