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Asia 'to show Linux-based system'

  • CNN International (Posted by tadelste on Aug 24, 2005 5:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
A partnership of companies from Japan, China and South Korea will unveil a new Linux-based operating system for local markets later this week in Beijing to challenge Microsoft Corp.'s dominance, a news report said Wednesday. The new software, called Asianux 2.0, will be introduced Thursday and was developed by Japan-based Miracle Linux Corp., China's Red Flag Software Co. and Haansoft Inc. of South Korea, the Nihon Keizai newspaper said.

Microsoft desires that Linux prove its cost case

This might seem strange as Vole has spent a fortune on an aggressive ‘Get The Facts campaign’ claiming that Windows is much better than Linux. Now, either Microsoft is supremely confident that any research will prove that Windows is much better than Linux, or it has another cunning plan which we are not aware of.

Sync your Pocket PC with Linux

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Aug 24, 2005 1:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
You can use a Pocket PC with Linux, but the integration of a device such as Hewlett-Packard's iPaq with Linux software such as Evolution requires add-on software. If you wish to use a Windows CE device with Linux you will need to install SynCE, a set of open source tools.

Developing an open source directory

With a growing enterprise focus on identity management and related capabilities such as SSO (single sign-on) and automated provisioning, directory services are fast becoming a vital component of network infrastructures

Make Your Own "Phantom Edit" with Mplayer

  • Linux DevCenter (Posted by bstadil on Aug 23, 2005 6:28 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Mplayer has always been an impressive media player, but with its Edit Decision List feature, you can create custom edits of movies that leave out the stuff you don't want--whether that's profanity, violence, sex, or Jar Jar.

Linux growing, limited by Microsoft

Research house BMI-t predicts steady but capped growth for open source, particularly on the desktop, due to Microsoft's market domination.

Linux is open source but its trade mark is not

An anti-software patent campaigner yesterday called on the open source community to recognise why trade marks are a good thing, after Linux-founder Linus Torvalds faced criticism for supporting licence fees for use of the “Linux” mark.

Open source computer drivers licence goes live

  • Tectonic (Posted by dave on Aug 23, 2005 3:12 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
New computer learners can now complete their International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) using a free, Linux-based curriculum.

Synapse to provide open source Web services mediation

A proposal to create an open source Web service mediation framework has been submitted to the Apache Software Foundation "incubator" under the Web Services project. The "Synapse" framework is intended to intermediate between Web services to provide transformation and routing, promote loose coupling between services, and support greater reliability and resiliency.

Australian electoral commission eyes open source voting

  • ComputerWorld (Posted by dave on Aug 23, 2005 1:46 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
If bringing total democracy to electronic voting can only happen via software source code that can be viewed by all, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is happy to oblige with its next-generation voting application. The idea of publicly available source code for any software involved in government elections has been argued by free-software pundits for years, but as Ken Hunter, CIO of the AEC told Computerworld Australia, the move away from incumbent legacy systems has made it possible.

LQ ISO Linux Download Site Reaches One Million Downloads is proud to announce that LQ ISO has now facilitated over 1,000,000 Linux downloads. Founded in August of 2004, LQ ISO allows users to find and rate fast local download mirrors. The site currently allows you to download almost 120 different Linux distributions from over 430 different mirrors. The site now utilizes GEO IP data to help you find the fastest local download mirror.

Mambo breakaway shakes Foundation

The open source CMS Mambo is likely to split into two separate projects after its core development team resigned en masse last week to form a new development community.

FOSS word processors compared: OOo Writer, AbiWord, and KWord

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Aug 23, 2005 11:30 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME; Story Type: News Story receives most of the attention among free and open source (FOSS) office suites, but users shouldn't forget that free software includes at least two other word processors: AbiWord, part of a projected GNOME Office, and KWord, part of the KOffice suite. From their inception, both have been playing catch-up with's Writer. But now, after several years of development, AbiWord and KWord are both reaching early maturity. How do Writer, AbiWord, and KWord compare?

Rational ClearCase MultiSite and SAMBA 3.0

This article will show you how to configure and use the new net command in SAMBA 3.0. The command provides group mapping functionality that maps UNIX groups with Windows group SIDs, allowing you to improve IBM Rational ClearCase MultiSite functionality by identifying correct user privileges.

Open Source: It's Still All about Control

  • eWEEK Linux (Posted by bstadil on Aug 23, 2005 10:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

What do Microsoft's offer to do a joint, independent research project to analyze the benefits of Linux versus Windows, Miro fighting with Mambo's developers over Mambo management and Sun's Common Development and Distribution License all have in common? They're all about control.

Linux-on-Mac seller aims to fill void

  • CNET; By Ina Fried (Posted by dave on Aug 23, 2005 9:35 AM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
Originally selling Linux for Macs using IBM's PowerPC chips, Terra Soft has regrouped to resell PowerPC-based servers from Mercury Computer Systems.

Red Hat doesn't have Linux License, neither does Mandriva, Novell has one

  •; By Sean Michael Kerner (Posted by VISITOR on Aug 23, 2005 9:27 AM EDT)
Should companies be paying a license fee for the use of the Linux trademark? Red Hat, the number one Linux distributor, said it does not. Novell, the number two Linux distro, said it does.

Linux and VMware add up for Connecticut nonprofit

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Aug 23, 2005 7:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Family Services Woodfield (FSW), a nonprofit organization in Bridgeport, Conn., is dipping its toes in open source waters with the help of virtual machines.

Lloyd's ready to cover open source legal risks

  • (Posted by dave on Aug 23, 2005 5:57 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Sun
Lloyd's of London syndicates are poised to underwrite the use of open source software by users who are worried about being sued by proprietary software makers claiming their intellectual property rights have been violated.

A Comparison of Linux Performance Tuning Books

  • Linux Journal (Posted by dave on Aug 23, 2005 5:24 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Pat's back with more mini book reviews to help you sort through the abundance of HOWTOs, references and tech books published every day.

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