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Novell Japan Unit Releases Linux-Based Server Suite

The combination software Novell's Japanese arm is releasing will be known as Integrated Stack for Linux (ISL), and will include SLES, a Novell version of Linux; DB2 Express-C database, which IBM Japan distributes for free; and WAS CE, which is a Web-based execution program. WAS CE is a free, open source program that IBM has taken the lead in developing.

Port 800,000 Lines of C# Code to J2EE and Linux in 10 Weeks

Attend this one-hour technical session and learn how to port Microsoft .NET Web and server applications to WebSphere and Linux, without having to hire Java engineers or rewrite your entire code. Also learn how to implement a single source code development strategy for .NET and J2EE, which saves considerable expense and the complexities of maintaining two functionally equivalent code bases.

Sun, Ruby, and Java: An Interesting Turn of Events

Wow! Sun has hired Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo to work on JRuby full time. This is a pretty momentus event, and is already sending shockwaves around the Ruby world.

Linux4Kids: Tools and toys for all ages

Linux4Kids is a collection of more than 80 GPL-licensed "edutainment" games and educational software available to download for free from the FileGate File Distribution Network.

Carmarthenshire schools to get open source upgrade

Carmarthenshire county council has contracted open source software (OSS) specialist Sirius Corporation to upgrade its existing Suse Linux email solution. The new system could host up to 40,000 users. It will enable the council to centralise the e-mail usage of its primary and secondary schools. The council's ICT development centre currently provides internet and e-mail facilities to 15 secondary schools and 125 primary schools.

Review: Linspire Mini Koobox

A few weeks ago, I finally got my hands on a Linux-based Koobox Mini PCs. The Mini is a full PC in a very small, quiet package, and well worth a look.

Release-critical Bugreport for September 8, 2006

Bug report for Debian. Some bugs have an additional set of tags indicating they only apply to a particular release: O for oldstable (woody), S for stable (sarge), T for testing (etch), U for unstable (sid) or E for experimental. X indicates that the package is not in testing.

Linux Reality Episode 30 - Useful Shell Commands

In this episode: wrap-up of The Linux Link Tech Show Episode 155; listener feedback; three Listener Tips; a discussion of various helpful shell commands, including head, tail, find (more on find at, locate, ifconfig, iwconfig, ps, top, grep, adduser, passwd, and how to send a process to the background.

Xbox for Stroke Rehabilitation

  • GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Sep 8, 2006 9:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
"Using an Xbox modified to run Linux, researchers [at Rutgers University in New Jersey] have developedvirtual reality hand exercises for rehabilitating stroke patients. An inexpensive glove controller is used to interact with the Xbox. The hardware cost is a tenth of a comparable commercial hand rehabilitation system, leading to the possibility of deployment in patients' homes."

Famed physics lab steps up to storage challenge

  •; By Tom Espiner (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Sep 8, 2006 8:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: ; Groups:
One of its latest projects, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is being built to study particles and the forces that bind them together. Due to become fully operational around September 2007, the LHC will fire billions of protons around a 27-kilometer circuit, 150 meters below ground.

Open Source Software OpenClinica to Exhibit at 2006 SoCRA Annual ...

Akaza Research has announced that its product OpenClinica is set to exhibit at the upcoming annual conference of the Society of Clinical Research Associates. The conference is in Chicago, IL from September 21st through 24th.

Fujitsu-hopling Take Linux Road

Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe and Hopling Technologies have further enhanced their working relationships by signing an MoU with the mutual goal of enabling faster and smoother integration of the WiMAX baseband SoC into a Linux-based wireless equipment environment.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Beta 1

This is a public beta. Feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who may be interested in testing this beta release. Podcast Feedback

It’s been a fairly slow news week (at least as far as items I have commentary on) and time is a bit short, so we may not have a podcast available this week (although a short one over the weekend is a possibility). I’d like to take this time out to get some feedback on the podcast though. What are we doing right? What could be improved and what would you like to see more of? Post your feedback in the comments of this thread. Thanks.

Not only is it not getting smaller, the HP story is getting bigger - Updated

Not only were HP board members' phone records accessed in the leak probe, now comes the extraordinary news that so were CNET reporter Dawn Kawamoto's, who wrote the article that angered HP's chairwoman Patricia Dunn.

KnowledgeTree tops 200 000 downloads

The open source document management system developed in South Africa by Jam Warehouse has been downloaded over more than 200 000 times from SourceForge.Net.

When open source is not enough

There was some interesting buzz about the state of open source going around ApacheCon in Dublin. On one hand, Apache is - and is widely seen as - a moderate, pragmatic voice in the FOSS world: the Apache license is explicitly business-friendly, and the conference was very happy to welcome the arch-enemy of more dogmatic FOSS advocates, Microsoft, among us.

Agentless server manageability comes of age

IT managers are accustomed to having an abundance of options for managing servers at the software or operating system level. These applications typically comes at a high purchase and operational expense and cannot cover every operational scenario. Their lack of integration within the overall management system is also relatively poor. To fill such gaps, industry organizations have created open management standards that can offer some help.

Changing Times for Linux Networx

Linux Networx has enjoyed record revenue growth over the last several quarters. In Q2, the company enjoyed its fifth consecutive record quarter in a row. Over the last six years, Linux Networx has refined its HPC offerings and grown its customer base to the point where it is now considered one of the premier supercomputer vendors. But some changes are afoot.

Red Hat heads security initiative

Red Hat is leading an initiative allowing software companies to brief users of a US government-backed security database on how far vulnerabilities affect their products. The Linux vendor has asked that companies can now comment on security holes listed by the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), in order to provide deeper analysis and explanation of the impact problems might have on their products.

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