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How to View the Network Routing Table in Ubuntu
In this article, we will explain how to view the routing table in Ubuntu through the following three popular commands: netstat, ip, and route.
3 reasons blockchain will live up to its hype in healthcare
Despite some challenges, IT leaders in healthcare shouldn't ignore blockchain. Here's why
Bash Variables: Environmental and Otherwise
Bash variables, including those pesky environment variables, have been popped up several times in previous articles, and it’s high time you get to know them better and how they can help you. So, open your terminal window and let's get started.
Bring some color to your Linux terminal with lolcat
Today marks the fifth day of the Linux command-line toys advent calendar. If this is your first visit to the series, you might be asking yourself, what’s a command-line toy. Even I'm not quite sure, but generally, it could be a game, or any simple diversion that helps you have fun at the terminal.
It's quite possible that some of you will have seen various selections from our calendar before, but we hope there’s at least one new thing for everyone.
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How to Remove User and Hostname in Terminal Prompt
The terminal prompt in Linux shows your username and hostname by default. This will show you how to remove your username and make changes to the prompt.
Linux tree Command Tutorial for Beginners (6 Examples)
It won't be wrong to say the ls command is the gold standard when it comes to listing directory contents on the Linux command line. However, there do exist some alternatives that have their own strong points when compared to ls. Once such tool is tree, basics of which we'll be discussing here in this tutorial.
Testing Ansible roles with Molecule
Test techniques play an important role in software development, and this is no different when we are talking about Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
Developers are always testing, and constant feedback is necessary to drive development. If it takes too long to get feedback on a change, your steps might be too large, making errors hard to spot. Baby steps and fast feedback are the essence of TDD (test-driven development). But how do you apply this approach to the development of ad hoc playbooks or roles?
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Use Reddit In The Terminal With RTV (Reddit Terminal Viewer)
RTV is a terminal user interface (TUI) for Reddit that allows logging in to your Reddit account, open media using external tools, and much more. The console application is built using Python and the curses library, and runs on Linux and Mac.
How to Install the Latest Nvidia Drivers on Ubuntu
Nvidia video cards perform exceptionally well on Linux. Learn how to install the latest Nvidia driver on Ubuntu and get the most out of it.
5 reasons to give Linux for the holidays
Every year around this time, people ask me about the best computer to give (or get) for the holidays. I always give the same answer: Linux. After all, if you want your recipients to be happy, why wouldn't you give them the best operating system on the planet?
Many people don't realize they have options when it comes to computer operating systems. Just recently, two friends (who didn't do their research) fell for the clever marketing and bought brand-new systems at premium prices. I'm willing to bet that within six months they'll be dissatisfied with those expensive computers.
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LFCS – Archive and Compression
Part of the LFCS exam covers archiving, compressing, unarchiving and uncompressing files. The ability to perform these on files is a useful tool for any Linux user.
This article will cover the use of seven commands to perform the actions needed for the archival and the compression of files.
Linux-friendly Type 7 modules take to the skies
Congatec unveiled two rugged, up to 16-core COM Express Basic Type 7 modules for aircraft computers: a Xeon D 15xx and Pentium D-15xx based Conga-B7XD and an Atom C3xxx driven Conga-B7AC. There’s also a new Conga-X7EVAL Type 7 carrier. Congatec has been slow to get into the COM Express Basic Type 7 “server-on-module” market but […]
Fedora Classroom: Containers 101 with Podman
Fedora Classroom sessions continue next week with a session on containers with Podman. The general schedule for sessions appears on the wiki. You can also find resources and recordings from previous sessions there. Here are details about this week’s session on Thursday, December 13 at 1600 UTC. That link allows you to convert the time to your timezone. Topic: […]
Best Free Linux Script Writing Tools (Updated 2018)
To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have compiled a list of 10 competent free Linux script writing tools. They include some powerful tools, a document class, a plugin, and a language. Hopefully, there will be something of interest here for any budding script writer.
Why Docker Swarm Remains Important
At Dockercon Europe 2018, Docker reaffirms its commitment to its own Swarm container orchestration, alongside Kubernetes. According to Docker, Swarm still has some features that Kubernetes doesn't have...yet.
Linux Chown Command
In Linux, all files are associated with an owner and a group. The chown command is used to change the user and group ownership of a given file, directory or link.
Worlds first RISC-V-based FPGA SoC runs Linux
Microchip’s Microsemi unit unveiled a low power, real-time deterministic “PolarFire SoC” architecture for Linux edge devices that combines its PolarFire FPGA with 4x RISC-V CPU cores supplied by SiFive. At today’s RISC-V Summit in Santa Clara, Calif., Microchip’s Microsemi subsidiary announced a PolarFire SoC architecture developed in collaboration with SiFive. This “fully customizable, programmable RISC-V […]
Docker Looks To Improve Container Development with Enterprise Desktop
While many developers have already embraced the community edition of Docker Desktop, the new Enterprise Desktop integrates additional tools and capabilities to help make it easier to build container applications.
Epic Games Announces New Game Store
Epic Games announced the release of Epic Games Store today. The new store will be launched soon, and it will initially only support Windows and Mac. There are plans to support Android and "other open platforms" in 2019.
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