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OpenStack by the numbers

What can you learn numbers alone? That is the question many in the open source community have grappled with when looking at comparative values of commits, committers, community sizes, and more between projects.

Some patients are eager to share their personal data

While many researchers encounter no privacy-based barriers to releasing data, those working with human participants, such as doctors, psychologists, and geneticists, have a difficult problem to surmount. How do they reconcile their desire to share data, allowing their analyses and conclusions to be verified, with the need to protect participant privacy? It's a dilemma we've talked about before on the blog (see: Open Data and IRBs, Privacy and Open Data). A new project, Open Humans, seeks to resolve the issue by finding patients who are willing—even eager—to share their personal data. read more

Goofy-looking security guard bot runs Linux

GS4 unveiled an autonomous, Linux-based robot security guard called Bob, based on a MetraLabs “Scitos A5? robot programmed by the University of Birmingham. U.K.-based security firm GS4 Technology has launched a three week trial at its Gloucestershire headquarters of a robot called Bob that was designed by the University of Birmingham School of Computer Science. GS4 will evaluate Bob’s performance as a trainee security officer. Bob is part of a £7.2 million ($12.2 million) project called STRANDS, hosted by the University of Birmingham, with an aim of expanding the role of robots in the workplace.

7 rules of thumb for your open science project

The subsequent rules of thumb arose during the development of the Empirical Gramian Framework (emgr), a young open source software project in the Workgroup for Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing at the University of Münster which targets algorithmic model order reduction for control systems. emgr is written in the often—and wrongfully—belittled MATLAB programming language, which, by its almost pseudo-code like syntax, is easily understandable and yet performs very well. The following guidelines, many of which are related to the Science Code Manifesto, are given from a MATLAB perspective, but they apply to other programming languages and environments as well.

Installing Virtualizor on CentOS 6.5 with RAID1

  • HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials - Linux (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jun 19, 2014 4:42 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Installing Virtualizor on CentOS 6.5 with RAID1 This guide covers installing the Virtualizor control panel on CentOS 6.5 with RAID1.

Integrating OpenStack and OpenDaylight

Interest in software defined networking continues to grow, and for many, OpenStack and OpenDaylight are the natural tools for transitioning data centers to this new paradigm in network communications. Both are active and growing open source projects backed by a large community of companies and individual developers.

How to set up a secure FTP service with vsftpd on Linux

FTP or File Transfer Protocol is one of the widely used services on the Internet, mainly for transferring files from one host to other. FTP itself was not designed as a secure protocol, and as such, the classic FTP service is vulnerable to common attacks such as man in the middle and brute force attacks. […]Continue reading... The post How to set up a secure FTP service with vsftpd on Linux appeared first on Xmodulo. Related FAQs: How to set up a secure SFTP server in Linux How to set up a secure Apache webserver on Ubuntu How to secure a mail server using encryption How to create a secure incremental offsite backup in Linux with Duplicity How to set up HTTPS in Apache web Server on CentOS

Randa Meetings Interview Two: Sanjiban Bairagya

First and foremost we would like to thank everybody that already supported the Randa Meetings fundraising. We have reached almost 1/3 of the our goal. Please help more and spread the word. If we reach our goal we can have an even more stable Kdenlive, more applications ported to KDE Frameworks 5, further progress on Phonon, a look at Amarok 3, even better KDE educational applications, a finished port of GCompris to Qt and KDE technologies, an updated KDE Book, more work on Gluon and a new and amazing KDE SDK!

Mini-ITX and 3.5-inch SBCs leverage COM Express CPUs

Advantech unveiled a pair of carrier boards that merge with COM Express modules to form sandwich-style SBCs that offer a range of features and performance. Advantech’s 3.5-inch style SOM-AB5810 and Mini-ITX style SOM-AB5510 carrier boards are quite different in form-factors and specs. However, as their similar names suggest, they share a few traits: in particular, the ability to accept various COM Express computer-on-modules resulting in a sandwich-style SBC design. Other common features include compatibility with ATX power supplies and support for Mini-PCIe expansion, among other similarities.

A Process for Managing and Customizing HPC Operating Systems

High-performance computing (HPC) for the past ten years has been dominated by thousands of Linux servers connected by a uniform networking infrastructure. The defining theme for an HPC cluster lies in the uniformity of the cluster. This uniformity is most important at the application level: communication between all systems in the cluster must be the same, the hardware must be the same, and the operating system must be the same. Any differences in any of these features must be presented as a choice to the user. The uniformity and consistency of running software on an HPC cluster is of utmost importance and separates HPC clusters from other Linux clusters.

