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Sun set to steal Red Hat's thunder with Linux prices
Sun is highlighting the lower price for Solaris compared with Red Hat, whose popular version of Linux is resold by IBM, Hewlett-Packard and others.
Who's the new (J)Boss?
Open source adoption within companies has occurred in a series of waves, each moving free software successively closer to the heart of the enterprise. First, there was Apache, whose rise is documented vividly in the Netcraft server survey. After the Web server, open source began to find favour for file serving, typically using GNU/Linux and Samba. GNU/Linux was also used to run proprietary databases like Oracle and DB2, but more recently open source databases like MySQL have proved increasingly popular with companies.
When selecting an enterprise database, developers often choose ...
We selected MySQL because we were small, it was free, and because it was well integrated with PHP, our language of choice.”.
Migrating to Linux - one step at a time
The best way to mess up a migration to Linux is to keep users in the dark and replace their systems while they are not watching, says Novell's James Thomas.
Synopsis on what DotGNU Is
There's been a lot of chatter about Mono, recently, varying from "its a killer dev platform!" all the way to, "the patent issues are going to destroy us all!" And yet, in all this chatter, there has been relatively little chatter about DotGNU or Portable.NET. Well, you know what they say: learning is FUNdamental...
Strategies for Managing Growing Networks
As networks become ever more complex, it's important to build networking infrastructure with scalability and reliability in mind. Best practices allow for networks to respond quickly to the demands of real-time business requirements with the least amount of manual intervention.
How to get your hands on SuSE Linux
Many of you have expressed both to me and in public forums the desire to get your hands on SuSE Linux in anticipation of the release of Open Enterprise Server later this year. SuSE Enterprise Server 8 and Novell Nterprise Linux Services 1.0 will form the basis of that release (or, at least, newer versions of those two products will).
Sun to Show Updated Java Enterprise, Desktop Systems
Top among the product announcements Sun is making are the next releases of its Java Enterprise System and Java Desktop System.
Hewlett to Support Software of 2 Open Source Companies
By STEVE LOHR. ewlett-Packard plans to announce tomorrow that it will support two open source software companies, MySQL and JBoss.
Play Donkey Kong, go to jail?
LiveCDs -- distributions that allow you to boot a Linux system without installing software on a PC's hard drive -- are popping up faster than Windows security alerts. Riding on the phenomenal success and popularity of Knoppix, LiveCDs for specialized use are available for everything from MythTV to MAME. No, not Auntie Mame, MAME as in Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, which lets you do important things like play Donkey Kong. Believe it or not, there are several LiveCDs focused on the MAME-niche itch. Here's a look at the arcade/system emulator movement and two LiveCDs designed to put you in touch with your inner Donkey Kong: KnoppixMAME and AdvanceCD. I'm happy with game play under both. I only wish I knew more about the legality of using them.
Chinese Build Free Net Encyclopedia
All of the content on Wikipedia is copyrighted under the GNU Free Documentation License, a license for free content developed by the Free Software Foundation.
Sun to upgrade Linux desktop software
Sun Microsystems plans to release on Tuesday the second version of its Java Desktop System, the server maker's version of Linux for desktop computers, augmenting the software with new management and programming tools.
Open-source Eclipse names 1st director
The Eclipse open-source group has named an Oracle executive as its first executive director since it gained independence from IBM.
Shutdown, by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Security is a Process, not a Product
Sun seeks to lure Linux users
Microsystems Inc., hurt by the falling price of computer hardware, is moving to put similar pricing pressure on sellers of the popular Linux operating system.
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