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France declares war on Google as military replaces search engine with ‘untrackable’ Qwant
FRANCE has declared war on Google to avoid becoming a "digital colony" of the US, according to reports. The French Army ministry and parliament are switching computers and handheld gadgets to use the rival Qwant search engine which they claim is more secure.
The Linux desktop: With great success comes great failure
Linux is both the most popular operating system and a niche end-user OS. How can that be? Follow along, my friends, and I’ll tell you.
How machine learning is supercharging content management
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are some of the hottest buzzwords around, especially in the open source community. It seems that every month brings a new machine learning system, each focused on a different application.
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LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar"
The Document Foundation has kicked off today the second bug hunting session for the upcoming LibreOffice 6.2 open-source office suite update, which is coming early next year with numerous improvements and some new features.
Getting started with software-defined networking
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a dynamic, manageable, cost-effective, and adaptable networking technology suitable for the high-bandwidth, dynamic nature of today’s applications. By using an SDN architecture, an IT operations team can control network traffic in complex networking topologies through a centralized panel, rather than handling each network device, such as routers and switches, manually.
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Configure GIMP 2.10 To Use Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts
For those who are used to the Photoshop keyboard shortcuts and want to use them in GIMP, I'll explain how to install this in GIMP 2.10.
Mark Shuttleworth Says Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Will Be Supported for 10 Years
Canonical's Mark Shuttleworth announced last week at OpenStack Summit Berlin 2018 that his Linux company will support the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS operating system for no less than ten years.
How do we handle and use such enormous amounts of data?
How many gigabytes of data did we (the people of Earth) create yesterday? ...brain. is. thinking... More than 2.5 billion! And it's growing. Yes, it's hard for us to wrap our human brains around it. So, the question the Command Line Heros podcast deals with this week is: How do we handle and use such enormous amounts of data? More and more data is mind-boggling but also exciting. We have the potential to do so much with so much data... with computers doing the hard work.
How To Install and Use Docker Compose on Debian 9
Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to define and orchestrate multi-container Docker applications. It uses a YAML file to configure the application's containers, networks and volumes. Compose can be used for various purposes. Single host application deployments, automated testing and local development are the most popular use cases for Docker Compose.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Enters Beta with Hardened Code and Security Fixes
Red Hat Inc. announced the availability of the beta version for its upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 operating system series, which will be available for sale sometime next year.
Tiny, single-GbE Arm networking SBC runs Linux
Gateworks has spun a 100 x 35mm, single-GbE “Newport GW6100” networking SBC, which follows a recent dual-GbE “GW6200” model. Both run Linux on a dual-core Cavium Octeon TX SoC and offer mini-PCIe expansion and -40 to 85°C support. In Nov. 2017, when Gateworks unveiled its Newport family of Linux-driven, Octeon TX based SBCs with the […]
Stumbling into Linux and open source from Vietnam to Amsterdam
Since the beginning of time... no, really, just the beginning of in 2010, our writers have shared personal stories of how they got into open source or Linux (many times both). Some had friends in school remark "You don't know Linux? What's going on with you, dude?" Some came in through the gateway of gaming, and others were simply looking for alternatives.
Raspberry Pi OS Raspbian Now Features VLC Media Player, Minimal Install Image
The Raspberry Pi Foundation released a new version of its Debian-based Raspbian Linux operating system for Raspberry Pi devices, a release that adds new features, updates, and many other interesting things.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Supports Up To 4 PB of Physical Memory
Red Hat is now previewing the next version of its flagship Linux platform, which includes integrated container capabilities and a major boost in the amount of physical memory that a system can support.
Smaller Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ Announced with 5GHz Wi-Fi and 1.4GHz CPU for $25
The Raspberry Pi Foundation unveiled a new Raspberry Pi 3 model, the A+, which comes with some of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+'s features, as well as new ones in a smaller form factor for a tiny price.
eDEX-UI: A Fully Functioning Sci-Fi Computer Interface Inspired By TRON Legacy
eDEX-UI is an application that resembles a Sci-Fi computer interface, which creates the illusion of a desktop environment without windows. It's inspired by the DEX-UI project (which hasn't been updated since the beginning of 2015) and the TRON Legacy movie effects, and runs on Linux, Windows and macOS.
OpenStack 2018: Mark Shuttleworth chats to The Reg about 10-year support plans, Linus Torvalds and Russian rockets
Like Ubuntu, hate upgrading? Canonical founder has good news. And a mighty, mighty beard
Interview Mark Shuttleworth delivered an unashamed plug for Ubuntu while cheerfully throwing a little shade on the competition at the OpenStack Berlin 2018 summit last week.…
How to Setup Riak KV Database Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
Riak is a distributed NoSQL database that offers high-availability, fault tolerance, operational simplicity, and scalability. In this tutorial, we will show you to step-by-step how to install and configure the NoSQL database Riak KV on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. We will create the Riak KV cluster with three Ubuntu servers.
7 command-line tools for writers
For most people (especially non-techies), the act of writing means tapping out words using LibreOffice Writer or another GUI word processing application. But there are many other options available to help anyone communicate their message in writing, especially for the growing number of writers embracing plaintext.
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Record your screen with Simple Screen Recorder under Ubuntu
Screen recording or screencasting is a very important task that we have to perform while making video tutorials for software applications. In this tutorial, we will explain how to install this software on your Ubuntu system and then how to use it to record a video of your Ubuntu screen.
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