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How to build rpm packages
I have used rpm-based package managers to install software on Red Hat and Fedora Linux since I started using Linux more than 20 years ago. I have used the rpm program itself, yum, and DNF, which is a close descendant of yum, to install and update packages on my Linux hosts. The yum and DNF tools are wrappers around the rpm utility that provide additional functionality, such as the ability to find and install package dependencies.
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How to Install Nagios Core on CentOS 7
Nagios (also known as Nagios Core) is a free and open source application which can be used for monitoring Linux or Windows servers, network infrastructures and applications. When properly configured it will alert you when something on your server goes wrong and then notify you again once the problem has been resolved. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure the latest Nagios Core version on a CentOS 7 VPS.
Canonical Outs New Linux Kernel Live Patch for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS
Canonical released a new kernel live patch for all of its LTS (Long Term Support) Ubuntu Linux releases to address various security vulnerabilities discovered by various security researchers lately.
How subroutine signatures work in Perl 6
In the first article in this series comparing Perl 5 to Perl 6, we looked into some of the issues you might encounter when migrating code into Perl 6. In the second article, we examined how garbage collection works in Perl 6, and in the third article, we looked at how containers replaced references in Perl 6.
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How to Connect Your Android Phone to Linux via Airdroid
Airdroid doesn’t come with a desktop client for Linux. In this article we show you how you can connect your Android phone to your Linux desktop.
GNOME Podcasts – podcast client for the GNOME desktop
It’s true that any music player worth its salt plays podcasts. But there’s still a call for dedicated players. I’ve looked at podcasts built with web technologies as well as an interesting command-line podcast player. To add to the mix, let’s consider a further podcast player designed with the GNOME desktop in mind.
How to turn on an LED with Fedora IoT
Do you enjoy running Fedora, containers, and have a Raspberry Pi? What about using all three together to play with LEDs? This article introduces Fedora IoT and shows you how to install a preview image on a Raspberry Pi. You’ll also learn how to interact with GPIO in order to light up an LED. What […]
Have You Ever Considered Replacing Windows with Linux?
Despite failing on some devices, like mobile, Microsoft’s Windows continues to be the number one choice on the desktop, with third-party data indicating a market share that’s close to 90 percent.
How To Install and Configure Nextcloud with Apache on Ubuntu 18.04
Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file share and collaboration platform, similar to Dropbox. In this tutorial we'll show you how to install and configure Nextcloud with Apache on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine.
Know Your Storage: Block, File & Object
There are three different kinds of storage solutions -- block, file, and object -- each serving a different purpose while working with the others. Block storage is the oldest form of data storage, where data is stored in...
Even though INSOMNIA: The Ark is delayed for Linux, the developer sounds committed to a Linux version
It's a shame when a Linux version is delayed, but in the case of INSOMNIA: The Ark it should hopefully mean a better game.
Linux mktemp Command Tutorial for Beginners (5 Examples)
Creating temporary files or directories is a common task that many Linux command line users do. But there's a dedicated command line tool - dubbed mktemp - that lets you do this.
Copying one File Simultaneously to Multiple Locations through Ubuntu Command Line
At times, we require copying a single file to multiple locations on our system. So does that mean, we need to use the cp command multiple times? The answer is no! Let us read further to find a solution.
Easy way to install PostgreSQL on CentOS
PostgreSQL or Postgres, is a very powerful, highly scalable relational database system, that peovided implementation of SQL query language. It is open source & can be installed on Unix/Linux system as well as on...
TLPUI Is A Graphical User Interface For TLP Power Management Tool (Ubuntu Installation Instructions)
TLP is a command line tool and it doesn't come with a graphical user interface, but there is a third-party GTK GUI (written in Python) interface for TLP, called TLPUI.
Nextcloud 14 rolls out with two major security features
Video: Want a full-featured, easy-to-run, open-source Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud to call your own? Check out the latest version of Nextcloud.
Open Jam, the open source game jam, returns for 2018
Team Scripta is back with the second annual Open Jam, a game jam that promotes open source games and game creation tools.
Open Jam 2018 will run from October 5th-8th.
What is a game jam?
Game jams are similar to hackathons, but for creating video games. Some are in-person, but most are online. They come in many shapes and sizes, but usually have a theme to base the games on, a set amount of time to complete them, and a judging process that helps creators get feedback.
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Scheduling important jobs with CRONTAB : Crontab Examples
Crontab is very important utility in Linux systems & is used to set up time based job scheduling. With the help of Crontab or cron, we can execute a command or a script to...
Mozilla identifies 10 open source personas: What you need to know
Participating in open source communities—or in any open organization, for that matter—means collaborating with others who might not operate the same way you do. Their motivations may differ. Their governance models might seem foreign. Their goals might not immediately speak to you. So if you're going to work together, you'll need to develop a clear sense of what makes the project tick—and decide quickly whether working together is best for your team and your business.
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How to install Sonerezh Music Streaming Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Sonerezh is a free, open source and web-based music streaming server that can be used to access media from anywhere. It is simple, lightweight and easy to use. In this tutorial, we will explain how to install Sonerezh on Ubuntu 18.04 server.
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