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July '05: Battle of the High-End CPUs

  •; By Augustus (Posted by bstadil on Jul 11, 2005 1:22 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
With all of the different processors available today from both AMD and Intel, it can be a tough decision to choose even a high-end CPU from the choices available. After all, with both single-core and dual-core CPUs available today, what constitutes the top processor may be different for the gamer versus the software developer

Tested using Gentoo Linux 64-bit (AMD64)

OSDL boss hints at Microsoft collaboration

The head of Open Source Development Labs, Stuart Cohen, has added weight to rumours of greater collaboration between Microsoft and the open source community. Microsoft software designed specifically to run on open source platforms such as Linux could be closer to reality than previously thought, according to comments made by the head of Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) on Monday.

PHP 4.4.0 Released!

  • Mailing list; By Derick Rethans (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 12:31 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: PHP
The PHP Development Team would like to announce the immediate release of PHP 4.4.0.

Visit Linux-based kiosk, get cash

Amstar Systems manufactures and sells "automatic cashiers," cash dispensing machines that run on a modified Red Hat Linux. These super ATMs allow those without bank accounts access to financial transactions that previously only bank customers could access.

Open-source ERP? One Company Takes The Leap

  • InformationWeek (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 11:05 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The quality of OpenMFG code is at least as good as commercial-grade software, Holowka says. Open-source programmers 'are doing this for notoriety, so they don't want to put garbage out there.'

SA at free software carnival in Austria

  • Tectonic (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 8:12 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Thotyelwa Mcongwane of the Meraka Institute's open source centre will give international delegates insight into Southern African free software progress during this week's Eclectic Tech Carnival in Austria.

Open-source, not Microsoft, best suited to Indonesia

As governments overseas are switching over to Linux -- the city of Vienna, Austria being the latest convert -- Indonesia should back away from a relationship with a costly piece of software that offers little benefit over viable open-source alternatives. Our minds and data files should be open to new innovations and changes in the future, and not be dictated by a single company lead by the richest man in the world.

People Behind KDE: New Series Starts With Antonio Larrosa

  • KDE Dot News (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 5:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: KDE
The People Behind KDE interviews are back with a new series. First in the hot seat is aKademy organiser Antonio Larrosa. For the new series the original interviewer Tink has handed over management to KDE-NL. The People Behind KDE interviews take a look at the human side of KDE development by asking the important questions to our team of coders, artists, translators and everyone else who helps KDE.

Social Bookmarking for Linux and Open Source is proud to announce a new addition to its network of sites - LQ Bookmarks. LQ Bookmarks allows you to bookmark, tag, annotate and share links to Open Source and Linux related sites. It also allows you to access your bookmarks from any browser on any machine. The ability to share and see what others are sharing is called social bookmarking. You can view links in the order they were added, by tag, by user or by popularity. RSS feeds are available for all queries. All content on the site is available under a Creative Commons license.

Review: Plextor ConvertX PX-TV402U personal video recorder

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 4:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The Plextor ConvertX, even at an early stage in its Linux support cycle, is a legitimate alternative to the Hauppage video capture cards that so many Linux users are using these days. Last March, Plextor announced the availability of a Linux software development kit for two of their personal video recorders: the ConvertX PVR model PX-TV402U and the ConvertX PX-M402U. I chose to evaluate the ConvertX PVR-PX-TV402U product because I wanted to find a suitable piece of hardware to use in a system that functions as a personal video recorder.

Linux in Government: Federated Identity Management Business Drivers

  • Linux Journal (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 4:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Aside from obvious some obvious business benefits, some government regulations require FIM.

Microsoft learns to live with open source

  • CNET; By Martin LaMonica (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 3:35 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Microsoft; Story Type: News Story
Though it still opposes open-source products and licensing, Microsoft is begrudgingly adopting similar practices to appeal to its corporate customers.

LimeWire: Open source brings commercial success

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jul 11, 2005 1:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
LimeWire, the popular cross-platform P2P client for the Gnutella network, has been growing in popularity thanks to its promise that it contains no adware or spyware -- a fact anyone can verify because the application's source code is open.

Microsoft Surprises with Linux 'Hands-On Lab'

Is Microsoft toning down its aggressive anti-Linux campaign, or is the software giant realizing that playing nice can have the same effect? While the answer is unclear, Microsoft Corp. surprised many of the attendees at its annual worldwide partner show here this weekend by allowing a third party to present a "hands-on lab" that allowed attendees to play with a range of Linux desktop software.

Technically inept grasp open source

  • Newark Star Ledger (Posted by dave on Jul 10, 2005 12:58 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
PC programs, including Web browsers and Weblogging tools, are drawing the attention of computer users beyond the technically adept devotees of Linux and other open source projects. With an emerging crop of programs, you can have open-source software up and running on your Macintosh or Windows computer within minutes, and you don't need a degree in computer science.

Eclipse Toolkit for Kick-Starting Linux Workplace Client apps

IBM Workplace Managed Client Developer Toolkit is based on the Eclipse architecture and is compatible with Linux.

Who wants to be the LXER editor this week?

  • LXer; By Dave Whitinger (Posted by dave on Jul 10, 2005 5:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: LXer
There are several days during this coming week that I will not be available to post stories. So, either LXer will sit idle those days, or else someone else will step up to the plate and give it a try. Preferably 2 or 3 people will come forward. Email at if you're interested.

New Foundation Boosts Ubuntu Linux

The founders of the popular Debian variant, working with Canonical, have established an organization to support the distribution.

Linux Appliance Aids Virtual Server Setup

  • InformationWeek; By Larry Greenemeier (Posted by dave on Jul 9, 2005 2:14 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The new Levanta Intrepid M acts as hub for provisioning Linux servers without the need to load the operating system or applications directly onto each new server.

Fujitsu and Novell Deliver Linux for High-Performance Servers

Fujitsu Limited and Novell today announced an agreement to deliver new Linux technology and support to their customers. As part of the agreement, Fujitsu will offer support services for Novell's SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server, which will soon be available worldwide on Fujitsu mission-critical PRIMEQUEST and PRIMERGY servers. As a result, customers gain a powerful new Linux solution for their high-performance server needs, backed by two of the leading vendors in the Linux market.

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