Showing headlines posted by tuxchick

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How to install django (or run it without installing it at all) without administrative permissions

I'm giving my first baby steps at learning Django. Right up front I saw the installation procedure and it talked about requiring an administrator to do the installation or copy the django directory inside the Djando tar ball to site-packages.... I personally don't like doing these kind of things so I sat down for a while to see how it could be done without requiring running at all. It's like this.

Oracle's Subpoena to Apache, Claim Construction Order, and an Annoyed Judge

I thought you'd like to see the Apache subpoena [PDF] that Oracle just sent them. Specifically, it's a Boies Schiller production, as you can see at the bottom of page one.

And there are more filings, a notice of a case management conference at 7 in the morning on May 11, believe it or not, the claim construction order, with a long description of Java, also a letter from Oracle complaining about Google, followed by an order from the judge, who has clearly had it with the parties' inability to get things settled without his intervention on every little dispute. He's sending all discovery disputes to a randomly selected magistrate.

Ebook Publishing Using Linux Tools

  • Linux Journal; By Doug.Roberts (Posted by tuxchick on May 10, 2011 6:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Digital books, aka “ebooks” are going to change the publishing world just as iTunes and digital music have changed the music industry.

SimplyMEPIS 11 adds LibreOffice and a faster Firefox 4

The MEPIS project announced the release of the Debian Linux based SimplyMEPIS distribution. SimplyMEPIS 11 moves up to Linux kernel and the KDE 4.51 desktop, switches from to LibreOffice 3.3.2, and provides FireFox 4.0, which was recently recompiled to run much faster on Linux....

Say Cheese, Webcam Effects Demo

Video effects walkthru of the desktop webcam application, Cheese. With commentary.

Facebook's HipHop Can Now Build Grimstad

  • Phoronix; By Michael Larabel (Posted by tuxchick on May 8, 2011 12:57 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: PHP
Announced to the public last year by Facebook was HipHop, an open-source project that transforms PHP code into highly-optimized C++ and then uses the GCC C++ compiler to produce a native system binary. Facebook's original numbers showed that by using this transformer/compiler on their servers the CPU usage went down by about 50% and they were able to supply around 70% more traffic on existing resources since the PHP code is no longer being dynamically interpreted. Here's a look at Facebook's HipHop during some of our first tests.

There's An X.Org Driver For Nested X Servers

Announced just hours ago on the X.Org development mailing list is recent work to create the xf86-video-nested driver. As implied by the name of the driver and the title of this news post, this is an X.Org video driver designed to run nested X.Org servers. In other words, X.Org on top of X.Org...

Canonical CTO Mark Zimmerman steps down

Natty Narwhal herding no more Matt Zimmerman, chief technology officer at commercial Linux distributor Canonical, is stepping down.…

FHS Refresh

I’ve been busy tonight spamming mailing lists and otherwise getting the word out: the LSB workgroup is preparing to update the FHS. This update has been a long time in coming; FHS 2.3 (the current version) was released back in 2004. Since then, a lot has happened, and it’s starting to look like the FHS is holding things back due to the lack of updates.

Mozilla refuses US request to ban Firefox add-on

  • The Register; By Dan Goodin (Posted by tuxchick on May 6, 2011 1:01 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups:
Mozilla officials have refused a US government request to ban a Firefox add-on that helps people to access sites that use internet domain names confiscated in an unprecedented seizure earlier this year.

Red Hat CEO hates patent trolls, but says sometimes you just have to pay up

With Red Hat on the verge of becoming the first billion-dollar company focused exclusively on open source software, it has attracted quite a bit of attention -- from lawyers waving patents.

How to painlessly switch from Ubuntu to Fedora

Ubuntu and Fedora are arguably the most popular Linux distros out there today. They both make a huge impact on the Linux community release after release, but are somewhat opposite philosphies at times. Fedora, the RedHat-sponsored community project is adamant of RPM packages, while Ubuntu is based on Debian and therefore uses DEB packages. Fedora maintains that RedHat corporate environment vibe to it, more like a specialised distro, the perfect choice for developers. Ubuntu, on the other hand, based its strategy around creating "Linux for human beings", a friendly desktop environment that is accessible to all kinds of users.

Ubuntu 11.04: Is Natty Narwhal the best Linux desktop ever?

I said months ago that Ubuntu 11.04 wouldn't be the same old Ubuntu, and boy was I right. With its new Unity interface, Ubuntu doesn't look or act like any other desktop Linux you've ever seen. And, since I've seen almost all of them, I know what I'm talking about! The basics are the same as you'll find in many Linux distributions. It's still based on Debian Linux; it uses the 2.6.28 Linux kernel; it still uses most of the same familiar applications; and its desktop is built on top of GNOME 2.32.1, but with the Unity desktop I couldn't blame you if you didn't recognize anything but the apps.

Will kubuntu natty stabilize? Ever?

First off, let me tell you something before I start my rant on kubuntu: I've been a kubuntu user for 6 years now... and I don't intend to switch to gnome (ubuntu) or xfce (xubuntu) or any other of the other variants anytime soon. I like KDE and I'm willing to put up with the nag that I have to go through in order to continue using it

Intel unveils 3-D transistor breakthrough

Intel announced what it's describing as the world's first 3-D transistors, set to be included in its 2012 & Ivy Bridge& Core processors. The & Tri-Gate& design will ensure that & Moore's Law,& dictating that transistor density doubles every two years, will keep moving along....

How to Look Like a Dunce in One Easy Lesson

LXer Feature: 28-Apr-2011

Want to look like a dork with hardly any effort at all? Blame your Telco for losing Internet connectivity when it's your own fault.

Why Software and Patents Need To Get a Divorce

This article provides a detailed factual explanation of why software is mathematics, complete with the references in mathematical and computer science literature. It also includes a detailed factual explanation of why mathematics is speech, complete once again with references. My hope is that it will help patent lawyers and judges handling patent litigation understand these fundamental truths, so they can apply that technical knowledge to their field of skill.

RAW Magic In Digikam: Understanding RAW Photo Settings

Shutterbugs have found big power in understanding and manipulating digital photos in RAW formats. Linux lovers have the perfect tool for harnessing the RAW power in Digikam, via the built-in LibRaw. Want to claim the power for your own photo efforts? Read on and I'll show you how to tame RAW photos on Linux with Digikam.

The Frozenbyte Bundle Hasn't Breached $1M USD

There's just twelve hours left to the Humble Indie "Frozenbyte" Bundle #3. This is a collection of games from the Frozenbyte game studio that are multi-platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X), are free of any Digital Rights Management restrictions, and you simply pay whatever you want for the collection of five games...

Spotlight on Linux: Toorox

Toorox is a Gentoo-based installable live CD that features your choice of KDE or GNOME desktops. It comes with lots of useful applications including system configuration tools, easy package management, and proprietary code installers.

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