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Use Profiling to Improve Snort Performance

Snort, the open source intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS), can be a fabulous tool to protect your network from attack – if it’s set up correctly. If it’s not, it can cause network traffic and performance problems. Here’s a rundown of how to use Snort’s built-in profiling tools to tune your setup and improve Snort’s performance.

Chaos feared after UNIX time-zone database is nuked

  • The Register; By Dan Goodin (Posted by tuxchick on Oct 7, 2011 2:25 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The internet's authoritative source for time-zone data has been shut down after the volunteer programmer who maintained it was sued for copyright infringement by a maker of astrology software.

Why Do Volunteers Write Better Code?

LXer Feature: 06-Oct-2011

Volunteers write better code, and maintain it better. At least that's what Michael Meeks, SUSE's desktop architect and senior LibreOffice developer says.

IBM donates code to distributed open-source healthcare project

Open source enables large distributed science projects in a way that closed, proprietary software never will– here is some interesting news from IBM:

ARMONK, N.Y. – October 3,2011 -IBM (NYSE:IBM) today announced that the company is donating a portion of its Blue Spruce Project code to the Dojo Foundation’s Open Cooperative Web Framework (OpenCoweb). The Blue Spruce technology, which was developed in the IBM labs, enables real-time cooperative web solutions. It is already being utilized in an online data exploration system for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded study of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPDGeneR), and to create customized solutions for the healthcare industry by iTel Companies, Inc.

Fedora, OpenSuse betas embrace GNOME 3.2

The Attachmate/SUSE-backed OpenSUSE and Red Hat-backed Fedora community Linux projects have been released in beta versions that include the GNOME 3.2 desktop environment. The Fedora 16 (& Verne& ) beta also adds support for the GRUB2 bootloader, as well as updates to applications including Firefox, Blender, Perl, and Python, while the OpenSUSE 12.1 (& Asparagus& ) beta to be more of a developers alpha release masquerading as a beta....

News: The Linux Desktop Advances

Many different things make the Linux Planet go around, and one of them is the desktop. This past week, two key Linux desktop technologies advanced -- the new GNOME 3.2 release and the 1.0 release of PulseAudio.

How to Find Anything Under Linux

The Linux find, grep, and awk commands are amazing power tools for fine-grained file searches, and for finding things inside files. With them you can find the largest and newest files on a system, fine-tune search parameters, search for text inside files, and perform some slick user management tricks.

Find Largest or Newest Files

The find command can do nearly anything, if you can figure out how. This example hunts down space hogs by finding the 10 largest files on your system, and sorts them from small to large in human-readable form:

Tor and the BEAST SSL attack

Today, Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong presented a new attack on TLS <= 1.0 at the Ekoparty security conference in Buenos Aires. Let's talk about how it works, and how it relates to the Tor protocol.

Short version: Don't panic. The Tor software itself is just fine, and the free-software browser vendors look like they're responding well and quickly. I'll be talking about why Tor is fine; I'll bet that the TBB folks will have more to say about browsers sometime soon.

There is some discussion of the attack and responses to it out there already, written by seriously smart cryptographers and high-test browser security people. But I haven't seen anything out there yet that tries to explain what's going on for people who don't know TLS internals and CBC basics.

Facebook's Flashcache For The Linux Kernel

Facebook has made many open-source contributions over the years from their high-performance PHP-To-C++ compiler, to parts of their infrastructure, to some of their development tools. One of their open-source projects they made public last year for increasing their database performance was Flashcache. Flashcache is a kernel module that provides a block cache for Linux with various caching modes...

Become an ImageMagick Ninja: Doing Things in Batches

Last month we introduced ImageMagick, a software suite that lets you manipulate images in several interesting ways. In that article we learned a lot of ways to resize images, make thumbnails, and convert image file formats. Today we’re going to unleash more of the mighty ImageMagick power and learn to make drop shadows, raised buttons, and proof sheets, and generate different sizes of the same image.

Is VIA Back To Playing With Linux, Gallium3D?

Back in January I heard from VIA that their open-source Linux strategy / support was basically dead. They don't have the resources or justification to do the work any longer, and their Linux TODO list was basically shot. In the years since they announced they were trying to become open-source friendly (and follow the steps of ATI/AMD), they only managed to push out some partially open-source code and some chipset documentation. But could they be playing around with open-source graphics drivers again?..

Crash course: How to make a website with Drupal

Drupal is an amazing content management system (CMS) that can build pretty much any Web site you want it to -- if you can figure out how. Follow along as I remake my personal Web site,, using Drupal.

0 A.D. Alpha 7 Released With Dynamic Territory

For those into open-source real-time strategy games, there's a new alpha release of the growingly-popular 0 A.D. game...

A crash course in PostgreSQL, part 2

In part 1, we learned important PostgreSQL fundamentals. Today, we'll learn how to populate a table with data, and about important concepts like schema, normalization, views, and transactions.

Wrap Up - Desktop Summit 2011 Berlin

A big "Thank You!" to all the sponsors, Technologiestiftung Berlin (TSB; in English, Technology Foundation of Berlin), Humboldt University of Berlin, and nearly 800 attendees who gathered from around the world to make a successful Desktop Summit 2011! read more

Mozilla WebAPI: champion of open source freedom

Google? Not so much – but who cares? Open...and Shut As a group, open-source developers tend to be a freedom-loving bunch. If only their fans were the same. Even as open source has become a mainstream way to build software, many of its biggest beneficiaries opt to contribute little to nothing back.…

Linus Ditches KDE and Gnome (so what?)

Having made an earlier defection from KDE to Gnome, Linus Torvalds has now rejected both in favor of Xfce. It’s only natural that the actions of the creator of the Linux kernel would attract extra scrutiny, and I think that his decision is reflective of a wider disenchantment amongst long-term Linux users.

Arch Linux moves up to Linux 3.0

The Arch Linux team has released the first new all-in-one update for its minimalist, rolling-release Linux distribution in 15 months. The Arch Linux 2011.08.19 installation features support for Linux 3.0 and the syslinux bootloader, and offers experimental Btrfs and NILFS2 file-systems, and more flexible source-file selection, says the team....

Rob /"CmdrTaco/" Malda Resigns From Slashdot

  • Slashdot; By Rob /"CmdrTaco/" Malda (Posted by tuxchick on Aug 25, 2011 9:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups:
After 14 years and over 15,000 stories posted, it's finally time for me to say Good-Bye to Slashdot. I created this place with my best friends in a run down house while still in college. Since then it has grown to be read by more than a million people, and has served Billions and Billions of Pages (yes, in my head I hear the voice). During my tenure I have done my best to keep Slashdot firmly grounded in its origins, but now it's time for someone else to come aboard and find the *future*

Steve Jobs Resigns

Apple Inc.'s ailing chief executive Steve Jobs is officially stepping down from the helm of the company, an historic shift that hands the reins to chief operating officer Tim Cook.

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