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Rust Foundation launches Rust Community Grants program

Rust isn't the most important language out there, but it's going places. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, and Microsoft are all backing the language. It's become a critical system-building language for the Linux kernel, Windows, Chrome, and Android.

Compact Elkhart Lake system features Hailo-8 NPU

Axiomtek’s compact “Aristotle RSC101” edge AI box runs Linux or Win 10 on Elkhart Lake along with an up to 26-TOPS Hailo-8 NPU, up to 32GB DDR4, 2x GbE, 2x USB, HDMI, DIO, and 3x M.2 slots.

How To Save an Old Laptop by Installing Chrome OS Flex

It’s not pleasant seeing a once-beloved laptop (or desktop) computer slowly slide into obsolescence as it gets too old and tired to keep up with the demands of modern-day computing, but Google has now provided an option for these ailing machines in the form of Chrome OS Flex.

Next versions of both Fedora and Ubuntu head into beta

Late April should see the release of the 36th versions of two of the biggest Linux distros: Fedora 36 and Ubuntu 22.04. Red Hat just announced the official beta of Fedora 36, whereas Ubuntu 22.04 should hit beta freeze on March 31.

Mysterious new Raspberry Pi alternative is the size of an SD card

At a time when consumers are finding it difficult to get their hands on a new Raspberry Pi, MangoPi is teasing a new single-board computer that is slightly smaller than an SD card.

How I customize my Linux window decorations

One thing I especially like about Linux is the amazing and vast array of choices in almost everything. Don't like one application for something? There are usually several more you can choose from. Don't like how the desktop works? Pick one of many other desktops. Don't like the window decorations on your desktop? There are many others you can download and try.

How to Add Ubuntu system to OpenLDAP Server

After you've completed the OpenLDAP installation, you will also need to add a client machine to authenticate against your OpenLDAP server. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add an Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system to the OpenLDAP server using libnss-ldap and libpam-ldap.

How to get started with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes

Containers may be like "sandboxes," but libraries and applications still run inside of them, and like everything else, those components need to be monitored for vulnerabilities. The Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (RHACS) module monitors runtime data on containers to look for known vulnerabilities and to verify Kubernetes clusters for policy enforcement.

SerenityOS: Remarkable project with its own JS-capable web browser

SerenityOS, which started out as a one-man project in 2018, has now got to the point where its creator proudly announced that its web browser passes the Acid3 browser test. This is a remarkable achievement for a very small, hobbyist project. Acid3 is relatively old now – it dates back to 2008. However it was and is quite demanding, testing Javascript, the Document Object Model and more.

Secure software supply chains: good practices, at scale

Supply chain attacks rose by 42% in the first quarter of 2021 [1] and are becoming even more prevalent [2]. In response to secure software supply chain breaches like Solar Winds [3], Kaseya[4], and other less publicized compromises [5], the Biden administration issued an executive order that includes guidance designed to improve the federal government’s defense against cyber threats.

How Aqua Security is approaching DevSecOps in 2022

I recently took the opportunity to discuss open source and security challenges with Itay Shakury of Aqua Security. What follows is a fascinating discussion about current issues, the future, and specific cloud-native tools that address the concerns of today's Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs).

5 things open source developers should know about cloud services providers

"The cloud" refers to both the collective computing power of an interconnected array of servers and the software layer enabling those computers to work together to create dynamically defined infrastructure. Because many consider the cloud the new frontier of computing, it's dominated the software industry for the past several years. Still, your individual level of involvement with it probably depends on your career and how much you acknowledge that you're using the cloud in your computing.

How to Install Laravel PHP Framework with Nginx and Free Let's Encrypt SSL on AlmaLinux 8

Laravel is a free, open-source, and lightweight PHP web framework used for building PHP-based web applications. It is popular due to its elegant syntax, advanced features, and robust toolset. In this post, we will show you how to install Laravel with Nginx on Alma Linux 8.

GParted 1.4: New version of live partition-manipulation tool

GParted is a graphical dynamic partition management tool for Linux. In other words, it does useful things like non-destructively expand or shrink disk partitions while they contain data. It's not unfair to describe it as a FOSS recreation of the late lamented PartitionMagic.

How to get started with scripting in Python

Python is one of the most ubiquitous development languages; it's used frequently by sysadmins, data scientists, back-end software developers, and web developers. Python has many use cases, and this tutorial explores how to use it for scripting common sysadmin tasks.

Getting Started with Docker Semi-Self-Hosting on Linode

With the evolution of technology, we find ourselves needing to be even more vigilant with our online security every day. Our browsing and shopping behaviors are also being continuously tracked online via tracking cookies being dropped on our browsers that we allow by clicking the “I Accept” button next to deliberately long agreements on websites before we can get the full benefit of said site.

Leading supply-chain company Maersk joins the Open Invention Network

When you're a technologist, and you hear "containers" and "supply-chain," your mind immediately turns to Docker containers and supply-chain software. Most people, however, think of container ships and the physical supply chain that brings milk and bread to their local grocery store. However, these two concepts have more in common than you might think. A. P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk) is a leading global container logistics and shipping services leader company that uses open-source software to deliver its goods.

How to Create a Static Website Using Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a web service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for storing and access to objects via the internet. S3 offers websites, web services, and mobile applications the ability to upload data and store it on its servers. In this guide, we will create and configure a simple static website using Amazon S3.

Arm sees support path to heterogeneous compute

Arm says heterogeneous compute architectures – those with a mix of CPUs, GPUs, DPUs, and other processor types – pose a challenge for software developers, and greater multi-architecture support is needed to address this.

Rolling Rhino: A rolling-release remix of Ubuntu

Rolling Rhino is a new community remix of Ubuntu, but with a unique twist: it has a whole new release model, rather than just a different desktop. The new remix builds upon a tool of the same name. The Rolling Rhino script converts an installation of one of Ubuntu's daily images into a rolling release by setting it to track the devel branch of the distro. The Rolling Rhino remix simplifies this process somewhat by allowing you to install the distro already configured in the relevant way.

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