Start developing Android apps on Fedora in 10 minutes

Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems (and it is based on the Linux kernel too.) However, diving into developing apps for Android can appear to be a bit daunting at first. The following how-to runs you through the basics of setting up an Android development environment on your Fedora machine. The basic workflow is to download the Android SDK, use the SDK to generate a quick first “hello world” application, then test out that application with either a physical Android device or the Android emulator.

Explore the OpenStack REST APIs for PowerVC

IBM Power Virtualization Center Express Edition (PowerVC) is an IaaS cloud solution designed to make it easier to build and manage virtual resources in a Power Systems Software Defined Environment or a cloud infrastructure. It is primarily based on OpenStack® and includes OpenStack industry-standard application programming interfaces. Learn about the APIs for each OpenStack component and the tasks they will help you complete.

A web platform for streamlining scientific workflows

If you haven’t heard, science has been experiencing some issues. Though most scientists believe in the ideals of openness, transparency, and reproducibility, the reality is that the incentive structure of academic research encourages exactly the opposite. So, scientists have a stronger professional incentive to get results published than to get them right. To make things worse, many scientists are stuck with outdated and closed source tools that aren’t up to the task of managing their increasingly complicated workflows.

OpenStack Catching Up to VMware as Preferred Private Cloud Platform

CAMBRIDGE, MA -- (Marketwired – June 18, 2014) -- TesoraTM, provider of an open and scalable database as a service (DBaaS) platform on OpenStack and the Trove project, today announced results of a survey of North American developer communities that found 15 percent were running private clouds on VMware software closely followed by 11 percent using OpenStack.

Lighting automation system syncs bulbs with music

An MIT spinoff is Kickstarter-funding its AllJoyn and OpenWRT Linux based “Q” system, which syncs its smart bulbs to mobile music it streams to a stereo. The Q name derives from the system’s Q Station router, “allowing you to both create a Q (queue) of music and send lighting Qs (cues) from the same smartphone app,” says MIT spinoff Belleds Technologies. (And if you also happen to envision hardware hacker hero Q from James Bond, so much the better.)

Randa Meetings Interview: Sanjiban Bairagya

First and foremost we would like to thank everybody that already supported the Randa Meetings fundraising. We have reached almost 1/3 of the our goal. Please help more and spread the word. If we reach our goal we can have an even more stable Kdenlive, more applications ported to KDE Frameworks 5, further progress on Phonon, a look at Amarok 3, even better KDE educational applications, a finished port of GCompris to Qt and KDE technologies, an updated KDE Book, more work on Gluon and a new and amazing KDE SDK!

Create Space Invaders on Raspberry Pi part one

When you’re learning to program in a new language or trying to master a new module, experimenting with a familiar and relatively simply project is a very useful exercise to help expand your understanding of the tools you’re using. Our Space Invaders clone is one such example that lends itself perfectly to Python and the Pygame module – it’s a simple game with almost universally understood rules and logic. While the Invaders meander their way down the screen towards you, it’s your job to pick them off while dodging their random fire. When one wave is conquered, another faster, more aggressive wave appears. We’ve tried to use many features of Pygame, which is designed to make the creation of games and interactive applications easier. We’ve extensively used the Sprite class, which saves dozens of lines of extra code in making collision detection simple and updating the screen and its many actors a single-line command.

Real life experiences thanks to Google Summer of Code projects

While the open source community is filled with some of the most talented minds in the world, fresh perspectives from the next generation of developers is essential to the continued pioneering spirit of open source projects. Such an injection of youthful enthusiasm lends new creative blood to the open source community, allowing projects to stay cutting edge and in keeping with current trends. read more

Can we make research more like the web?

Kaitlin Thaney is the Director of Mozilla’s Science Lab and an open science advocate. Her work in this space began with John Wilbanks building the science wing of Creative Commons (formerly known as “Science Commons”). Their focus was on crafting the infrastructure, policy and advocacy for Open Access and sharing data on the web. She moved to Digital Science, where the focus was on tools and science software, but there was still a gap.

Enroll now in free, online open source programming classes

When Kushal Das helped found the Durgapur, India, Linux users group in 2004, he was struggling to find a teacher who could show him the open source ropes. "During that time," Das said in a recent presentation at PyCon 2014, "there was almost no one to tell us what exactly to do with this thing called Linux, other than clicking randomly."

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