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Fedora 32 Beta Released with GNOME 3.36, Linux Kernel 5.6

The Fedora Project announced today the general availability of the beta release of the upcoming Fedora Linux 32 operating system.

Get started using treq to make async calls in Python

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 18, 2020 5:12 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
The Twisted Requests (treq) package is an HTTP client built on the popular Twisted library that is used for asynchronous requests. Async libraries offer the ability to do large amounts of network requests in parallel with relatively little CPU impact. This can be useful in HTTP clients that need to make several requests before they have all the information they need. In this article, we'll work through an example of making async calls to explore using treq. read more

How To List Symlinks On Linux

  •; By Senthil Kumar (Posted by ostechnix on Mar 18, 2020 4:10 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
List symlinks or symbolic links or soft links in Linux.

How open-source software is tackling COVID-19 coronavirus

Many open-source projects are taking on the challenge of conquering COVID-19.

How to Install X-Cart eCommerce platform on Debian 10

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Mar 18, 2020 2:07 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Debian, Linux; Story Type: News Story
X-Cart is an extremely flexible open-source eCommerce platform with tons of features and integrations. This guide describes the process of installing X-Cart 5 on Debian 10 by using Nginx as a web server and MariaDB as a database server.

The TARS Foundation: The Formation of a Microservices Ecosystem

  •; By Swapnil Bhartiya (Posted by bob on Mar 18, 2020 1:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
During the 1960s and 1970’s, software developers typically used monolithic architectures on mainframes and minicomputers for software development, and no single application was able to satisfy the needs of most end-users. Vertical industries used software with a smaller code footprint with simpler interfaces to other applications, and scalability was not a priority at the time.

Open source, BeagleBone-based diagnostics computer to add Covid-19 testing

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 18, 2020 12:04 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Chai is prepping a Coronavirus Environmental Testing Kit for its open source, BeagleBone-based Open qPCR system. The kit can test surfaces for Covid-19 from swab samples and return results within the hour. announced that it will be donating BeagleBone Black SBCs for Chai’s project to widely deploy a Covid-19 environmental test kit that will […]

Announcing the release of Fedora 32 Beta

  • Fedora Magazine (Posted by bob on Mar 17, 2020 11:03 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Fedora; Story Type: News Story
The Fedora Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Fedora 32 Beta, the next step towards our planned Fedora 32 release at the end of April. Download the prerelease from our Get Fedora site: Get Fedora 32 Beta Workstation Get Fedora 32 Beta Server Or, check out one of our popular variants, including […]

A curious pair of data ops

  • BASHing data; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by Bob_Mesibov on Mar 17, 2020 10:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
A command-line method for doing multiple pivots on a table of market data, and how to organise Chinese characters when you don't understand them.

Two ways to Flush the DNS Cache on Debian 10 (Buster)

The DNS or the Domain Name Server can be characterized as the most essential part of your link to the internet. Our systems also maintain a list of DNS records so that we can access our frequently visited websites faster through a quick resolution of IP addresses. This cache on our system needs to be flushed from time to time. This tutorial shows how to flush the DNS cache on Debian 10 by using systemd and the networking service.

How to use Ranger for navigating files from the command line

  •; By Ben Nuttall (Posted by bob on Mar 17, 2020 7:58 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, Python
Ranger is an incredibly handy terminal-based file navigator that's written in Python and is available for Linux and Mac. Ranger allows you to navigate your filesystem using the arrow keys on your keyboard: Up/Down to select files in the current directory (middle pane), and Left/Right to hop back and forth through levels and into directories. When you're focused on a directory, it shows you the contents in the right-hand panel.

Some good coronavirus news: Monster Google-Oracle API copyright battle on hold as bio-nasty shuts Supremes

Tesla Delaware lawsuit also delayed. The ten-year monster battle between Google and Oracle over the use of Java APIs will be delayed until further notice – after the US Supreme Court announced it was suspending oral arguments over coronavirus fears.…

How to Install MySQL 8 Database Server on CentOS 8

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Mar 17, 2020 5:55 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, MySQL
MySQL is a free, open-source and one of the most popular database systems around the globe. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install MySQL 8 on CentOS 8 server.

How to test failed authentication attempts with test-driven development

Testing often begins with what we hope happens. In my previous article, I demonstrated how to virtualize a service you depend on when processing the "happy path" scenario (that is, testing the outcome of a successful login attempt). But we all know that software fails in spectacular and unexpected ways. Now's the time to take a closer look into how to process the "less happy paths": what happens when someone tries to log in with the wrong credentials?

How to upload an OpenStack disk image to Glance

  •; By Jair Patete (Posted by bob on Mar 17, 2020 3:21 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Cloud, Linux
Glance is an image service that allows you to discover, provide, register, or even delete disk and/or server images. It is a fundamental part of managing images on OpenStack and TripleO (which stands for "OpenStack-On-OpenStack").

DIN rail mount for Raspberry Pi has optional breakout adapter

Adafruit’s DIN Rail Mount Bracket for the Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, and Arduino costs $20, or $37 with a terminal block breakout adapter and cable. We also look at RPi DIN rail housings from DINrPlate, Phoenix Contact, and Zihatec. We have covered plenty of compact industrial computers with optional or standard DIN rail mounts, including Kunbus’ […]

Speeding up container image builds with Buildah

Buildah can greatly increase the speed of builds and reduce the number of resources required to support a build farm

Linux Foundation prepares for disaster, new anti-tracking data set, Mozilla goes back to mobile OSes, and more open source news

In this edition of our open source news roundup, we take a look at the Linux Foundation's disaster relief project, DuckDuckGo's anti-tracking tool, open textbooks, and more!

Emmabuntüs Debian Edition Has a New Release Based on Debian 10.3

The Emmabuntüs community announced today the release and general availability of a new version of their Emmabuntüs Debian Edition distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system.

How Have Codes of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policies Worked Out?

Do projects and conferences have a healthier atmosphere thanks to anti-harassment policies? Have people been warned about their behavior, or ejected from conferences for their conduct? Are the policies enforced, or an empty threat? Overall, how effective have policies been? Is their enforcement still a major concern for project leaders and conference organizers, or have they become a footnote in the history of FOSS?

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