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What’s New in Fedora 29 Workstation

Fedora 29 Workstation is the latest release of our free, leading-edge operating system. You can download it from the official website here right now. There are several new and noteworthy changes in Fedora Workstation. Read more details below. GNOME 3.30 Fedora 29 features GNOME 3.30 as the default desktop environment. GNOME 3.30 includes a number of enhancements to the core applications, […]

GNU Linux-Libre 4.19 Kernel Is Now Available for Those Seeking 100% Freedom

With Linux kernel 4.19 hitting the streets, a new version of the GNU Linux-libre kernel is now available, version 4.19, based on the upstream kernel but without any proprietary drivers.

Normalizing Filenames and Data with Bash

So purely as an exercise in scripting, let's write a script that converts any string you hand it into a "web-safe" sequence. Before starting, however, pull out a piece of paper and jot down how you'd solve it...

Working with data streams on the Linux command line

  •; By David Both (Posted by bob on Oct 31, 2018 2:16 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Data streams can be manipulated by inserting transformers into the stream using pipes. Each transformer program is used by the sysadmin to perform some operation on the data in the stream, thus changing its contents in some manner. Redirection can then be used at the end of the pipeline to direct the data stream to a file.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Launches with Improved Security

  • eWEEK; By Sean Michael Kerner (Posted by red5 on Oct 31, 2018 1:02 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Red Hat
The new release of Red Hat's flagship Linux platform adds TPM 2.0 support for security authentication, as well as integrating the open source nftables firewall technology effort.

Kali Linux Ethical Hacking Distro Gets 64-Bit Raspberry Pi 3 Image, WireGuard

Offensive Security released Kali Linux 2018.4, the fourth and last snapshot in 2018 for their ethical hacking and penetration testing GNU/Linux distribution, the successor of BackTrack Linux.

Mapping with gnuplot

  • BASHing data; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by Bob_Mesibov on Oct 30, 2018 10:33 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
How to use gnuplot to put data points on a basemap.

55 Percent of Cloud Developers Contribute to Open Source, Says Survey

  •; By Eric Brown (Posted by bob on Oct 30, 2018 9:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Cloud, Linux
In presenting the results of its survey of 4,300 cloud developers, DigitalOcean seemed surprised that only 55 percent of respondents contribute to open source projects. Yet to tech outsiders -- or old-timers -- it may be more surprising that more than half of developers do contribute. There are relatively few professions in which companies and their employers regularly offer pro bono services for the greater good of the industry.

How to Set up SSH SOCKS Tunnel for Private Browsing

There are times when you want to browse the Internet privately, access geo-restricted content or bypass any intermediate firewalls your network might be enforcing.

How to Install Odoo 12 on CentOS 7

Odoo is among the most popular business software which you can find nowadays. The things that make so popular this application is that offers a range of business application in one place. Odoo comes up with a new version 12 this October. In this article, we will show you how to install Odoo 12 on CentOS 7.

Announcing the release of Fedora 29

  • Fedora Magazine (Posted by bob on Oct 30, 2018 5:36 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Fedora; Story Type: News Story
[This message comes directly from the desk of the Fedora Project Leader.  — Ed.]  In just one week, it will be fifteen years since we announced the release of Fedora Core 1. Now, we’re announcing the release of Fedora 29 — now not just “core”, but Workstation, Server, Atomic Host, a whole collection of desktop Spins […]

Podman: A more secure way to run containers

Podman uses a traditional fork/exec model (vs. a client/server model) for running containers.

How the cloud wars forced IBM to buy Red Hat for $34 billion

IBM's purchase of Red Hat is a big bet on the hybrid and private cloud and the ability of Big Blue to manage multiple public cloud providers. Here are a few dynamics to ponder.

How to Recover from an Accidental SSH Disconnection on Linux

SSH remains the most common way by which we access our Linux servers. Most people don’t manually log into the server console itself. Through SSH, you can do almost everything except for certain low-level operations. However, this leaves us open to the possibility of disconnection. It might be unexpected but is a very real possibility. In this article, we’ll show you how to recover from an accidental disconnection on SSH.

IBM- and Microsoft-Backed Patent Troll Strikes Again and IBM's Lobbyist for Software Patents Has Just Defended Patent Trolls (Again)

With IBM and Microsoft having lots of commonalities when it comes to patent policy and exploitation of the law (both employed similar people too, notably Marshall Phelps and David Kappos, former Director of the USPTO), concerns should be raised in light of the latest lawsuit from the patent troll they support

How to Install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Oct 30, 2018 11:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
The Flash Player is a plugin for web browsers that you need in order to watch videos and interactive content on some websites. In this article, we will tell you how to download and install the Flash Player through your Linux command line and then enable it through any of your available web browsers.

How to Install TIG Stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana) on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  • Howtoforge Linux Howtos und Tutorials (Posted by bob on Oct 30, 2018 10:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, Ubuntu
In this tutorial, I will show you how to install and configure the TIG Stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana) using a single Ubuntu 18.04 Server. We will be using the TIG Stack for monitoring the system loads such as Network, RAM Memory, Uptime etc.

Install and Enable DNSCrypt Proxy 2 in Ubuntu 18.04 Or 18.10 / Debian Unstable Or Testing How To

DNSCrypt is a network protocol which authenticates and encrypts Domain Name System (DNS) traffic between the user's computer and recursive name servers. It turns regular DNS traffic into encrypted DNS traffic that's protected from spying, spoofing, or man-in-the-middle attacks, thus improving the user's online security and privacy. Compared to v1, the 2.0 series of DNSCrypt Proxy, which had its first stable release back in February, was rewritten in Go, has support for DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTP, and it supports DNS caching.

Papa's Got a Brand New NAS: the Software

Who needs a custom NAS OS or a web-based GUI when command-line NAS software is so easy to configure?

IP65 protected Skylake panel PCs have dual PCIe slots

  • (Posted by bob on Oct 30, 2018 5:24 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Ibase’s fanless, Linux-ready “IPPC1x05-RE” industrial panel PCs are available in 15-, 17-, and 19-inch sizes with 6th Gen Core EQ/E CPUs, IP65 front-side protection, dual SATA bays, 2x GbE, and 2x PCIe. Ibase’s 15-inch (IPPC1505-RE), 17-inch (IPPC1705-RE), and 19-inch (IPPC1905-RE) industrial touch-panel PCs are designed for factory automation, machine automation and other harsh indoor applications. […]

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