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Atom E3800 powers Qseven and COM Express Mini modules

Arbor has launched two COMs based on Intel’s quad- and dual-core Atom E3800 SoCs, and built on 70 x 70mm Qseven and 84 x 55mm COM Express Mini form factors.

Five Things in Fedora This Week (2014-04-15)

  • Fedora Magazine; By Matthew Miller (Posted by bob on Apr 15, 2014 11:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Fedora, Red Hat
Fedora is a big project, and it’s hard to follow it all. This series highlights interesting happenings in five different areas every week.

Hackers From China Waste Little Time in Exploiting Heartbleed

For those who don't feel the urgency to install the latest security fixes for their computers, take note: Just a day after Heartbleed was revealed, attacks from a computer in China were launched.

Encrypting Your Cat Photos

The truth is, I really don't have anything on my hard drive that I would be upset over someone seeing. I have some cat photos. I have a few text files with ideas for future books and/or short stories, and a couple half-written starts to NaNoWriMo novels. It would be easy to say that there's no point encrypting my hard drive, because I have nothing to hide.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 release candidate arrives

  • ZDNet | Linux And Open Source Blog RSS; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Apr 15, 2014 8:11 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux, Red Hat
But where's the final release of Red Hat's flagship Linux server distribution?

Web-publishing for libraries and the robust community of Omeka

Understandably, software developers might wonder how a bunch of historians ended up shepherding an open source content management system into the world, but in the case of Omeka the trajectory is a logical one that stems from years of work in open access public history and cultural heritage projects. Omeka is a leading open source collections-based web publishing platform for cultural heritage institutions, researchers, scholars, and students, developed by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) and the growing open source developer community it supports. It is released under the GPLv 3.0 license.

Open source library system Evergreen rewards the community

As a systems librarian at an academic institution, I am a conduit between those who want to access the resources our library offers and my colleagues who describe the resources on behalf of researchers. I direct our limited development resources so that our systems can best meet the needs of all of our users. In their paper, Schwarz and Takhteyev claim that software freedom makes "it possible for the modifications to be done by those actors who have the best information about their value [and] are best equipped to carry them out." Evergreen, as an open source library system, enables me to invest my time so that my work benefits not only our institution, but all other Evergreen-using institutions when I offer my local work to the project as a whole. This focus on the improvement of the project as a whole, rather than site-specific enhancements, is a broadly shared principle of our development community.

How to set up a secondary DNS server in CentOS

  • Xmodulo (Posted by bob on Apr 15, 2014 8:44 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In the previous tutorial, we created a primary DNS server (ns1) for a test domain example.tst. In this tutorial, we will create a secondary DNS server (ns2) for the same domain by using bind package on CentOS. When it comes to setting up a secondary DNS server, the following factors should be kept in mind. […]Continue reading... The post How to set up a secondary DNS server in CentOS appeared first on Xmodulo. Related FAQs: How to set up a primary DNS server using CentOS How to add a secondary hard disk to Xen DomU How to set up MailScanner, Clam Antivirus and SpamAssassin in CentOS mail server How to assign multiple IP addresses to one network interface on CentOS How to set up BGP Looking Glass server on CentOS

Top 5 open source tools libraries need to know about

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 14, 2014 11:44 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
There was a time when working in the library I found it very frustrating (as many librarians do) that there were so few options for software that actually did what I needed. In libraries we're so used to there being this vendor=software model. Where one vendor controls a product and while there might be other similar products, they too are controlled by a vendor.  This is why libraries need to take a closer look at open source software.

Regular expressions guide

  • Linux User (Posted by bob on Apr 14, 2014 10:47 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Learn regular expressions to more effectively search through code and the shell

How to monitor a Linux server and desktop remotely from web browser

When it comes to monitoring a Linux box, there are more than enough options to choose from. While there are many production-quality monitoring solutions (e.g., Nagios, Zabbix, Zenoss), boasting of fancy UI, monitoring scalability, comprehensive reporting capabilities, etc., these solutions are probably an overkill for most of us end users. If all you need is […]Continue reading... The post How to monitor a Linux server and desktop remotely from web browser appeared first on Xmodulo. Related FAQs: How to compile and install Nginx web server from source on Linux How to access VNC remote desktop in web browser How to speed up Nginx web server with PageSpeed How to use a custom DNS server on Ubuntu Desktop How to monitor common services with Nagios

Open source achievements based on merit, not age

Lauren Egts is a student who loves technology. She teaches children and adults alike about computer programming, presenting about Raspberry Pi and Scratch at local area Mini Maker Faires and at the Akron Linux User Group. She's enrolled in the Hathaway Brown School's Science, Research, and Engineering program, and is a member of her school's robotics team, The Fighting Unicorns. She also won a 2014 Ohio Affiliate Award for Aspirations in Computing from the National Center for Women in Technology. Learn more about Lauren and her ties to the open source way in this Community Spotlight interview.

Open platforms to reveal secrets of the human mind

  • Linux User (Posted by bob on Apr 13, 2014 3:11 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
For the next ten years, scientists will be probing the human brain in software form. It could revolutionise mental health research and lead to machines learning like us...

Can You Get Private SSL Keys Using Heartbleed?

  • CloudFare; By Nick Sullivan (Posted by bob on Apr 13, 2014 11:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
Below is what we thought as of 12:27pm UTC. To verify our belief we crowd sourced the investigation. It turns out we were wrong. While it takes effort, it is possible to extract private SSL keys. (updated)

Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part III, "Governance, Progress, and More Ideas")

  • Fedora Magazine; By Matthew Miller (Posted by bob on Apr 12, 2014 8:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Fedora
This is part three of a series based on talks in February at DevConf in the Czech Republic. You should start with Part I, ”Why?”, particularly if your first response on reading this is to… ask why. That part covers the background and outlines some problems we are trying to solve.

Linux KVM Virtualization comes to IBM Power servers soon

  • ZDNet | Linux And Open Source Blog RSS; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by bob on Apr 12, 2014 6:14 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: IBM, Linux, Virtualization
KVM, Linux's built-in hypervisor for the x86 chip family will be available at the end of this quarter for IBM's Power chip family.

It may be ILLEGAL to run Heartbleed health checks - IT lawyer

Websites and tools that have sprung up to check whether servers are vulnerable to OpenSSL's mega-vulnerability Heartbleed have thrown up anomalies in computer crime law on both sides of the Atlantic.

Whitehat hacker goes too far, gets raided by FBI, tells all

A whitehat hacker from the Baltimore suburbs went too far in his effort to drive home a point about a security vulnerability he reported to a client. Now he's unemployed and telling all on reddit.

How to speed read on Linux

  • Xmodulo (Posted by bob on Apr 11, 2014 9:47 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Have you heard of speed reading? Me neither. At least not before a startup called Spritz raised 3.5 Millions in seed money to develop an API that supposedly allows a user to read 1,000 words per minute. The concept of speed reading is simple: slice a text into individual short segments, like a word or […]Continue reading... The post How to speed read on Linux appeared first on Xmodulo. Related FAQs: How to install Google Chrome on Linux How to check Internet speed from the command line on Linux How to test DNS server speed on Linux How to speed up X11 forwarding in SSH How to speed up Nginx web server with PageSpeed

Transparent civic improvement with crowdfunding platform

  • (Posted by bob on Apr 11, 2014 5:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
There are two processes in the public sphere that we all depend on but that few of us really understand. And what's worse is that both are in trouble.

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