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Secure software supply chains: good practices, at scale

Supply chain attacks rose by 42% in the first quarter of 2021 [1] and are becoming even more prevalent [2]. In response to secure software supply chain breaches like Solar Winds [3], Kaseya[4], and other less publicized compromises [5], the Biden administration issued an executive order that includes guidance designed to improve the federal government’s defense against cyber threats.

OpenStack Yoga Stretches Open-Source Cloud with LOKI

  • ITProToday; By Sean Michael Kerner (Posted by tk21 on Mar 31, 2022 6:00 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Cloud
Key updates to OpenStack Yoga include new hardware enablement features and better support for Kubernetes.

What's KernelCare?

This article explains all that you need to know about KernelCare. But before studying about KernelCare, let’s do a quick recap of the Linux kernel. It’ll help you understand KernelCare better. The Linux kernel is the core part of Linux OS. It resides in memory and prompts the CPU what to do.

10 Lightweight Linux Distributions for your Old Hardware in 2022

  •; By arindam (Posted by arindam1989 on Mar 31, 2022 3:31 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
We highlight a list of 10 lightweight Linux Distributions ideal for your older PC in 2022. We give you their features and what makes them perfect for reviving older hardware.

How Aqua Security is approaching DevSecOps in 2022

I recently took the opportunity to discuss open source and security challenges with Itay Shakury of Aqua Security. What follows is a fascinating discussion about current issues, the future, and specific cloud-native tools that address the concerns of today's Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs).

33 Excellent KDE Plasma Widgets (Updated 2022)

  • (Posted by sde on Mar 31, 2022 1:03 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: KDE, Linux
KDE Plasma widgets (also known as plasmoids) are a smart way of customizing the desktop. There are an abundance of widgets available that act like building blocks, constructing a desktop that’s perfect for your needs and requirements. We’ve tried the vast majority of KDE Plasma widgets.

A guide for developers on how to convert XML files to JSON

Modern-day technology is bringing innovation and improvements to present responsive solutions in development. In the process, open data sharing solely relied on the XML programming language. Over time, various programming languages have emerged like XML, JSON, and HTML. All these languages have significance, but they differ on multiple levels.

5 things open source developers should know about cloud services providers

"The cloud" refers to both the collective computing power of an interconnected array of servers and the software layer enabling those computers to work together to create dynamically defined infrastructure. Because many consider the cloud the new frontier of computing, it's dominated the software industry for the past several years. Still, your individual level of involvement with it probably depends on your career and how much you acknowledge that you're using the cloud in your computing.

How to Install Laravel PHP Framework with Nginx and Free Let's Encrypt SSL on AlmaLinux 8

Laravel is a free, open-source, and lightweight PHP web framework used for building PHP-based web applications. It is popular due to its elegant syntax, advanced features, and robust toolset. In this post, we will show you how to install Laravel with Nginx on Alma Linux 8.

Create a Bootable USB Stick from the Ubuntu Terminal

  •; By Vitux (Posted by vitux on Mar 30, 2022 8:05 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
This tutorial shows step-by-step how to create a bootable USB stick on the Ubuntu Linux command line by using the dd command. For this guide we have been using Ubuntu 20.04, but the same procedure will work on Ubuntu 22.04 as well.

GParted 1.4: New version of live partition-manipulation tool

GParted is a graphical dynamic partition management tool for Linux. In other words, it does useful things like non-destructively expand or shrink disk partitions while they contain data. It's not unfair to describe it as a FOSS recreation of the late lamented PartitionMagic.

How to get started with scripting in Python

Python is one of the most ubiquitous development languages; it's used frequently by sysadmins, data scientists, back-end software developers, and web developers. Python has many use cases, and this tutorial explores how to use it for scripting common sysadmin tasks.

How to Fix the Horizontal Lines Bug in Chromium on Linux

For some reasons, the Chromium browser is occasionally affected by an annoying graphical glitch which occurs mostly when watching YouTube videos. Let's see some solutions to fix this problem.

Getting Started with Docker Semi-Self-Hosting on Linode

With the evolution of technology, we find ourselves needing to be even more vigilant with our online security every day. Our browsing and shopping behaviors are also being continuously tracked online via tracking cookies being dropped on our browsers that we allow by clicking the “I Accept” button next to deliberately long agreements on websites before we can get the full benefit of said site.

Leading supply-chain company Maersk joins the Open Invention Network

When you're a technologist, and you hear "containers" and "supply-chain," your mind immediately turns to Docker containers and supply-chain software. Most people, however, think of container ships and the physical supply chain that brings milk and bread to their local grocery store. However, these two concepts have more in common than you might think. A. P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk) is a leading global container logistics and shipping services leader company that uses open-source software to deliver its goods.

How to create & manage loop devices(virtual block) on Linux

When you run the lsblk -l or df -h command to list out the available block/storage devices, you may find the /dev/loop filesystem, especially if you are using the Snap package manager, and it’s quite common to find in Ubuntu distributions. If you are keen on knowing what loop devices are and how to mount and unmount them from the system, then this article will be enough for you because it will cover all the necessary aspects of loop devices, like how to create a loop device, loop filesystem, mounting, and unmounting steps.

Easily Set up Remote Backups With Open Source Duplicati

  • FOSS Post; By M.Hanny Sabbagh (Posted by fosspost on Mar 30, 2022 11:25 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
There are so many open source backup software out there, each with different features. But ever thought that you don’t want these complicated and fully-fledged solutions? Try Duplicati for simplicity.

How to Create a Static Website Using Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a web service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for storing and access to objects via the internet. S3 offers websites, web services, and mobile applications the ability to upload data and store it on its servers. In this guide, we will create and configure a simple static website using Amazon S3.

AlmaLinux vs Rocky Linux: Which One to Choose?

  •; By Bobby Borisov (Posted by bobolin on Mar 30, 2022 9:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
AlmaLinux vs Rocky Linux! Undoubtedly, they are the two most popular RHEL forks, but which one is the right choice? In this article, I’ll share my thoughts on the matter.

Mapping with gnuplot, part 2

  • BASHing data; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by Bob_Mesibov on Mar 30, 2022 8:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
The first part of this series appeared back in 2018. It describes how you can use gnuplot to build a simplified GIS. I wasn't intending to do any more with this idea, but I was tinkering with animated map GIFs and realised that the gnuplot approach had some advantages.

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