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Dissecting the free command: What the Linux sysadmin needs to know
Discover details about your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system's unused memory with the free command.
Serial communication on modern Linux
As a systems engineer, I spend a lot of time in data centers configuring servers and other computer equipment. Two of the items I keep in my toolkit are an RS-232 serial-to-USB converter and a standard DB-9 serial cable. These can be indispensable when you have no other way to access a device. You may need to deploy a new router that has not yet been configured for your network. You might need to troubleshoot a firewall appliance that has become inaccessible via SSH.
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OpenStack Ussuri Is Now Available for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS
Canonical announced today the general availability of the OpenStack Ussuri cloud computing platform for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver).
How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04
Webmin is a web-based dashboard that allows sysadmins to manage Linux servers. In this tutorial, we learn how to install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Why use Java Streams instead of loops
In a recent article, I mentioned my 2020 New Year's resolution: no more loops in Java. In that article, I chose a common (and simplified) forest management calculation—determining whether an area is forested, based on a legal definition, by calculating the proportion of ground shaded by tree canopies.
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Using syzkaller: fuzzing your changes
In the second part of this series on syzkaller, we looked at how to install the tool and use it to improve our code base and detect programming bugs in the Linux kernel. Now, how does syzkaller report a bug it finds in the execution path of a system call? Let's add a new syscall description and see how it goes.
How to Install LAMP Apache, MySQL, PHP in Ubuntu 20.04
How to Install LAMP Apache, MySQL, PHP in Ubuntu 20.04. In this guide you will learn how to install Apache2, MySQL and PHP 7.4.
Tips and tricks for optimizing container builds
How many iterations does it take to get a container configuration just right? And how long does each iteration take? Well, if you answered "too many times and too long," then my experiences are similar to yours. On the surface, creating a configuration file seems like a straightforward exercise: implement the same steps in a configuration file that you would perform if you were installing the system by hand. Unfortunately, I've found that it usually doesn't quite work that way, and a few "tricks" are handy for such DevOps exercises.
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How to install Webmin Server Control Panel on CentOS 8
Webmin is an Open Source server control panel for easy Linux System Administration. In this tutorial, we will learn how to setup Webmin on CentOS 8.
How to Search the Web from Linux Terminal
Have you ever wanted to search the Web while typing away on the command line? There are a few ways for you to search the Web from Terminal. Check them out!
How to make a Helm chart in 10 minutes
A good amount of my day-to-day involves creating, modifying, and deploying Helm charts to manage the deployment of applications. Helm is an application package manager for Kubernetes, which coordinates the download, installation, and deployment of apps. Helm charts are the way we can define an application as a collection of related Kubernetes resources.
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Raspberry Pi 4: Chronicling the Desktop Experience – Professionally manage your photo collection – Week 29
digiKam is billed as an advanced digital photo management program. Here’s my findings of digiKam on the Raspberry Pi 4 (“RPI4”).
systemd-tmpfiles - Managing Temporary Files and Directories
An in-depth look at how systemd-tmpfiles creates, removes and cleans temporary files and directories.
LibreOffice 7.0 Now Available for Public Testing, Final Release Coming in Early August
The Document Foundation announced today the general availability for public testing of the first alpha release of the upcoming LibreOffice 7.0 open-source office suite.
How to Write and Run a C program in Debian 10
In this article we will explain how to write, compile and run a simple C program in Debian. This will serve as a basis for you to move on to more complicated and useful C programs that you can write and run on Linux.
How to Find Active SSH Connections on Linux
If you are Linux system administrator and responsible for managing servers then you may often need to know how many ssh connections are active on your server and where the connections come from. This tutorial shows you different ways to identify the connections.
How To Find Hard Disk Data Transfer Speed In Linux
This guide will teach you how to find hard disk data transfer speed in Linux. In other words, we will identify how fast the drive delivers data in Linux.
Unix Find Command Cheatsheet And Usage
Tutorial on how to use find command in Unix with examples.
Coffee Lake computer offers MXM slot for GPU expansion
Cincoze’s rugged “GM-1000” embedded PC combines an 8th or 9th Gen Coffee Lake CPU with an MXM 3.1 socket plus 2x SATA trays, triple display support, 4x USB 3.2 Gen2, multiple M.2 and mini-PCIe, and CMI/CFM I/O expansion. Cincoze announced a GM-1000 “GPU computer” that adopts the MXM 3.1 Type A/B expansion slot to support […]
Ubuntu Unity Remix 20.04 Unofficial Flavor Sees First Stable Release
Unity is back! An unofficial Ubuntu flavor featuring the good old Unity 7 desktop environment saw its first stable release as Ubuntu Unity Remix 20.04.
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