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Open source shopping

  • Tectonic (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 8:55 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Software developers PhiBlue have released i-Open, an online shoppingr management suite. The company said the value for online retailers is in the rich feature set and customisations while the company earns it revenues from installations and configuration.

Long live CORBA!

  • Linux Magazine (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 8:42 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The computing world has changed a lot since 1991. The powerful computers needed to run CORBA back in those days can now fit in the palm of your hand, so the overhead and bulk of CORBA is no longer a major issue. Meanwhile, the CORBA specification has been cleaned up and clarified, dozens of books have been written about it, and thousands of engineers have been trained to use it. That means CORBA isn't as esoteric as it once was, and its learning curve isn't as steep. More importantly, the need to build distributed systems hasn't gone away.

A Windows user's guide to getting started with Linux

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 8:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
As Linux gains momentum, many longtime Windows users are beginning to take notice. With Linux's legendary stability, security, and low cost, the draw is obvious. But if you're a Windows user, how do you know where to begin? This article summarizes the easiest ways for Windows users to get started in Linux or to make a full migration.

Moviepartners Leverages the Power of Open Source

  • LinuxElectrons (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 8:15 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Using rapid application development coupled with open source technologies, MoviePartners re-launches two key sites in its family to the world.

CrossOver Office Does Windows Better

  • eWEEK Linux (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 8:14 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Running Windows applications on Linux with Wine can be tricky, and CrossOver Office does a good job of ironing out the wrinkles.

Linux no match for Microsoft in Thailand

The growth of Linux on desktop PCs is not as strong as expected here due to lower prices for licensed software and a lack of strong government support for open source software, according to a study.

Oracle to have 9000 developers on Linux

New Delhi, May 28.(PTI): Oracle Corporation said today it would increase the number of developers working on Linux operating system to 9,000.

Smoke, Mirrors and Silence: The Browser Wars Reignite

These tools are effectively led by the Mozilla Foundation, whose technology now appears in many different browser and non-browser products. Off the Wall: Shooting the Sun

  • Linux Journal (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 7:40 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Sun; Story Type: News Story
Positioning options for paragraph styles in OOo.

Epiphany 1.3.0 released

  • Mailing list; By Christian Persch <> (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 7:16 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Epiphany is the GNOME web browser, based on the mozilla rendering engine. It aims to be simple and easy to use.

Novell Shows Off Linux Capacity

  •; By Carel Alberts (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 7:10 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Novell
For years, Linux was feared to be synonymous with immature products, inadequate support, limited applications and a fragmented market, said Mohamed Cassojee, Oracle SA strategy advisor, on day two of Brainshare Africa 2004 at the Sandton Convention Centre.

One-on-one with Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulick

  • IT Manager's Journal; By Melanie Hollands (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 7:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Interview; Groups: Fedora, Red Hat
Here are excerpts from a recent one-on-one interview with Red Hat CEO Matt Szulik.

Mad Penguin Positively Review Fedora Core 2

Mad Penguin have finally released their Fedora Core 2 review and its a surprisingly balanced article which gives the thumbs up to Fedora Core 2 as "an excellent distribution, which is easy to use, fast, stable and professional". They cover Fedora Core 2 in the most detail of any of the recent reviews regarding Fedora Core 2 and examine a wide range of aspects of the system from the supposed "Multimedia Issue" to the growing user community around Fedora Core.

Fedora bug prevents Windows from booting

  • Sydney Morning Herald (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 6:41 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Fedora
A bug in the recent release of the Fedora Linux distribution causes the geometry of a hard disk, as reported in the partition table, to be altered during installation, according to a message posted to the Fedora developers mailing list.

Unofficial Fedora FAQ Updated for Fedora Core 2

  • Mailing list; By Max K-A <> (Posted by dave on Jun 1, 2004 6:40 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Fedora
I'm proud to announce that the Unofficial Fedora FAQ has been updated for the release of Fedora Core 2! All the questions on the site should now be accurate for FC2, and the yum.conf has been modified and tested for FC2. During the update, almost all the questions in the FAQ have been tweaked for accuracy, clarity, and simplicity.

Review: Fedora Core 2

As I sit before my new installation of Fedora Core 2 (FC2) I'm reminded of the first time I had to put down a beloved dog. FC2 suffers from some fatal flaws. For most people, it will be best to put this malformed whelp out of its misery and wait for the Fedora Project's next litter of pups, which promises some awesome powers.

Moving from Red Hat to Fedora

Is Fedora a viable option? And for whom? Anxious to answer some burning questions, we doffed the Red Hat and donned a Fedora to find out just how well the new hat fits.

Taking Stock : Novell's Linux Focus Could Lead To Growth

  • Information Week (Posted by dave on May 31, 2004 10:48 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Novell; Story Type: News Story
This is where Novell's new Linux strategy comes in. We know that the open-source/Linux community is making large inroads into corporate IT.

Review: Fedora Core 2

As I sit before my new installation of Fedora Core 2 (FC2) I'm reminded of the first time I had to put down a beloved dog. FC2 suffers from some fatal flaws. For most people, it will be best to put this malformed whelp out of its misery and wait for ... kicks JBoss over bogus posts

JBoss Inc. will get no more opportunity to criticize and otherwise slap around its competitors on, after the site's parent company charged Friday that JBoss employees were posting inflammatory messages in its community forum under "anonymous and bogus names."

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