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How To Install Ubuntu Linux On Any Chromebook Model Without Replacing Chrome OS (Crouton)

This article presents step by step instructions for installing Ubuntu on any Chrombook model, using Crouton. There are also a few tweaks / tips, and instructions for removing it.

Wrangling programming languages, Linux command-line play, Bio-Linux, Markdown editors, and more

  •; By Rikki Endsley (Posted by bob on Dec 3, 2018 6:29 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
Well, friends, we've almost reached the end of 2018. Before we count down to the New Year, is counting down 24 days of fun Linux command-line tricks. Our first three articles have already published.......

How to bring good fortune to your Linux terminal

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 3, 2018 5:14 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
It's December, and if you haven't found a tech advent calendar that sparks your fancy yet, well, maybe this one will do the trick. Every day, from now to the 24th, we're bringing you a different Linux command-line toy. What's a command-line toy, you ask? It could be a game or any simple diversion to bring a little happiness to your terminal. You may have seen some of these before. We hope you'll find something new, too. Either way, we hope you have fun following along. read more

Open Science Means Open Source--Or, at Least, It Should

When did open source begin? In February 1998, when the term was coined by Christine Peterson? Or in 1989, when Richard Stallman drew up the "subroutinized" GNU GPL? Or perhaps a little earlier, in 1985, when he created the GNU Emacs license? How about on March 6, 1665? On that day, the following paragraph appeared...

How to Install Typesetter CMS on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Typesetter is a free, open source and PHP-based CMS intended for use by small-medium volume websites. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Typesetter CMS on Ubuntu 18.04 server.

Manage NTP with Chrony

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 3, 2018 1:31 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
"Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?" – Chicago, 1969 read more

How to do Basic Math in Linux Command Line

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Dec 3, 2018 12:17 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
The Linux bash, or the command line, lets you perform both basic and complex arithmetic and boolean operations. The commands like expr, jot, bc and, factor etc, help you in finding optimal mathematical solutions to complex problems.

Momo for Linux Improved

  • Scribbles and Snaps; By Dmitri Popov (Posted by dmpop on Dec 3, 2018 11:03 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
What’s Momo? you may ask. Momo is a Bash shell script for importing and organizing photos and RAW files. It is also an essential part of my Linux-based photography workflow.

Share NFS Home Directories Securely with Kerberos

  • Fedora Magazine (Posted by bob on Dec 3, 2018 9:48 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Fedora; Story Type: News Story
You can share NFS home directories without enabling Kerberos for more secure authentication. But with the standard system authentication, it’s trivial for a remote user to change the UID of a local account on their PC and gain access to someone else’s home directory. Kerberos adds a requirement that the end user have a special […]

Linux Desktop Environments: Pantheon, Trinity, LXDE

Our article “Best Linux Desktop Environments: Strong and Stable” surveyed 9 strong and stable Linux desktop environments. Due to popular demand, this article extends that survey with 3 other desktops: Pantheon, Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE), and LXDE.

How to install Tomcat 9 on Debian 9

  •; By linuxize (Posted by linuxize on Dec 3, 2018 2:00 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Debian
Apache Tomcat is an open source application server which supports Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies. It is one of the most widely used application and web server in the world today. This tutorial will show you how to install Apache Tomcat 9.0 on Debian 9 and configure the Tomcat web management interface.

Blender 2.80, Kodi 18, STIBP Kernel Patch, Necuno Mobile, Yakyak, Artifact | This Week in Linux 45

also on TWinL45: Midori, Amazon CPU, NPM Malware, Fedora Potential Retooling, Marriott Data Breach and much more!

Why giving back is important to the DevOps culture

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 2, 2018 6:12 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In the DevOps CALMS model (which stands for Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing), Sharing is often overlooked or misunderstood. While each element of CALMS is just as important as the others, sharing knowledge is something that we often neglect. read more

Drive a locomotive through your Linux terminal

It's December, and every Linux terminal user deserves a reward just for making through the year. So we're bringing you a sort of advent calendar of Linux command-line toys. What's a command-line toy? It might be a game, a pointless little time waster, or just something to bring you joy at the terminal. Today's Linux command-line toy is a suggestion from community moderator Ben Cotton. Ben suggested sl, which is short for steam locomotive.

How to install Gradle on CentOS 7

  •; By linuxize (Posted by linuxize on Dec 2, 2018 10:25 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Gradle is an open source build automation system used primarily for Java projects. It combines the best features of Ant and Maven. Unlike its predecessors which use XML for scripting, Gradle uses Groovy, a dynamic, object-oriented programming language for the Java platform to define the project and build scripts.

How to install ownCloud on Debian 9

Linux Laptop Buyer's Guide

We've tested the most promising laptops pre-installed with Linux, and featured reviews of them in our 2018 Linux Laptop Buyer's Guide. Download your copy now to read what you need to know when shopping for your next Linux laptop. 

Do your part! Squash bugs for Kdenlive!

On the 2nd of December, the Kdenlive team will be holding an open bug-squashing day in preparation for the major refactoring release due in April 2019. Everybody is invited!

How to Install Django on Debian 9

Django is the most popular Python web framework designed to help developers build secure, scalable and maintainable web applications. Django can be installed system-wide or in a Python virtual environment using pip. Django packages are included in the official Debian repositories and can be installed using the apt package manager. This is the easiest method to install Django on Debian 9, but not as flexible as installing in a virtual environment. Also, the version included in the repositories is always several releases behind the latest version of Django.

Box yourself in on the Linux command line

  • (Posted by bob on Dec 1, 2018 8:07 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
It's the holiday season, and every Linux terminal user deserves a little gift. It doesn't matter whether you celebrate Christmas, another holiday, or nothing at all. So I'm gathering together a collection of 24 Linux command-line toys over the next few weeks for you to enjoy and share with your friends. Let's have a little fun and add a little joy to a month that, at least here in the northern hemisphere, can be a little bit cold and dreary. read more

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