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Three SSH GUI Tools for Linux
At some point in your career as a Linux administrator, you’re going to use Secure Shell (SSH) to remote into a Linux server or desktop. Chances are, you already have. In some instances, you’ll be SSH’ing into multiple Linux servers at once. In fact, Secure Shell might well be one of the most-used tools in your Linux toolbox...
12 Holiday Gifts for Your Linux Loved Ones (All Under $59)
We rounded up 12 great gifts (all priced under $59) to make shopping for your Linux friends and loved ones a little easier this season. You may even want to hold on to some of these for yourself...
Password Hashing And Why We Need It
As a web developer, you must have come across the term password hashing at least once. Let us quickly understand what is password hashing and why we even need it.
Evernote Linux Client Nixnote2 Forked, Includes Numerous Improvements
NixNote2, an unofficial, open source Evernote client for Linux, was forked recently, with the first experimental release being made available for download back in October. A stable release was made available recently, which adds new features and bug fixes, as well as AppImage binaries to make it easy to run on any Linux distribution.
My first FOSS love was Perl
Set the wayback machine to 1993. I was working at a small company as a programmer and product deployment specialist. The product was COBOL-based and the OS was SCO Xenix. Both were based on open standards, but not open source. I was hired because I knew the medical software business and I had experience in several flavors of what was then called Micro-Unix. I didn't know a thing about COBOL, but that was the job opening. (PS, if you get any calls from the past: COBOL is not hard to learn.)
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How to Install and Configure Apache 2 Web Server on Ubuntu
Apache or Apache HTTP server is a free and open source web server, developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. Its popularity can be judged by the fact that around 46% of the websites worldwide are powered by Apache.
How to Build a Netboot Server, Part 1
Some computer networks need to maintain identical software installations and configurations on several physical machines. One such environment would be a school computer lab. A netboot server can be set up to serve an entire operating system over a network so that the client computers can be configured from one central location. This tutorial will show one […]
More than 46k people participate in Hacktoberfest 2018
The fifth-annual Hacktoberfest, the month-long event that encourages people around the world to contribute to open source projects during October, was a tremendous success.
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How to Install October CMS platform on CentOS 7
October CMS is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. October CMS source code is hosted on Github. In this tutorial we will walk you through the October CMS installation process on a fresh CentOS 7 server.
How I uncovered my inner geek
I'm beginning to feel old. A few months ago, somebody called me a "gray beard" in a comment in an IRC channel. You might have thought my lack of actual beard and the fact that they used the US spelling, rather than the correct "grey," would have meant that I was unaffected, but no, I was.
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How to Setup FTP Server with VSFTPD on CentOS 7
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard client-server network protocol that allows users ro transfer files to and from a remote network. There are several open source FTP servers available for Linux. The most popular and widely used are PureFTPd, ProFTPD and vsftpd. In this tutorial we’ll be installing vsftpd (Very Secure Ftp Daemon).
Albania's Capital, Tirana, Moves to Open Source Software by Adopting LibreOffice
The Document Foundation was pleased to announce today that the Municipality of Tirana, the capital of Albania, has moved to Open Source software and the open standards by migrating to LibreOffice.
Essential System Tools: ddrescue – Data recovery software
This is the tenth in our series of articles highlighting essential system tools. These are small, indispensable utilities, useful for system administrators as well as regular users of Linux based systems. The series examines both graphical and text based open source utilities. For this article, we’ll look at ddrescue. Anyone who cares about preserving their data should invest a bit of time in learning about this utility.
The great "DevOps engineer" title debate
"DevOps engineer" is currently the most recruited engineering job. But what does this job title mean exactly – and do we need it at all?
Why Service Providers Have Embraced OpenStack
Network operators and service providers have increasingly adopted the open-source cloud platform for a number of different reasons, but that doesn't mean there aren't challenges.
Total War: WARHAMMER II released for Linux, port from Feral Interactive - benchmarks included
Originally developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA, Total War: WARHAMMER II is another Linux port from Feral Interactive.
Flatpak Linux App Sandboxing Format Now Lets You Kill Running Flatpak Instances
Flatpak's Alex Larsson released a new version of the popular Linux application sandboxing and distribution framework that promises to be the future of application distribution across Linux OSes.
Desktop Icons Gnome Shell Extension 1.0 Release Candidate Available
The Desktop Icons extension is getting closer to its 1.0 stable version, with a release candidate being published on the Gnome Shell Extensions website yesterday. Nautilus lots its desktop icons feature with version 3.28. This functionality was brought back in Gnome via a new Desktop Icons extension, which had a first beta release back in August.
PHP 5.x Security Support Ends In December 2018 Puts 60%+ Websites On Risk
Basically, in 10 weeks we will have more than half of the websites exposed to potential security problems if after the new year there is a vulnerability in PHP 5.x.
5 ways to say thanks to your DevOps team
My team recently got a handwritten thank you note from one of our community members. The note was extremely nice, unexpected, and made us feel good. That's the power of saying thank you. For both the giver and receiver, sharing appreciation creates an emotional connection that is gratifying and humanizing. And to be honest, with today's high-paced work environments, polarizing politics, and natural disasters, we could use a lot more thankfulness in our world.
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