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How to partition and format a drive on Linux
On most computer systems, Linux or otherwise, when you plug a USB thumb drive in, you're alerted that the drive exists. If the drive is already partitioned and formatted to your liking, you just need your computer to list the drive somewhere in your file manager window or on your desktop. It's a simple requirement and one that the computer generally fulfills. Sometimes, however, a drive isn't set up the way you want. For those times, you need to know how to find and prepare a storage device connected to your machine.
10 avoidable career mistakes (and how to conquer them)
I don't claim to be a career expert, but I have noticed some important career mistakes many people make (some I've made myself!). These mistakes span how we approach our career growth, balance our careers with the rest of our lives, and the make the choices we do on a day to day basis. In the latest episode of my Open Organization video series, I delve into 10 of the most important career mistakes people tend to make.......
Does your team need to learn how to break things?
I don't think I need to start off by telling you that security and reliability are important in our code. We've heard it over and over and over again. Big—scale big—problems happen when we don't bake security in at the beginning, and then, make adjustments as we go. So, let's cut to the chase. How do we integrate security into DevOps?
Advance Your Open Source Skills with These Essential Articles, Videos, and More
Recent industry events have underscored the strength of open source in today’s computing landscape. With billions of dollars being spent, the power of open source development, collaboration, and organization seems unstoppable. Toward that end, we recently provided an array of articles, videos, and other resources to meet you where you are on your open source journey and help you master the basics, improve your skills, or explore the broader ecosystem.
Cryptomator Cloud Storage Encryption Tool 1.4.0 Released With FUSE / Dokany Support
Cryptomator, a free and open source, cross-platform client-side encryption tool for cloud files, was updated to version 1.4.0. With this release, Cryptomator can use FUSE on Linux and Mac, and Dokany on Windows, to provide the virtual, unencrypted drive, which should vastly improve the integration into the system.
Game Review: Lamplight City
The universe of Lamplight City is rich, complex and oddly familiar. The
game draws on that ever-popular theme of a steampunk alternative universe,
adding dashes of Victorian squalor and just a pinch of 1950's detective
tropes. Is it just a mishmash of clichés then? Yes, but it all works well
together to form a likable and somewhat unique universe—like a cheesy
movie, you can't help but fall in love with Lamplight City.
Linux znew Command Tutorial for Beginners (with Examples)
Did you know Linux offers a way to recompress .Z files to .gz files? Yes, the znew command lets you do this. In this tutorial, we will discuss the basics of this command line utility using some easy to understand examples.
Intel 6th and 7th Gen box PCs offer PCIe graphics expansion
Aaeon launched a rugged, Linux-friendly line of “Boxer-6841M” industrial computers based on 6th or 7th Gen Core CPUs with either a PCIe x16 slot for Nvidia GPU cards or 2x PCIe x8 slots for frame grabbers. The Boxer-6841M line of six industrial box PCs is designed for edge AI and machine vision applications.
GraphQL API Specification Moving Forward with Independent Foundation
The open source GraphQL specification was originally developed by Facebook as an alternative to REST, providing organizations with a new way to enable more complex and dynamic data driven APIs.
Red Hat - How An Open Source Software Company Became 34,000 Million Dollars Company
In a historic milestone, Red Hat, the company that triumphed with Linux and open source has been acquired by IBM for 34,000 million dollars, the largest transaction in history for a software company.
How to find distances between lat/lons for geochecking
Finding incorrect latitude/longitude figures in a big data table can be difficult, but checking can be made easier with an AWK calculation.
Celebrate Fifteen Years of Fedora
On November 6, 2003, Red Hat announced Fedora Core 1, the first software release of the Fedora Project. This announcement marked the beginning of a collaborative project between Red Hat and its user community. A history lesson The Fedora Project traces its roots to a community-led project called Fedora is a community project to […]
Linux Touch Command
The touch command allows us to update the timestamps on existing files and directories as well as creating new, empty files.
Time for Net Giants to Pay Fairly for the Open Source on Which They Depend
Licensing lies at the heart of open source.
Arguably, free software began
with the
publication of the GNU GPL in 1989. And since then, open-source projects
are defined as such by virtue of the licenses they adopt and
whether the latter meet the Open Source
Definition. The continuing importance of licensing is shown by the
periodic flame wars that erupt in this area. Recently, there have been two
such flarings of strong feelings, both of which raise important issues.
A study aid using Python and PyQt
About a year ago, I took a course in Arabic. In addition to being a right-to-left written language, Arabic has its own alphabet. Since this was an introductory class, I spent most of my time working my way through the Arabic alphabet.
So I decided to create a study aid: It would present an Arabic letter, I would formulate a guess, and it would tell me whether or not I had answered correctly. Some brief experimentation, however, showed that this approach would not work—the letters appeared so small that I couldn’t be sure what I was seeing on the command line.
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Linus Torvalds Says Linux 5.0 Comes in 2019, Kicks Off Development of Linux 4.20
Linus Torvalds is back from a short vacation to rethink his strategy as the leader of the development of the Linux kernel, and kicked off a new development cycle for the next 6 weeks, this time for Linux kernel 4.20.
We love Kubernetes, but it's playing catch-up with our Service Fabric, says Microsoft Azure exec
Jason Zander on cloud native, Red Hat, and figuring out open source
Interview A curious feature of Microsoft's cloud platform is that it has two fundamentally different platforms for microservices. One is based on the homegrown Service Fabric, while the other is orchestrated by the Google-originated Kubernetes, available on Azure through the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Both are open source.…
KDE Plasma 5.15 Will Make It Easier to Apply Updates, Improve Kickoff App Menu
After revealing the first set of new features and improvements coming to the KDE Plasma 5.15 desktop environment, due for release in early December, KDE developer Nate Graham published a new installation of his "This Week in Usability & Productivity" report with more details about KDE Plasma 5.15's changes.
Compact embedded PC has three PoE-ready GbE ports
EFCO’s fanless “SmartSL Plus” embedded box computer is built around a Intel Bay Trail based Congatec Qseven module. The system features 3x GbE ports with PoE, mini-PCIe and mSATA, dual displays, and isolated GPIO. EFCO’s compact SmartSL Plus embedded computer has begun sampling at $450 and up, targeting machine vision, video, AOI, test [he] measurement..........
In Groundbreaking Decision, Feds Say Hacking DRM to Fix Your Electronics Is Legal
The Librarian of Congress and US Copyright Office just proposed new rules that will give consumers and independent repair experts wide latitude to legally hack embedded software on their devices in order to repair or maintain them. This exemption to copyright law will apply to smartphones, tractors, cars, smart home appliances, and many other devices.
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