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Canonical Outs Linux Kernel Security Updates for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS
Canonical’s Ubuntu Security Team has published new Linux kernel security updates for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS systems to address several vulnerabilities.
GitLabs take on the current state of DevOps
A GitLab survey found that DevOps is continuing to gain momentum, but there's plenty of room for improvement when it comes to testing and security.
Getting started with GPG (GnuPG)
A brief introduction to encrypting files with the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG, or GnuPG).
Cross-platform game engine 'Defold' source code opens up
Cross-platform game engine Defold has announced that the source code is now available under a reasonably generous license, along with the formation of a Defold Foundation.
Could it be? Really? The Year of Linux on the Desktop is almost here, and it's... Windows-shaped?
Windows Subsystem for Linux to gain out-of-the-box support for GUI apps, GPU chippery. Build Microsoft's Build 2020 appears to mark the long-awaited Year Of Linux on the Desktop thanks to incoming Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) improvements, including GUI support.…
Add an issues field to a data table
Some of the data tables I audit have an "Issues" field that flags problems with individual records. It's a kind of self-reporting "Look! I've got an error!" feature. I wondered if I could do something similar with my favourite data-processing language, AWK, and this post documents my tinkerings.
How to Open Ports in Ubuntu
Having a Firewall configured and with the right rules is important to maintain the security of the system. To make a suitable configuration it is convenient to know how to open ports in distributions as popular as Ubuntu.
Embedded computers tap Jetson Xavier NX and AGX Xavier
Advantech’s “MIC-710AIX” edge AI computer and 8x PoE “MIC-710IVX” NVR system run Linux on Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier NX. There’s also an AGX Xavier based MIC-730AI system. Advantech has launched two embedded computers built around Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier NX module, which recently began shipping with a $399 Jetson Xavier NX Dev Kit. The MIC-710AIX is a […]
An open source HTTP router to increase your network visibility
In my previous article, I introduced Skipper, an open source HTTP router and reverse proxy for service composition. This article focuses on how Skipper increases network visibility and describes its advantages for both developers of scalable applications and operators of the infrastructure they run on.
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How to password protect files in Vim editor
In this article, we will be going to discuss how you can password protect your files in Vim editor. We have used Debian 10 OS for explaining the procedure mentioned in this article.
10 handy systemd commands: A reference
Here's a handy guide of useful systemd commands for your Linux sysadmin toolbox.
How to Install PostgreSQL on FreeBSD 12
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure a PostgreSQL database server on FreeBSD. We will install the latest version of PostgreSQL 11 on the FreeBSD 12.0 system.
24 Linux desktops you need to try
One of the great strengths of the Linux desktop is the choice it affords its users. If you don't like your application menu in the lower left of your screen, you can move it. If you don't like the way your file manager organizes your documents, you can use a different one. Admittedly, however, that can be confusing for new users who aren't used to having a say in how they use their computers. If you're looking at installing Linux, one of the choices you're going to have to make is which desktop you want to use, and the best way to do that is to try a few different ones until you find the on
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Pandemic stress test: The open source cloud is up to the challenge
We all know that modern business has become a rapid-response environment. Never before have we had the number of IT resources at the tips of our fingers as we have today, and most of them are enabled by the cloud. When we refer to "the cloud", we may be talking about several computing concepts, but typically the cloud consists of a set of remotely-hosted resources and services, from web pages to mobile apps or even traditional desktop applications.
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Install Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu 20.04
Install Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu 20.04 in. Tomcat is a widely used web application server that is used to serve Java applications.
8 CI/CD best practices to set you up for success
Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are usually associated with DevOps, DevSecOps, artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps), GitOps, and more. It's not enough to just say you're doing CI and CD; there are certain best practices that, if used well and consistently, will make your CI/CD pipelines more successful.
How To Repeat A Command Until It Succeeds In Linux
In this guide, we are going to learn how to repeat a command until it succeeds in Linux using BASH looping constructs:such as While loop and Until loop.
Stepping WebAssembly up a notch with security
WebAssembly (also known as Wasm) is taking the world by storm. It started off as technology for browsers, "doing JavaScript right," but has developed into so much more than that. It provides a platform-independent runtime with binaries that can be compiled from many different languages and run (without any further changes or recompilation) on any platform with runtime support.
How to Install Nginx with PHP and MariaDB (LEMP Stack) with Opcache, Redis and Let's Encrypt on Fedora 32
In this guide, you will install a LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB and PHP) on a Fedora 32 based server. We will also install phpMyAdmin, Redis, Opcache, and Let's Encrypt SSL.
Using Fedora to implement REST API in JavaScript: part 2
In part 1 previously, you saw how to quickly create a simple API service using Fedora Workstation, Express, and JavaScript. This article shows you the simplicity of how to create a new API. This part shows you how to: Install a DB server Build a new route Connect a new datasource Use Fedora terminal to […]
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