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Linux CEO [sic] to Microsoft: Compete in market, not court
In response to Microsoft's lawsuits worldwide and to continue operating overseas, Lindows Inc. changed its product name and Web site address in April 2004 to Linspire.
Music Education With Linux Sound Tools
Whatever you play, make your music lessons and practice sessions more productive with these music learning tools.
The new Linux Gazette is out!
Linux Gazette is a reader-supported monthly ezine dedicated to two simple ideas: making Linux a little more fun, and sharing ideas and discoveries.
Opinion : Linux In 2004 - Usability Needs A Facelift
During the majority of my time working with computers, Windows was the operating system of choice. Reason being, it's all I've known. In 2002, I took a college course titled "Linux Administration" which entitled me to a few cd-roms of Redhat 7.x. While this course was nothing more than a few extra credits for me, I fell in love with Linux and went through the entire textbook a week into the class. It was a nice feeling to use something "different" than what I was used to.
Open Source Labs names chief for Asia
The Beaverton-based Open Source Development Labs said late Tuesday that it has appointed former Red Hat executive Masanobu Hirano to head its Asian operations.
Linux Drivers for Intel's Centrino Due This Year
The company posts the "pre-beta" Linux driver code for its mobile Centrino chipset and says it is "intended to be a community effort as much as is possible."
Open Source Risk Management Grabs Attention for Its Linux ...
Daniel Egger saw an opportunity so good in 2003 that he invested his own money to start Open Source Risk Management (OSRM) to offer insurance to Linux users.
Judge deals MS a mortal blow in Linspire case
In a startling turn of events in a court far, far away (as far away as Microsoft found it necessary to go while shopping for a friendly judge), Microsoft's latest demands on Linspire, né LindowsOS, have not just been rejected by the judge, but the behemoth monopoly has been ordered to reimburse Linspire for its trouble. The sum of the penalty Microsoft must pay? A staggering 944 euros.
Novell sales courses in Linux
Novell is holding a series of training days to help its channel partners and other Linux salespeople learn how to use and sell open source.
PHP 4.3.7 Released
PHP Development Team is proud to announce the release of PHP 4.3.7.
Behind four Linux community sites
In our recent overview of Linux community sites we highlighted several active sites that offered news, reviews, commentary, and Linux information. We thought an interesting followup would be to ask their administrators about the technology they use to get online.
Wicked, tricksy, false! WE hates GPL! Noooo, GPL's my friend!
Sun Microsystems has been considering offering an open-source version of its Solaris operating system about as long as CEO Scott McNealy has been talking smack about Microsoft.
Open Source Application Server Accepted by Apache
An open source Java application server has been accepted by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), less than a year after the community began work on the project.
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