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Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” Wallpaper Competition Opens for Entries

The Ubuntu team put up a call for all artists, graphic designers, and Ubuntu fans everywhere to submit images to the official wallpaper competition for the upcoming Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” operating system release.

FreeTube - How to Install on Manjaro Linux

The following tutorial will demonstrate how to install FreeTube on Manjaro Linux with cli commands and the AUR.

Open source software is transforming healthcare

In the summer of 2022, the UK government and NHS England published its Open Source Policy, stating that open source technology is: Particularly suitable for use within the healthcare industry... Yes, open source is now powering everything from medical wearables to healthcare human resource management.

Microsoft Management Contacted Sirius Open Source CEO to Complain About My Writings in Techrights Years Before Bill Gates Paid Him

The above video explains how both my wife and I were being bullied by management just weeks or at most a month after a shell was created in the US after the Gates Foundation had secretly (under NDA) offered money to the CEO. Only a few years prior to that he told me (face to face in Alton Towers) that Microsoft had contacted him over the phone to complain about me (regarding things I wrote in Techrights). Funny how Microsoft likes to complain about you behind your back… to your boss. I only found out and wrote about it years later. It was risky to even mention this, but I did it anyway.

Why you should use SPDX for security

By Phil Odence Software Package Data Exchange® (SPDX®) is a standard format for describing a software bill of materials that supports a range of use cases, not least SBOMs to manage security vulnerabilities.  SPDX has been an open project under the auspices of the Linux Foundation for over a decade, all the time with the […]

Endless OS 5.0 Beta Is Here with a New Desktop Interface and Wayland Support

The Endless Foundation announced today the beta release of the upcoming major Endless OS 5.0 operating system, which promises a refreshed desktop experience, an all-new App Center, and other features.

How to use methods in Java

A method in Java (called a "function" in many other programming languages) is a portion of code that's been grouped together and labeled for reuse. Methods are useful because they allow you to perform the same action or series of actions without rewriting the same code, which not only means less work for you, it means less code to maintain and debug when something goes wrong.

How to Install PostgreSQL 15 on Rocky Linux 9

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Jan 12, 2023 5:43 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
PostgreSQL is a free and open-source database management system focusing on extensibility and SQL compliance. This tutorial will guide you through installing the latest PostgreSQL 15 on a Rocky Linux 9 server. This also guides you through the basic usage of PostgreSQL for creating users/roles, managing databases, creating tables, insert and retrieving data.

How to Encrypt Files in Linux with Tomb

Tomb is a program which creates portable partitions that you can mount on any Linux distro. Learn how you can use it to encrypt files today.

Wordbook: Offline English Dictionary App for GNOME

  •; By arindam (Posted by arindam1989 on Jan 12, 2023 3:21 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: GNOME
Meet Wordbook: An offline dictionary application, created for GNOME desktop that brings easy search, synonyms and more.

How to Block Package and Kernel Updates in Debian / Ubuntu

This tutorial will cover how to block certain packages from being installed or upgraded and how to block specific versions of packages or kernels from being installed. We will discuss two methods here. The first method will block all installs and upgrades for a certain package. The second method offers more granular control, allowing you to block specific package versions.

How to Recruit and Retain Top Linux and Open-Source Talent

  •; By Lucas Rees (Posted by linuxer on Jan 12, 2023 12:59 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Community, Linux
As the technology landscape evolves, the importance of Linux and open-source talent in the workforce has become increasingly clear. These professionals possess a unique set of skills and experience that allow them to adapt to new technologies quickly and create innovative solutions. However, recruiting and retaining top Linux and open-source talent can be a challenge. In this article, we'll explore the strategies and best practices that companies can use to attract, recruit and retain top Linux and open-source talent.

BrosTrend 650Mbps AC5L Linux WiFi Adapter Review

  •; By LinuxLinks (Posted by sde on Jan 11, 2023 11:48 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
This review looks at the BrosTrend AC650 AC5L Linux WiFi Adapter. Unlike most Wi-Fi sellers, BrosTrend provide Linux support for Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based distros. Their Wi-Fi adapter chipsets and drivers are developed by Realtek.

Fedora 38 is finally taking shape

New Budgie and Sway spins, Xfce 4.18, and initial support for Unified Kernel Images. A Fedora Project meeting this week is starting to set the shape of the next release, Fedora 38, due in April.…

GnuCash 5.0 Accounting Software Promises New Stock Transaction Assistant, More

  •; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on Jan 11, 2023 9:26 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
GnuCash 5.0 free, open-source, and cross-platform accounting software is in the works and promises some interesting new features for those of you who like to manage your finances on your GNU/Linux distributions.

Maintainer confidential: Opportunities and challenges of the ubiquitous but under-resourced Yocto Project

Maintainers are an important topic of discussion. I’ve read a few perspectives, but I’d like to share mine as one of the lesser-known maintainers in the open source world. Who am I, and what do I do? I have many job titles and, in many ways, wear many hats. I’m the “architect” […]

Top 10 Docker Commands You Should Know

  • RoseHosting Blog; By Jeff Wilson (Posted by RoseHosting on Jan 11, 2023 7:04 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Docker is an open-source platform service used for running applications in isolated environments called containers. The containers have their own structure, with encapsulated services that can not interfere with the work of the main server. In this tutorial, we are going to use the Ubuntu 22.04 OS, but you can choose any Linux distro you want. First, we will install the docker and then show you the ten most used docker commands.

Why developers choose open source in the hybrid cloud

The biggest barrier to growth and innovation is a stagnant data platform. Legacy proprietary systems aren't technically viable for most enterprises anymore. The enhanced capabilities of adopting a cloud-centric, open source approach to database management systems are critical to thriving in today's business landscape.

How to Install osTicket with Nginx on Debian 11

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Jan 11, 2023 4:42 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Debian, Linux; Story Type: News Story
osTicket is a free and open-source support ticket system used to scale and streamline your customer service and improve your customer experience. This tutorial will show you how to install osTicket on Debian 11.

Haiku beta 4: BeOS rebuild / almost ready for release. / A thing of beauty

  • The Register (Posted by bob on Jan 11, 2023 3:31 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Open source reimplementation could be even better than the original in its prime Haiku is an open source OS with a few differences. The big one is that it's not a Unix. The next is that it's pretty close to being a realistic, usable alternative OS for ordinary, everyday use.…

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