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Linux in Government: Linux Desktop Reviews, Part 6 - Ubuntu
In less than a year, this free Linux distribution has become the most popular.
Trustix Secure Linux 3.0 beta
Trustix Secure Linux 3.0 has now reached beta status! Our rapidly expanding new customer base has meant we only had to concentrate on one area of improvement - making installation really, really simple.
Linux on desktop needs better sales people
Linspire chief exec Michael Robertson is visiting London on a mission to persuade system builders that there's money to be made in Linux on the desktop.
KDevelop vs. Microsoft Visual Studio .Net
Over the past few years, Linux has been hitting Windows hard in different places and, blow by blow, won points against the OS behemoth. Good application software is an important selling point for any operating system, and good development tools are crucial to those writing application software. The leading desktop operating system, Microsoft Windows, has a strong integrated development environment (IDE) in Visual Studio .Net, while the upstart Linux platform's KDE environment has KDevelop. Let's pitch them against each other and see which ends up the last IDE standing.
Product of the Day: Crypto-Server 6.3 Authentication Solution
The following information has been provided by the product vendor and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Linux Journal.
Govt drives open source uptake
The Australian government has released its long anticipated Guide to Open Source Software to help departments and agencies make better software procurement decisions.
Open Source, Mugged by Reality?
The Open Source Business Conference held this month in San Francisco was chock-full of information on how to make money using open source software. Once a bastion for socialist thinking, the open source (OS) community is finally coming of age.
Aust agencies lagging on OSS: Red Hat
Linux software vendor Red Hat today welcomed the release of the government's open-source software (OSS) guide, but said Australian agencies were far behind other countries in aggressively adopting the platform.
Linux: Importing The Kernel Into git, Merging
Over the weekend, Thomas Gleixner and Igno Molnar both managed to separately import the complete kernel history into git format. Thomas worked using BitKeeper to export and create his tree, while Ingo used only the CVS tree as a source.
Portals Fostering Open-Source Success
Open-source portals have served to demonstrate the effectiveness of other open-source technologies.
Novell's OES Eases Path to Linux
Review: Open Enterprise Server 1.0 offers a fairly pain-free migration route to Linux, but the upgrade won't compel non-NetWare sites to switch.
Open-source Reporting Software Goes Commercial
Startup JasperSoft will challenge established vendors such as Business Objects and Cognos.
We Need Better Open-Source
Opinion:If open source is to continue gaining ground with the corporate desktop, it must develop not just an outstanding e-mail client, but an all-out replacement for Outlook on Windows.
NetWare Platform Is Far From Dead
Far from sounding a death knell for NetWare, the work Novell has done to plaster over the differences between NetWare and Linux in OES should extend the life of NetWare as a platform.
Fighting anti-Linux FUD, part 263
During my 25 years in the personal computing industry -- as a user, developer, and journalist -- I've seen a lot of attempts by vendors to create fear, uncertainty, and doubt -- FUD -- in the minds of customers and vendors who might be considering an alternative to the vendor's solution. This was true when I spotted a Microsoft employee spreading FUD under an assumed name on CompuServe in the early '90s: the infamous Steve Barkto affair. It is true today, in the form of an Info-Tech study titled "Mid-sized businesses not interested in Linux." Portions of the study are available online here. The report set my internal FUD alarms clanging. After reading the full report and speaking with its primary author, I have to say that the Info-Tech study not only fails my FUD sniff test, but also demonstrates classic FUD techniques.
Linux receives pat on the back for security
A recent survey carried out by Evans Data Corporation has revealed that development managers have more faith in Linux as an operating system to guard them against internal attacks than they have in Windows.
How Linux Saved Microsoft
Think about it: For decades we have surveyed companies and for decades, except for those who are actually in the software business, the vast majority have said they don't want to be in the software business. Yet open source, as it is supposed to be practiced, puts you squarely in the software business.
Playing with Walmart's Linspired laptop
My wife and daughter recently ordered for me Walmart's $500 Bal^nce laptop computer, which comes equipped with a Linspire operating system. I had some fun putting both the hardware and software through their paces.
The GNU/Linux Desktop Adoption Drive: Revisited -or- Maybe I was wrong...
A few months ago I wrote an article about how I suspected it would be a Wal-Mart like entity that would make desktop Linux a reality. This is a revisit to that same subject. Never one to take myself entirely too seriously, all I can say is that possibly I took the wrong direction about the right subject. See, I've recently changed my mind.
Second LPI mass examinations at LinuxWorld
Following the highly successful mass-LPI examination fest earlier this year organisers are planning to hold a second mass examination during the LinuxWorld conference and expo.
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