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Linspire 8.5 Linux Operating System Released, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

PC/OpenSystems announced today the release of the Linspire 8.5 Linux operating system, the commercial variant of the free and open-source Freespire Linux OS.

Top opensource Android apps

Since my transition to Linux I have acquired a culture of open source software, a culture that is expanding with every day I spend in Linux. Especially after having seen the importance of open source applications in fighting the monopoly of Big softwares companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Adobe ...

Lenovo Laptop Love..Not!

LXer Feature: 1-Nov-2019

I was recently given a laptop that came with Windows 10 on it and wanted to install Linux over it because well. Windows sucks.

How to install and configure Dovecot

Here are the basics of how to install, set up, and troubleshoot the Dovecot mail server.

Emerging Technology and Privacy: What You Need to Know

As technology evolves and the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning becomes increasingly mainstream, consumers are more concerned than ever before about protecting their privacy. Awareness surrounding how activities are being tracked and how personal information is being accessed and used is growing. The worlds biggest companies are frequently being challenged on the ways that they collect and utilize people's data.

Facebook Is Still Failing at Ad Transparency (No Matter What They Claim)

Yesterday, Jack Dorsey made a bold statement: Twitter will cease all political advertising on the platform. “Internet political ads present entirely new challenges to civic discourse: machine learning-based optimization of messaging and micro-targeting, unchecked misleading information, and deep fakes. All at increasing velocity, sophistication, and overwhelming scale,” he tweeted.

The 'Ethics in Software' Decoy

  • Techrights; By Roy Schestowitz (Posted by schestowitz on Nov 1, 2019 8:55 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU
“Revenge, punishment and ‘cancel culture’ are themselves unethical. It’s a fascist programme.”

Linux Mint 19.3 Codename Revealed as "Tricia," Will Arrive Just Before Christmas

The Linux Mint project have published today their monthly newsletter to keep the community behind this very popular Ubuntu-based operating system up to date with the latest developments and upcoming releases.

Get System and Hardware Details with uname and lscpu on Debian 10

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Nov 1, 2019 7:01 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Debian
This tutorial shows how to get system details on your Debian 10 system like Kernel name, Kernel release, Kernel version, hostname, hardware architecture, processor type, hardware platform, and OS information.

Digilent embraces SYZYGY expansion with new Linux-on-Zynq SBCs

Digilent’s “Eclypse Z7” and “Genesys ZU” SBCs run Linux on Zynq 7020 and Zynq UltraScale+ Arm/FPGA SoCs, respectively, and offer expansion slots for Pmod and higher-speed SYZYGY modules including new DAC and ADC modules.

How to Copy, Cut and Paste in Vim

  •; By Linuxize (Posted by linuxize on Nov 1, 2019 3:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Vim has its own terminology for copying, cutting, and pasting. Copy is called yank (y), cut is called delete (d), and paste is called put (p).

4 Python tools for getting started with astronomy

NumFOCUS is a nonprofit charity that supports amazing open source toolkits for scientific computing and data science. As part of the effort to connect readers with the NumFOCUS community, we are republishing some of the most popular articles from our blog. To learn more about our mission and programs, please visit read more

Advance your awk skills with two easy tutorials

  •; By Dave Neary (Posted by bob on Oct 31, 2019 11:45 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Awk is one of the oldest tools in the Unix and Linux user's toolbox. Created in the 1970s by Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan (the A, W, and K of the tool's name), awk was created for complex processing of text streams. It is a companion tool to sed, the stream editor, which is designed for line-by-line processing of text files. Awk allows more complex structured programs and is a complete programming language. This article will explain how to use awk for more structured and complex tasks, including a simple mail merge application.

DL 145 - Interview with Lukasz Erecinski of Pine64, GNOME vs Trolls, Ubuntu’s New Desktop Director

Lukasz Erecinski of Pine64 (Interview) Pinebook Pro Pinetab Specs Pinephone Pinetime (Smartwatch) Gnome Won’t Back Down From Patent Trolls Canonical Has A New Ubuntu Desktop Director

Sysadmin fails: When service dependencies go wrong

Having problems with services failing to start because other services are taking too long? Here's one person's solution.

How to introduce your security team to Ansible

  •; By Mark Phillips (Posted by bob on Oct 31, 2019 6:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
Ansible has long been seen as more than configuration management—it's an orchestrator more than anything, a conductor of the orchestra rather than playing a singular instrument. Since realising this, various tech communities have used Ansible to automate some interesting technology arenas.

Why you dont have to be afraid of Kubernetes

It was fun to work at a large web property in the late 1990s and early 2000s. My experience takes me back to American Greetings Interactive, where on Valentine's Day, we had one of the top 10 sites on the internet (measured by web traffic). We delivered e-cards for,, and others, as well as providing e-cards for partners like MSN and AOL.

Firefox tips for Fedora 31

Fedora 31 Workstation comes with a Firefox backend moved from X11 to Wayland by default. That’s just another step in the outgoing effort of moving to Wayland. This affects Gnome on Wayland only. There is a firefox-wayland package available to activate the Wayland backend on other desktop environments (KDE, Sway) Wayland architecture is completely different […]

Vivaldi 2.9 Released with Much-Improved Vivaldi Menu and Better Performance

Vivaldi Technologies have released today the Vivaldi 2.9 web browser for desktop platforms, including GNU/Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows, a release that adds various improvements.

How to Install WordPress with Nginx and Let's Encrypt SSL on CentOS 8

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Oct 31, 2019 12:47 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
WordPress is a free, open-source and most widely used content management system in the world. In this tutorial, we will explain how to install WordPress with Nginx on CentOS 8 server and then we secure the server by using a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.

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